Redpill me on Book of the New Sun

Redpill me on Book of the New Sun.

stephen king-tier with hard words so plebs think they are not reading a manchild book




t. reddit

It's a damn good book.


isn't this essential redditcore

tfw no gf to eat and personality to absorb & talk to me
mfw dorcas

All fantasy media is reddit. Cerebus the Aardvark is the only exception, and that's just because it was made by someone who hates fantasy for people who hate fantasy.

It's the complete opposite of reddit. reddit hates BOTNS

How would you know?

tfw no undine waifu

I guess The Divine Comedy is reddit. As well as half of Shakespeare

>it's a severian rapes a defenseless woman episode

I want a jolenta slut gf who cheats on me all the time

one must know thy enemy

I'm interested now. What makes it so good?

Reading Gene Wolfe books is a much better use of your time than reading Sup Forums. If you like BOTNS, be sure to check out Borges and John Barth afterwards.

it activates the neurons


It's a solar-baroque nonlinear shitstorm of labyrinthine galactic scale theological struggle and allusions to all of Indo-European mythology and history with really good prose.
Or another possible reading is that it's just the rantings of a degenerate madman living with a rotting analogue to the Byzantine Empire.
Gene Wolfe is actually a skilled writer unlike three quarters of fiction novelist. The entire book is structured like a labyrinthine machine full of hints and secrets.

It's a distillation of Catholic cosmology and magical realism in a highly compelling and original fantasy setting. The prose is very Proustian and the book contains a lot of rewarding pastiche/other allusions to stuff like Moby Dick and the Greek canon. Despite all this though it doesn't have its head up its own ass and the wonder of the narrative itself still stands on its own merits.

It's the Dark Tower but edgier.

>allusions to stuff like Moby Dick
>Moby Dick
Never picked up on that, explain?

>tfw ADHD and can't make it past 50 pages


try again

>it's the alzabo episode

did you see the trailer for this too? i thought it was a dark souls movie because the dude kept dying looks like it mite b kino


The Alzabo fight was an incredibly well written action sequence. Definitely one of the most memorable scenes of the whole book.