>i have to pay a 8 1/2% sales tax everytime i buy something
Why the fuck is the government allowed to steal my hard earn money?
I have to pay a 8 1/2% sales tax everytime i buy something
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw 21%
Jesus christ i would flip out
>taxes on virtual goods
>cries for 8 1/2%
>while I pay 21% VAT on everything
poor amerifat
Reminder taxes on guns are an infringement on the second amendment.
>tfw 20%
>tfw now government requires fingerprint scans in order to use medical services or buy things from a drug store
at least we have a 10% flat income tax
rate of income taxes?
36% here + 19% VAT
>mfw 25%
>mfw 50% youth unemployment
>mfw we are still a country at all
That's why I only shop in DE. 0% sales tax.
Those TAXES pay for roads you drive on... SO they can pull YOU over to generate revenue.
20% income tax, 20% VAT
And then theres all the other bullshit like £130 council tax a month and the TV licence
Gubberment can't keep its damn hand out of my pocket
fake boobs
>mfw 0%
7% masterrace
Do you have to pay road tax over there? We have to pay a set amount per vehicle every year
Most anons here pay 0% income tax
gas taxes pay for roads
Sales tax is mostly pissed away on free daycare for strong independant women
Niggers I have to pay almost 50%. My friends think I earn tons of more money than they are earning.... and i barely doing more money
To pay for civil society. Politics is just a matter of how that money is ultimately spent
50% is brutal
Luckily 40% is the top bracket here. Anything more is commie bullshit
Tax dollars are mainly go to programs that are designed to undermine society
You forgot car tax and MOTs and national insurance.
Tfw my income tax is 40%
It's a false flag infringement
No road tax in the US.
Shit Florida doesn't even have MOTs.
Eurocucks pay so much in tax, how did this happen to you?
We pay city sales tax, county property+license and tag tax state income(Alabama),and fed. income...Ohh and fucking garbage tax in Baldwin county!
45% lad
>Those TAXES pay for roads you drive on..
I wish that was the case. The roads are complete ass in California. The road looks like this/even looks a bit worse than this.
First world my ass.
How are they constitutional?
Although they do have tags that need renewed.
Been gone so long I can't remember how much. $20?? $50??
>We have to pay a set amount per vehicle every year
yeah you have to renewal vehicle registration once a year you get a little year sticker to put on your license plate
road tax is include in that.
Just fuck my shit up. 40% income tax, 21% corporation tax, 15% VAT.
>Why the fuck is the government allowed to steal my hard earn money?
Implying your money was hard earned.
It's not your money you're just borrowing it from your corporate masters.
Probably because you live in a poor shithole
Roads here in Coronado are fine
holy fuck, fuck that
You don't even know about tax rates
Are autismbux taxed? I wouldn't think so. If not, why aren't we all on autismbux? Instead of giving the government money that we worked for, they give it to us for just existing!
Wtf is a VAT
Fuck the gov they can steal my money from my cold cum encrusted hands
33% from $70,000
30%: $48,001 to $70,000
17.5%: $14,001 to $48,000
10.5%: $0 to $14,000
15% Sales tax
Excise tax paid on petrol, tobacco, alcohol.
28% tax for all companies/businesses.
Same here senpai
Conditions of the roads are just the first part, traffic is another huge issue.
VAT hasn't been 15% for a long time.
They raised it to 17.5 and then "temporarily" raised it to 20% due to the recession. I guess they forgot to lower it again.
>why the fuck is the government allowed
because we are too pussy to stand up against it, we don't know how many others would join us right now
Tfw $400 electronics cost $700 after taxes. With $600 wages.
Thats an effective tax rate of 65% holy shit
Hungary has 27%
40% income tax only on earnings above £37,000 or there abouts. Can't remember exactly.
>federal highway administration cash strapped and had to freeze spending recently
>Other people from MT browse Sup Forums
Such is life in no gf land
what state?
it's only 6% here in KY and even less across the river from me in OH
well in most cases i would say that you probably enjoy the roads and free healthcare but then i saw your flag, so yes your government is stealing your money
PA roads are great even though it's Amish country.
