So we have >Sarek >Harry Mudd played by Rainn Wilson >Jason Issacs as the captain >Fear The Walking Dead lady as the main character and first officer >Doug Jones >set ten years before TOS and is about an event "mentioned but never explored in previous series"
Are we hype?
Eli Brooks
Not at all
Christopher Ramirez
I hated hearing everything about it from the cast until I realized the black chick is actually a seasoned actor from TWD, a character I know and have seen.
I hate it more now for the fact that CBS is going to show a piliot on television and then move it to their gay streaming service now one will buy.
Samuel Rodriguez
Mason King
Do they have sexy costumes for the ladies?
Joseph Martinez
>what is pirating If I like the pilot I might actually pay for their service since this is probably go to be the last Trek show for a LONG time if it fails.
Cameron Ramirez
Oliver Edwards
>mentioned but never explored in previous series lets start guessing
Ayden Carter
no that's misogynist
Jackson Wood
The asian chick isn't a member of the Discovery crew. Jason Isaacs is the captain of the Discovery.
Mason Robinson
Easy, first ship to go through the great galactic barrier
Joseph Morales
I don't give a shit. Dead franchise for me.
Kevin Flores
Sign up for CBS all access trial Try show: if not like, cancel.
I for one like to cycle the trials and get entirely free streaming. Sign up for 30 day trial of dish or direct online, both come with prime and parter streaming for 30days free, then cancel out at 29th day. Then repeat process thru the other guys like Uverse, direct, cox cable ect.. they all have free trial runs, just need to give their systems time after each one, about 120 days to do it again
Jack Fisher
Just download it the next day for free
Jaxson Flores
Not at all.
Brandon Cooper
Yeah but if it's actually good CBS needs to know people want to see more of it.
Xavier Taylor
Make it into a Sealab 2021-esque comedy. Every other episode, they allahu akbar the ship in a Ferengi marketplace.
Samuel Thompson
what makes you so sure, brotherman?
Jacob Adams
I just hope they let characters keep their development, unlike in enterprise
Adrian Thomas
What did you mean by this?
Jace Campbell
The observant Muslim crewmember and the prayer room are the dealbreaker for me. Until that's confirmed I'll give it a chance.
Noah Taylor
not really, but I'm going to watch it so that's probably a good thing. it means low expectations.
i really wish it wasn't a prequel. even if it had been something like Voyager that ultimately meant nothing for the larger storyline, it at least opens up the possibility of something big happening. Enterprise was just implicitly less interesting than other Trek series for that reason. it's a show about the new and unknown.
Carter Howard
an asian lady given a recurring guest role in MY star trek?
i'm truly triggered
Daniel Reyes
Thats a good cast so yeah I'm looking forward to seeing it. I kind of hope they meld the movie style with a little Enterprise.
Jace Diaz
if you're lucky it'll finally be out about the time BB OTT 2 is on
Cooper Jackson
Star Trek already had a Middle Eastern recurring character, but in all of the shows past original no one mentions religion unless it's some made up alien religion that can stand in for literally anything
Hunter Kelly
A koo chee moya.
Christian Roberts
knowing that it's [current year] it'll probably be brought up every other scene
Jaxon Peterson
Can you imagine the temper tantrum these guys would throw if DS9 was made today and the cast list came out
Voyager had Chakotay's vision quests and shit.
Angel Nguyen
I hope it fails. How dare anyone do this to Star Trek it could have been a great return to Star Trek TNG format but it's going to be SJW shit and you know it you know the whole season is going to be about Refugees and Cuckolding YOU JUST FUCKING KNOW IT
Jackson Harris
Other than the terrorist I don't see a problem.
John Torres
Just looking at the Klingons is enough to tell me that they don't give a shit and that the show will be ass.
Joseph Turner
None of these are selling points for me. Let Star Trek die.
Isaac Sanders
Henry Hernandez
It always makes me laugh when people accuse Star Trek of having a pro-diversity agenda. It has since 1966. Yet somehow it outrages the alt right anyway.
Austin Powell
Why is it all this pre-TOS stuff now? Doesn't anyone want to see what might happen after the Dominion War or something maybe?
Adrian Carter
>Can you imagine the temper tantrum these guys would throw if DS9 was made today and the cast list came out
The only Asian lady with a recurring role was appropriately a soulless wooden automaton.
Tyler Harris
>could have been a great return to Star Trek TNG format but it's going to be SJW shit
You do realize that TNG was SJW shit for the '80/90s, right? Other than the Tribal Nigger Planet ep.
Noah Howard
Isaiah Lopez
Do you even Trek?
Logan Allen
Josiah Hill
This. I'd just rewatch the old series
Josiah Phillips
>neckbeard is threatened by strong-willed woman
Daniel Collins
>Fear The Walking Dead lady as the main character and first officer I hate niggers too but I think you mean The Walking Dead y'know since it was Season 7B's big sacrifice
Blake Jones
Keiko was a passive poorly written and poorly acted character in every single appearance, except the one where she was possessed.
