Minnesota Sup Forumstard charged with shooting five innocent Somalibros


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Wtf are Somalians doing in Minnesota? Goodwill shopping?

I'm sure they were heading to prayer and didn't do something that is being ignored.

> somalibros

Swedish ancestry is very common in Minnesota

Minnesota is our Sweden

st paul and columbus ohio are somali refugee camps


How long has that been going on? I thought only recently Obummer began sneaking refugee's into USA's borders.

Only actually hit two of them. Still fucked up though


What were they doing in America? We have a nice saying in Australia: fit in or fuck off.

what a shitty aim

people need to get more intelligent and use heavy vehicles for mass slaughter

avg truck through a crowd is higher kill count than any shooting

yeah it's fucked up

not one rapefugee was removed

that's not the dude from Sup Forums

somalis have been in st. paul for decades

t. lived in st. paul 10 years ago and it was Neo Mogadishu in some parts of downtown

Somalis are everywhere, same with Sudanese, Obummer has been letting them en masses.


over 20 years in columbus, shit started under clinton

they have an uncommon,
and unearned opportunity

>to become American
and leave that bullshit country/culture behind

>getting caught

Blacks have a saying; "wherever I am I must also rape"

They shipped 90000 of them to Minneapolis in the 90's and ruined my neighborhood

I live in uptown and see more somalis than hipsters.
I.. don't know what's worse.

over 45k in columbus, they bring their bullshit tribal feuds over here as well

I was there last Summer visiting my grandfather. Shitskins were everywhere. Usually had a dozen little niglets in tow.


what the fuck is this shit

Sam Hyde still on the loose. He can't keep getting away with this.

He didn't even kill any of them?

What the fuck, that's gotta feel awful.

Throwing your entire life away and nothing to show for it.


That supposed report of the events is one of the least believable things I've ever read, even on Sup Forums.

underrated post

probably paint

Who was it and why was his name Sam Hyde???

>Implying Sup Forums would have guts to go out of their basement and shoot up real people

If White Nationalists are really concerned with the future of white race, they should just have more white babies rather than shoot some random strangers.

Hyde wouldn't have failed so miserably.


Even Swedish colonies import somalians

It's like some genetic trait sweds have

Because shooting random strangers is nigger-tier criminal activity.

Lost me at somalibro

They ALL act like 3rd world niggers there's a bunch of them in Toronto area

Why did your state even accept them? What cuck politicians do you have and vote in?

Should just do drive by castrations, same for Europe. No need to kill anyone, a couple guys jump out of a van with tin snips and cut their balls off, toss some quick clot on there and drive off. It would make them more docile, prevent demographic shifts, and completely stop shitskin immigration.

No one is gonna come to ficki ficki if there are gangs of men that come and cut their balls off.


It's called "Henna", it's a temporary tattoo basically.

what if they dont shoot random strangers. but become right wing death squads that only kill gang bangers. criminals. neets on gibs me dats. maybe maybe violent sjw's

Somalians are bad, but not as dangerous as Arabs, Pakis and northafricans.

Most of the ones getting caught by telephone FBI, are trying to go back to Somalia to join the shit show there.

What makes middleasteners dangerous is they have a historical awareness of their culture being conquerors and overlords of other peoples.

Somalis are.not ambitious in that respect. No doubt they can stink up a city with their crappy culture. But they don't imagine themselves supplanting western culure.

Most of them would be happy just distinguishing themselves as better than American Ghetto nogs.

Oh shit, someone shut it down

That's a fucking dummy. WTF ISIS, too tired to wash the treads, so you use a casualty doll?