ITT: fuck you, i liked it
ITT: fuck you, i liked it
>Kristen Stewart fairer than Charlize
yeah no
so unbelievable and laughable
I like how they bothered to make a 5'5 toothpick a full suit of plate armor and then Thor just goes in with his axe and a shitty jacket.
young snow white was cunny
the cinematography is good
*the cinematography was kino
FTFY. This is Sup Forums you know.
Better than The Hobbit movies at least.
Kstew is a fair maiden
the thing that always sours this movie is
a) it hurt stew's career because she and the director fucked
b) they made a sequel but not with stew because no one likes her
c) they never released a director's cut to get rid of the shitty editing/forgotten storylines at the end
Never, ever.
It wasn't a very good movie, but it had what's probably the most realistic/practical female medieval armor ever in a movie.
pretty good movie for DND
>Better than The Hobbit movies at least.
>"We used to have pride. Now we just pilfer, and drink, and dream about when we didn't. Every man here would die for the chance of becoming that man again. So we follow you, Princess, in life and in death. And we shall have our pride again. On Gus' soul, on this, I swear."
>unarmored arms, armpits, legs, and face
>Snow White and the Huntsman: Box office success, mixed critical reaction
>The Huntsman: Winter's War: Box office failure, negative critical reaction
did kstew actually save the first one?
very few women in medieval times wear armor
I think the Snow White name probably helped too
>arms clearly have mail
>armpits are always weak spots in any armor, even modern tacticool kevlar
>helmet not on display so it must not have one
It's clearly a prop piece for a movie, but it's not terrible. Even the pauldrons are tasteful.
Kristen is more attractive than Charlize Theron
i thought kstew is a dyke
Yeah, that was actually my only real problem with the film. The actors, Kristen included, did a decent job, but absolutely no one was buying Kritsen being fairer. Not even the actors. I actually liked the film though, shot well, well acted, concept was brain dead but it was pulled off well.
Anyone see the second movie? How'd that go down?
i think after the blowout with the director she switched teams
didn't notice the details of this scene as a kid.
the popcicle is foam.
there is a cut after she puts it in her mouth and the foam is removed.
i think she bi due to blind item about fucking men plus. the way she interact with Charlize Theron
what the actress named?
i liked it too but only the revenna scenes.
what is this? pls respond
>Release date: July 28, 2017 (USA)
Christ shes ugly as sin. If Chloe and Noomie Rapeface McPancaketits are 0s out of 10 then this troglodyte is a 0.5 max.
wait - Sup Forums doesn't like Dredd? what the fuck
i heard that show wanted more that in scene
>ywn kiss her freshly naired nether regions
the only thing i remember about that game is the delicious booty
>blind item
she has openly dated men and women
Her name i minecraft skellington
yeah i know, there new blind item about her at Met Gala
No you didn't, you'e just attracted to Kristen and ignored the movie's many faults because it allowed you to spend a couple of hours looking at her
>minecraft skellington
This entire flashback scene had more Kino in it than the last 5 years of theatrical releases.
she does look good in medieval armor
No doubt, doesn't make the film good though
Fuck you bro, this movie was genuinely good. I don't believe anyone could hate it, especially after the edgy autismfest of HP8
Read the OP again, user
OP requires that you like in spite of knowing most people don't
Does not apply. If you'd said Harry Potter 2, then sure
are you retarded? just check the filename.
I was under the impression that the majority of this board hated it because lel Harry Potter.
Regardless its pretty fucking good
I watched Snow White on a date and the bitch I went with kept telling me afterwards about how she hates kstew.
she knew she was gay for KStew and wouldnt be able to share
i would say yes and no.
They didn't even do an "on the inside" twist on it?
young > old
Sup Forums of all boards should get this
>woman hates famous more attractive woman
Coming up next, old man yells at cloud.
it was abject dogshit
never seen milla jovovich or leelee sobieski as joan of arc?
>that jumpcut
what an embarrassment
How the fuck would you know, you weren't there
Wow, I remember Monster a lot differently...
Clearly edited by the person making the webm to remove the reaction shot of the guys, you absolute plebian.
>the only capekino in a "fuck you I liked it" thread
Dredd would really benefit from a Netflix series, most of the source stories are quite short anyway, especially the early ones.
I'm sure Karl Urban would be on board as he seems to have a Ryan Reynolds affinity with his character and would love to play him again given half the chance.
>quotes book instead of movie
Should have kept colin farrel as the villain instead of the hack depp
Yeah id it kept god tier Farrel, I would've liked it.
dumb nigger
Is Snyder actually a good director, or a hack who got extremely lucky with Watchmen?
kek, i like when someone reposts my waifu webm
It was a fluke