Miles O'Brien: The guy whose wife is only enjoyable when she's Satan
Leo Evans
>angry Japanese hate ghost >strong-willed woman
Brayden Sanders
Alexander Gutierrez
Throwing words at the wall? They didn't give her a lot to do plot-wise, but she was never passive.
Zachary Baker
>implying our man is a dirty muzzie
Leo Taylor
TNG was left wing but it was almost all white.
Robert Harris
Nemesis is as far as the timeline got IIRC
But we don't talk about that shit film here
Jeremiah Sullivan
Nemesis is excellent though.
James Edwards
t. Rick Berman
Christopher Campbell
You must break through the fog of lies RLM has created around you. Let me help you to know the subtleties of Nemesis.
Angel Perez
Well it's better than Insurrection at least
Alexander Wood
Whoa whoa inserection was the best of those shit movies.
Jaxon Allen
except for that one episode about her and her friends she was pretty much an extra..
Kayden Price
They need to just make a series with what happens after DS9 and Voyager. The only series that matter are TOS, TNG, Voyager and DS9. The TOS movies and the TNG movies too I guess.
Enterprise, the new Star Trek films and anything new that's set in the past or "prequels" nonsense needs to get the fuck out. They just fuck with the timeline and make it so all sorts of shit in TNG, Voyager and DS9 wouldn't have ever happened. And that's coming from someone that thought the majority of Voyager was shit.
Discovery will just be more fucking with the timeline bullshit, and I hope it rots in hell.
James Thompson
so... 30 years after the time the series is set, by the enterprise - a?
Cameron Stewart
>middle eastern but behaves likewise to what a starfleet officer should >middle eastern that behaves like a 13th century middle eastern on a spaceship
pick one
Owen Sullivan
The *other* great galactic barrier.
Eli Reed
if i'm not wrong, at least the last 3 or 2 tng movies happened after the war
Eli Collins
Oh, like what they did with the American Indian officer and shoving all that preach native american spiritual bullshit and their fucking spirit animal bullshit trying to convert innocent viewers to native american belief systems migrating in mass to other countries causing economic crisis, raping women in mass, throwing around anti-christian and anti-jewish hate speech and committing acts of native american terrorism left and right?
Totally the same deal as putting an innocent member of the religion of peace on a star ship.
Jaxson Nelson
the enterprise again then? the only other ship that got that close was in 2065 and it was destroyed
Caleb Young
that's one of the reasons voyager is shit
Anthony Lopez
Only the last one.
Insurrection was during the war, right after Worf's wife died. >"Worf, how good to see you. What brings you here?" >"Actually, Captain, I requested a leave of absence after the unfortunate d--" >"Just kidding, Worf, I don't actually care. Go bother someone else, I'm busy wearing a silly headdress."
Blake Young
I want a Lost in Space style Star Trek where they're flung galaxies upon galaxies upon galaxies away, and have to deal with actual alien looking Aliens. You know, like if SGU and Voyager got their act together and actually delivered on their fucking concepts.
Dominic Gray
guys what if
we're all wrong and it's actually pretty good.
Juan Gutierrez
so picard was dicking around doing useless stuff instead of fucking shit up with that sovereign class ship of his?
Chase Ortiz
If all the rumors/information are wrong, then maybe
Christopher Anderson
Not saying it wasn't ham fisted, I even agree that most Voyager episodes were pretty hard to watch. I'm just saying there's a difference between wanting actual diversity, but pulling it off badly, and shoving in things this modern brand of progressive that are so obsessed with being progressive and diverse that it's turned into some sort of self hating/loathing/self destructive cult mindset.
Michael Ramirez
I'd rather things be good, instead of terrible. So I'd be happy.
Christopher Butler
Hmmm let me think, it's a prequel that doesn't advance the DS9 story but instead is pandering to the TOS which we already know what happens in that timeline.
Thanks but no thanks, tired of prequels.
Brody Lewis
It's only the rumors that we have to worry about.
The information is mostly fine. No bad actors, no bad writers, only two bad producers, and CBS All Access is only an issue for Americans.
Daniel Lopez
Anyone else dislike the Star Trek religion?
Bentley Brown
>SJW shit for the '80/90s What do you mean by that? Because everyone has a different definition. Also, you might be incurring into an anachronism.
Isaiah Perez
The model makers don't like the ship designs. They say the old style models sell better, and that these too closely resemble new style trek which tends to sell less.
The rumors about reshoots, delays, inner turmoil, revolving door positions as people get booted or get sick of things, the rumors about the writing and actual characters?
I mean, I'm willing to give it a go, but CBS all access sounds like it could hurt things. They probably should have teamed up with Netflix or Hulu or HBO/Showtime for a new Trek series. They're hoping it'll attract people to all access instead of going with a service that has a decent sized user base.
Easton Robinson
Please do not respond to me with rumors.
I already agreed that the rumors are worrying, but the confirmed information (not rumors) is mostly fine.
>They probably should have teamed up with Netflix They did. Netflix is part of the financing. Outside of America, it's available on Netflix worldwide.
Connor Fisher
I would LOVE to be proven wrong and will happily eat my words.