Probably because you have too many bike lanes
>Probably because you live in a poor shithole
>Roads here in Coronado are fine
I met an alcoholic in Coronado who let me fuck her in an alley in Coronado. Did you ever get the gravel out of your vagina?
jokes on you, I do have a gf
Taxes on transactions are the proper way to tax because it limits the maximum amount taxable. If ridiculous sales taxes are applied then people will stop making transactions or take the risk of black market transactions over the risk of breaking the law so the government ends up with less revenue than at a lower tax rate.
>respond to every post nigger
>American flag
Fugg. Why are we always the faggots?
you don't have income tax fuckhead
I doubt she was a local
Renters don't count
>there are people who do not support the fair tax
20% vat in this country
I have a 1 ton dually that costs $200 dollars more to tag than my 3/4 ton suburban with the same more and trans. Why? I pull a trailer with it. ROAD TAX.
But your football clubs are great so you got that going for you which is ok
>1 up to €19,822 36.50%
>2 €19,822 - €33,589 42%
>3 €33,589 - €57,585 42%
>4 over €57,585 52%
We do you dumb fuck , we have VAT at 22 and income tax depends on the income
>not a MAGA hat
you had one job
This is the road home from one of my jobs in rural CA. Note the piss poor effort to """"repave"""" the road by filling in the thousands of cracks
but at least all these spics and niggers can afford patron via EBT, right?
>they wonder why Trump and the right are so popular
>tfw all our tax money goes to military equipment and NEETs instead of roads, bridges, and other public works
H-help Trump
You know the fire department or police department, army... Do you think that works for free?
At least we can go get a university degree without being in debs for 10 years... Ooooh we have it so bad here.
>New Hampshire has no sales tax
Property taxes pay for those services here
>At least we can go get a university degree without being in debs for 10 years.
Why should I pay for you to get some useless womyns studies degree?
mfw 20% and 25%
Hardly worth going to work if the government makes you give half your paycheck to refugees
Because you are using their money on their land. If you don't like it, you can try to conquer the land and make your own system.
They might stop you though
and hows that whole murkel thing going over krautbitch?
What the fuck is Trump going to do? Republicans are never going to spend money on infrastructure...
Hell that shit is as bad as it is specifically because of Republicans cutting taxes and spending on it.
When they cut taxes what do you think they are belt-tightening the spending with? It certainly isn't the military, welfare, etc. They cut infrastructure and hope no one notices... And its never going to be fixed because its so backed up it will cost trillions of dollars to fix all of our roads and bridges at this point.
>Those bike lanes are like graffiti
Good lord, what is wrong with these women? Bike lanes are some of the best things to happen. Keeps people safe and relegates bikers out of the side walk and out of the road so you don't have to evade them.
Fucking disgusting.
Get some class, Trumptards.
Must be those stupid lolberturdians amirite?
/florida/ here. 6% sales tax AND no income tax! Life is great in the sunshine state.
you're retarded. Trump specifically said we would stop wasting money in all sectors of gov't, and get more money out of other countries and by ceasing our "nation-building" overseas, in order to improve our infrastructure and basically "spend it on America instead".
What kind of niggerland do you live in where people can't do that without some ugly painted lanes?
>no income tax
what the fug i'm moving to florida
>believing what trump says
>calling other people retarded
Kill yourself.
God damn. What the fuck does Commiefornia with their ridiculous taxes?
>Income tax at 30% + of total wage
>Have to pay sashes tax of 10.6%
>Property tax, if you don't pay for several years your house gets repossessed
I know if some tax loopholes
Maybe we should have a thread about tax loopholes anons can take advantage of
Them property taxes though...
if you can stomach it, Oregon = no sales tax and Washington = no income tax. Live near the border
retard confirmed.
>books, medicine, culture stuff and so on =10%
>food = 14%
>everything else= 24%
At least I get cool benefits.
not that user. mine is usually around 70 bucks unless you go for the 2 year deal which is like 100 or something close to that. do you brits not have a yearly renewal thing?
Because you, me, and every other cuck let them take our money. And that's how they keep the power to pay the super-cucks that enforce the (((laws))).