
>Pam you ignorant slut!

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw nobody will ever look at you like pam looked at jim

The earlier /jenneral/ from a few hours ago was so mean. They kept posting Emily

Surely someone has tits.

Maybe you have a secret Pam who looks at you that way, user! She's just too shy and hasn't walked on hot coals yet

He looks happy here

And Jenna looks, well, present here...

Not quite,but enjoy nonetheless


That never happened.......

post those boobs from the thread last night

We try to keep jennathreads classy, gentlemen. It's what our girl prefers

I'll post if it's not that lewd, but which one are you talking about? Describe it

Is it just me or does she look asian here?

dam which episode was THAT in?

she used to be the perfect wife material. what happened?

Trying to edit the watermarks off getty pics, why do they have to put the marks over Pam 90% of the time

She became even more perfect wife material!



30 YO 6/10 who just blew it with a 21 9/10 yo who blow it by getting drunk and showing a girl my dick

Worth it?

Nope. I pretend that THIS girl was the one. Unfortunately I actually do this a lot. No girl meets me and thinks I have a chance. I manipulate to fuck. Win them. Get bored. Lose them. Then realise I want them. I'll most likely get her back but then I'll do it again. I have a 22 year old tattooed goth coming round to suck my dick. It's my original gfs birthday. I'd rather be a kissless virgin than a heartbreaking heartless cunt that I am.

I'm kind of the same way, but I don't get bored, I just end up bailing when I think things are getting too serious, then start the cycle all over again.


What tiny turtle face

>ywn be married to this perfect wife and mother

Ah, well.
I'll hold it over my future wife's head how she's not Jenna

Our girl sure knows how to look cute for the camera. And you can't really fault your wife for not being perfect, there's only one Jenna Fischer

The camera loves her!



You can say that again!

I feel like these could be shooped well but don't know what to do

Any idea what play this is?

Reasons to be Happy

I'm not really into plays but I'd go see a Jennaplay

I genuinely in love with Pam

Me too, unironically, me too

We all are. It's only a little sad

So what is the tits pic

She's a cute

Who said its sad? Did John say it was sad again? Did he call back? What did he say?

It's time to move on, Julia

I'm always taken aback by how GD ugly that child is. The parent mustve saw Jenna and begged her to bless her ugly child

this pam looks different. botox?

>jenna will never be embaressed too shy to kiss you or to say she's in love with you

Why even live?

Legend has it, Jenna fished his cup out of the trash when he was done with it and still has it to this day

I got butt.


I want to slam a banana cream pie in Jenna's face!

they're becoming self-aware

Like this?


They'll slowly become redpilled on jennaposting. They don't know yet that Jenna uses Sup Forums and how sad she really is

>ywn lick her fat arm

That last one seems a bit excessive...in other news I just watched Casino Night and that dress looks damn good on Pam. Wow.

What did you do to her face?.......

Cake makes her go a little crazy. Also just hearing Casino Night puts a lump in my throat :(


She deserves it. Sweets for the sweet

Since you're good with filters, could you make a better triggered/or rage Jenna for our collections pls?

Am I the only one who thinks this picture is hot as fuck

Unless it has a tiny little hair in it of course

Nah, I think all pictures of her are

>Implying that marriage to Emily Blunt will last

He has no idea

She's planning something...

Requesting gif or webm of Jenna pretending to juggle


boobs juggle?




Eh, not quite... See the best part is when she puts both hands behind her back and pretends to juggle using only her eyes.

It's the hottest Jenna footage ever recorded imo

Be more specific :)

Found it but thanks. I thought it was pretty obvious or that the gif would at least show the whole thing


I could try to make one with the whole thing if you really need it?

That's ok thank u tho.

Time for this jennabro to sleep. Night everyone! I expect adorable Jennas when I wake up

/r/ proof that Jenna is a cuck


I wrote it down, so I'll get to it eventually. It'll turn up sooner or later!

Night! I always refresh when I wake up to see if new Jennas popped up in the archived thread too

Haven't seen this posted in awhile

I said I don't need it

Too bad

What did she mean by this?

That she's a cute chipmunk

>"I feel really bad for Julia" said John Krasinski "it's obvious she hasn't moved on with her life since the show ended". Upon being reminded that his former co-star's name is Jenna, Krasinski and his wife Emily Blunt shared a hearty laugh.

Don't bring that up


>mfw I did but I turned out to be Roy

At least its for the best and you know she's with her true love instead of faking happiness with you


No they broke up too and now she's a wreck and I'm really handsome and so really we're more like Jenna and John if anything.

>she will never, EVER, be my gf


Let's cut the Jenna worship bullshit and get back to memeposting. These threads used to be not cancer.

Is this reaul?