However I'm sick and tired of bullshit prequels, I want a series that takes place after nemesis. Continue the story and stop going backwards
Nicholas Garcia
>Anyone else dislike the Star Trek religion? Is that atheism or agnosticism?
Jayden Bailey
I feel like they think that post-NEM would be continuity heavy and alienate new viewers.
William Collins
TNG/Voyager/DS9 were all pretty tame and inoffensive in the 80s/90s, people outside of trekkies tended to think of them as dull boring shows. Compared to other things at the time, they never really pushed any real limits. The only one that did was TOS with a couple episodes here and there that, for the time, were shocking, but they were small moments like the kiss out of a greater whole of the run.
The progressive aspects of Star Trek have been hyped up well beyond anything they originally represented. They are there, but they aren't anything like the modern progressive movements that push diversity and white guilt as something more akin to a religion or cult. Not saying all modern progressives do that, but the extremist elements have been clearer and louder for the past handful of years which colors perception and the sort of people that get into writing, directing and other positions as we've seen in the comic industry and the like. The problem is how badly it's effected sales because no matter how loud or wide spread this ideology may seem, it really is still a minority. A loud annoying minority, but a infirmity that when the general populace is exposed to it, they tend to just stop buying the shit pushing it unless its a name so big that people bought in without knowing what had been shoved in ahead of time, making it look like a success up front, with the grumbling coming after.
I'll be curious to see what people think of the 2010s, looking back, a couple decades from now.
Jeremiah Torres
we're only getting prequels because that's what sells the most. People who don't know Star Trek at least know what Kirk and Spock is therefore $$$$ t. the JJ Abrams school of film.
Angel Sanchez
>outside of america That'd be the problem. America needs to get with the fucking program.
Anthony King
I agree with this. I think the only thing that fucks up ST is if they have a female lead. For all the leftist shit in the series Picard and (((Kirk )))are extremely traditional male heroes.
Ryder Barnes
>pretty tame and inoffensive >they never really pushed any real limits Religion is bad. Money is bad. Terrorism is not always evil. Work only if you like your job. Multiculturalism is good.
Though it was presented in subtle ways most of the time, I think that is pushing the envelope.
About the 'loud minorities', I agree in general, but it depends on which group we consider, and how they're percieved in each region, time, social group, etc. There's a lot of chaos and atomization.
Jackson Thompson
>For all the leftist shit in the series You don't agree with the general ideology of Star Trek? >Picard and (((Kirk))) are extremely traditional male heroes. Kirk yes (but, that's old, 1960s), but Picard? Remember his speeches against money and in favor of personal improvement? Or against religion in general? Or always trying the diplomatic solution and not getting involved in other peoples affaires? I wouldn't call him traditional / conservative at all.
Sebastian Edwards
I get that and it makes perfect sense, but as a trek fan it's very frustrating
John Sanders
God I wanna lick that girl from TWDs ass hole. Fucking bet its so tangy
Jackson Sullivan
you've fallen for mainstream media fake news. the 'alt-right' doesn't care, because they know star trek has been diverse from the start
Gavin Price
>didn't see Jackson's last two Hobbit movies >didn't see Star Trek Beyond >have still seen every Star Wars movie but am a hairsbreadth away from dropping it >Conan the Barbarian remake stars a Samoan >NetHack DevTeam officially replaced by numales for no reason >can't even play a LucasArts kickstarter revival without being forced to main an 80s chick who somehow has a modem >can't go to a friendly speech by my favourite author and commentator without antifa smashing me in the face with Molotov cocktails What has happened to America?
Josiah Wood
everything is pointing to a dumpster fire, but sometimes you end up with a good product despite it all.
Liam Cruz
I mean that 99% of the character development in Enterprise was unwound the next episode and never mentioned again
Jackson Jones
But that's completely false.
Brayden Collins
I bet you've never even ascended.
Kayden Bell
They are trying too hard to be different in every which way possible.
If they want to the cast to be as diverse as possible that is fine, because that makes sense in a universe where Alien races are in the federation along with with Earth.
Making the Captain not the main character is a dumb move. It's so much 'free' writing opportunities when you are focusing in the Captain, that person is in charge and that person has to make the tough decisions. You are still able to write good stories that focus on the other characters because they did it so well in TNG.
It won't be a Star Trek like anything we have ever seen, and that's a bad thing.
Camden Thomas
Pacifist tourist was my favourite. The mail I got from confused freenode viewers who didn't understand what I was doing was almost the best part.
Illiterate wizard was also really fun, sadly I couldn't read any of the mails the mail daemon brought to me.
Wyatt Reed
Its going to bomb because they are probably expecting it to be more popular than it will be due to the success of the JJ movies. What they dont realize is that the vast majority of people dont give a fuck about star trek. A movie every once in awhile is fine, but they dont want to watch a fucking tv series. So trying to appeal to those people is pointless and will result in the shows failure.
Easton Kelly
It's been a long road
Mason Gomez
>only thing that fucks up ST is if they have a female lead >when Voyager is best Trek