Seen it before.
Give us something new.
didnt hitler hate the jews because earlier they went to war in germany or something? i cant remember what war was it if someone can link me to it thanks.
blame the jew
name the jew
so begins another chapter of history
are you talking about 1918 revolution?
Jeb claimed he would kill baby hitler
Jeb tweeted that gun pic
It all makes sense now. Jeb will kill Trump, who is also called big orange baby by his enemies.
Except that absolutely wasn't a thing back then. Guess Dr. Shekelstein awarded him his degree.
What kind of teacher writes "ya'll"
Trash tier teacher confirmed
hahahaha I forgot Jeb even existed
trump is an assassination target worth 900,000 keks and 72 virgins
Damn...I guess I'm #RaisinKaine now
>compare Trump's speeches and Hitler's, you will discover that they sound eerily similar...
>Es wird GROß sein!
So what you're saying is that Hitler was the only elected leader who actually fulfilled what he had promised? No wonder they wanted him dead.
Wow Im a cruzmissile now
Hitler was one of the best leaders apart from killing the jews. He did a terrific job for the economy after the crash '29, he united the country and he built a military that could fight for 6 years with the whole rest of the world. Trump doesn't want to kill illegal imigrants, he deports them, any problem with that? Are you one of them?
stfu you trash-tier dumbass.
But he put the economy into MASSIVE debt tho. Also military is a waste of money just don't go to war. It's not like you'll be attacked because that hasn't happened in like 80 years.
They were involved in disrupting the German economy, participated in white slave trade, etc etc. They were pieces of shit and Hitler had had enough. He even tried to get rid of them but nobody would take them.
Hitler didn't come to power so easily. It was a struggle for him and everyone who followed him. It even landed him in jail for a time. His stubbornness is one of the things that brought people to him. They knew that he would never back down, that he would never waver, and that he would stand behind every word he said unlike the other politicians. In an era where Germans were taught that everything wrong with the world was their fault, he spoke of pride. In a broken, battered Germany, he brought people together under his image of a perfect family. He took the men that had softened in the years of the Weimar Republic and he promised them an honorable death fighting for their country. THAT'S why he was elected and THAT'S why Nazi Germany was one of the greatest countries on Earth in its brief life.
>everyone i dont like is HITLER
My history is a little rusty and I could be wrong, but wasnt Hitler appointed chancellor by Hindenburg rather than democratically elected?
>Instead of putting blame on the Jews, it's the Muslims.
Little does this person know, Trump supporters also blame the Jews.
He was elected to be the second most powerful person in the country. Then the first most powerful died and he just combined the two positions to become the Fuhrer.
The jewish unions organized strikes and shut down munitions factories in germany, as well as being the leaders that seized the government and signed the shitty peace deal with the west. After the war the banks toyed with german currency and there was much talk about never allowing germany to get strong again, through financial disruption. I guess they thought they could control the people the way modern governments do and keep nationalists from rising to power. Oh how wrong they were...
>Terrorism is a political ideology and Muslim a race
I wonder who could be behind this.
>if y'all want to
People like this teach our children
Here you go, may help.