Shaun King calls for the DNC to publicly apologize. Commentors are going crazy against Hillary. #demexit is starting to trend. This can only help Trump. Lets see what happens.
Shaun King calls for the DNC to publicly apologize
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shaun king pretending he has power, yet he doesnt have the power of kek.
#DemExit to Jill Stein.
wow this black guy is really scary
I hope he doesn't start shooting people as a result of his black rage
Nothing will happen. At least, nothing enough to do any damage to Crooked Hillary's campaign.
I can't believe I actually like something Shaun King is saying.
It will be completely forgotten in a week.
Gee. Politics is a dirty fucking business.
>Who knew?
And fuck Shaun King, too
When will they realize they are the useful idiots?
Wow, so scary. The way you managed to shut down the RNC totally proved to everyone what a dangerous individual you are.
No, wait...
Apologize. Now.
Trump got the same treatment, even worse, Shaun King is not upset about that though.
Riots at DNC confirmed
They're retards if they don't believe Bernie was in on it the whole fucking time.
Oh and
>Then why did he even run?
Because you can raise a lot more money with two candidates then you can with one.
Do these leaks ever amount to anything?
>Bernie gets screwed over by his own party
>Local cops refuse to protect the dnc event
>The left continues to eat themselves alive
This is great.
>the moment when your realize that the conservatives have been dealing with you more fairly than your own party has been
Philly is going to be very very interesting next week.
This fake nigger said he wasn't voting democrat ever again months ago.
For the first and likely last time ever I agree and support something Shaun King says.
I was going to post this. Thanks for doing my job for me. I can go back to my planet now.
>random black guy thinking he has any power
We need to support this. Push for it and suppot shaun kang on social media. I know itbhurts to support the idiot, but this will be awful for the DNC and get more eyes on the leaks.
Is he black or white? I honestly can't tell.
Good. We get to see 1968 in real time.
Why is that old woman culturally appropriating raisins?
Apologize to George Soro's puppet regimes (BLM/OWS - same liberal cunts, same chants) now!
>black guy
Fuck you, Straya, made me reply.
>I will lead a public campaign
Phillybro here.
Any of you lads want to go watch all the riff raff at the DNC with me?
It's sure to be a major shitshow. I'm planning on filming and finding Alex.
I'm gonna be wearing my MAGA hat. We need Strength in Numbers.
Who's with me, Lads ???
He has two white parents and a white brother but he pretends he's black and basically wears blackface. He's the leader of Black lives matter.
I think he's like that white girl that claims to be black
He has the power of cuck, that white nigger
>Naww fo real dawg I'm black my mom had uh affair wit a black dude dass how I be black I don't like talkin bout dat shit tho ayy pay no 'tention ta how I be looking essacly like my brotha even doe he 100 pacent white I really am black and sheitt...
What a faggot then
he's probably white, but since his mother obviously has a penchant for nigger dick. these degenerate fantasies no doubt manifest themselves physically as DNA, meaning shaun king actually does have coon genes inside him. Hope that helps.
Praise be to kek
I'll be in philly thursday to watch the protests/riots not so much aiming to join in
He's mostly white. Tans and shaves to have black hairline.
Shaun "we wuz" King
Unfortunately/fortunately I'm going to be in Baltimore all week.
I'm to the point where I would pay for a 23andme kit for him. Fuck this dude. If you've ever heard him talk, you can clearly tell that blaccent is heavily contrived.
I call Shaun King to publicly apologize to my brain.
Cool. I dont' plan on joining either, just watching. I feel by wearing my trusty red hat I'll inevitably stir some shit, so we'll see what happens.
Are you going to be wearing your Cap , sir? How will I distinguish you from the myriads of cucks?
The Convention next week will be exciting even without Trump, assuming this fine black man keeps his word.
Honestly Sup Forums should push this and the BLM not voting bit.
That's what you communist faggot get for being stupid enough to support a socialist Jew.
Can one or all of you guys stream for Sup Forums?
Set up a periscope or youtube channel ahead of time so we know where to find you
Dont fuck this up bros
Not really.
