If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs?
If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs?
for everyone?
Of course!
what is cunny?
For me, it's the McChicken.
What flavor?
>fried duck bills
>grilled spider fangs
>squirrel tongues
Whatevers in season.
One of the few memes that existed way before the internet...
The "Kunny & Krab Kinoplex"?
Fund it
The freshest of meats.
That would make too much noise tho
I would make a buffett movie theater. Crab legs, sushi, filet mignon and prime rib would all be offered. Every seat with have a fold out tables with attached shell bucket. Each seat would have a soda wand dispenser with wasabi, soy sauce, butter, hollandaise sauce, and steak sauce. A straw hangs from the ceiling with a corresponding button pad on your arm rest for coke, pepsi or freshly brewed sweet tea. After every scheduled movie, people who want to stay can vote on the next movie.
>amerifats eat in movie theaters
why am I not surprised
for me, a carrot in water. if i get hungry, i eat the carrot, if thisrty, i drink the water
Fresh hot pusy
Do NOT sexualise the dragon loli
How do you plan to serve that to your customers when you can't get any for yourself?
Crème salad