You should probably understand what Wikileaks is-- namely, a front for Russian Intelligence to harm the United States of America. Assange directly arranged for Snowden to be sheltered by the FSB in Moscow. Wikileaks has been serving Russian interests for awhile now, assisting in limiting US Influence in the Middle Eastern Theater and trying to tilt public opinion towards its interests.
Currently their objective is to try to limit Clinton's influence and to develop a "non-interventionist" faction in the United States so that when Russia expands from Crimea to "reclaiming" other Soviet Satellites, the US will not act.
Like any actual adult, they understand that Trump will not get elected. But he currently furthers a convenient narrative for them-- an end to the containment NATO creates.
There are very good reasons that Wikileaks is not exposing the Republican Party or targeting them-- they want to weaken the US and understand that the GOP is a means to do it.
Hillary Clinton?
vote Jill Stein and split the vote
Where are the deligates Hillary
>Sorry about that whole Bernie thing
>Now vote Hillary to dumb cucks
Why would you want some empty apology?
Is it just me or does he pucker his lips and flare out his nose to seem blacker in most of his pics
DNC will be a shitshow like no other at this rate. Unlike the GOP convention where the cops were invited with open arms, I don't see any reason for the Philly PD to put a 20 block cordon up around this one.
thank you for Correcting my Record
MFW Shaun King thinks he can overpower the DNC. This minstrel show cracker gets funnier by the day.
My phone is shit so I was just going to get a camera, a regular camera, and edit and upload.
Maybe I'll just buy a cheap phone instead, though. Is periscope free to download?
How will it play out Sup Forums?
She should be milking the issue right now, but she won't
I'm telling you. I was just listening to npr where they were interviewing someone from "blacks for bernie" or some shit, and this guy was about to cry saying if the super delegates didn't pick bernie, there will be a problem.
>Like any actual adult, they understand that Trump will not get elected.
Oh user. You're a jewel among shills. I actually read the first half of that post. You're worth every one of those 2 cents.
I think he's probably around 75% white and 25% black
Just woke up, summary plox?
Is it something like:
>Fedora-Kike Bernie is not Christian
>DNC fuggs him over that
So the Pharaoh got his workforce from Home Depot?
That's because he's white
He has quite a few followers. If he's serious, and really wants to make it his job to fuck with them, he could get a lot of people pissed off at anyone involved with the DNC (e.g. HRC and DWS.)
Three-quarters of them are lazy and will only virtue signal though
who the fuck is this nigger and what the fuck are you faggots talking about?
It's true about the russian intel and snowden but the other stuff is bullshit.
You know why Russia is pushing this against Clinton? She already has Saudi money in her pocket and is going to push their agenda. Saudi's don't want Russian influence on Syria which it has and it's relationship strained in 2011 when it all when down in Syria. Even the russians know that.
Trumps is the lesser of the evils for Russia. Trump is a business man, that does care about America as you have seen the video from all the way back 30 years doing interviews about the thought of running. Not only does he want the best for america, he has his own investments that would be greater once he has power. Everyone has greed and their own self interests but Trump hasn't taken saudi money in the form of millions.
Yeah, get some cheap android phone and a prepaid sim with data.
Who is this and why are they spamming these numbers
You should check out the Blu R1 HD
>nigger can only be used against blacks
isnt shaun king the white guy who pretend to be black?
In this case, if you called him a nigger to his face, he'd give you a hug and cream his pants.
Okay, thanks man.
Any recommendations of cheap good phones? (sorry I'm technologically incompetent outside of the computer)
Sorry to inform you of this, but black people don't give a fuck about Bernie. They love Bill/ Hillary because Bill played the saxophone once.
His name is Shaun King. That's only 5 letters in a first name and 10 for his entire name.
He is 100% white.
Is that a camera you can periscope live with?
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary online, by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
>"Apologize to this man. Now."
>Literally APOLOGIZE
Thank you for correcting his record.
then he's a cuck and I'm sure he raises his wiffe son.
but who the fuck is that faggot?
>nigger can only be used against blacks
Yes unless you're fucking retarded and don't know it's just a English bastardized version of black.
Is Shaun King the Puff Diddy?
seriously disturbing
ids for the emails in the email lookup tool i think.