The bitch is back.
>that crowd
looks like a /fa/g meetup
There are a lot of cute girls, idk what you're talking about, asian and blonde chick just on stream were both 8-9/10
>tfw too fat ugly and socially akward to go to parties
lose weight
>tfw no qt blonde MAGA gf
have sex loser lol
um sweetie? livestreaming is our generation's television. sorry not sorry grandpa
I hate Milo he's a disgusting faggot pedophile (redundant I know)
But I'm glad to have him back to cause more riots and make lefties cry
why is everyone in the alt right so hot wtf
Where did all those QTs come from?
Ah, fag hags. Women so slutty, they need a sodomite to feel like they still deserve an ounce of dignity. Just simulate the experience by licking a toilet bowl and jerking it to some Real Housewives.
what the fuck am I watching
rate this cinematography
The weird gay right-wing English Jew is here followed by his literal black bull fuckbois. England was a mistake.
a-are those slaves behind him?
I give it an HIV plus.
They're unironically his sex slaves.
the typical bong
welcome to Trump's America
wtf i'm a #cruzmissile now
The complete moral breakdown of Western Civilization.
nice to see the useful idiot is back
>troll academy
aka antifa bait parties. Get ready for a bunch of college riots in the coming months.
>le troll face
fuck yes
>weeklong event at berkeley
oh my
FREE Sup Forums
FREE Sup Forums
FREE Sup Forums
FREE Sup Forums
"Where are my boys, get my boys"
>could only get one black guy that actually has some muscle on him
is Sup Forums full of degenerates
lol I noticed that flabby nig too
imagine still following milo in 2017
Is he American?
I'd like to think they're actors, but I think his followers are cucked enough to play actual slaves.
fucking bizarre shit
Milo is more of an r/the_Donald thing.
Milo thinks he's some champion of free speech but the majority of western society already agree with what he says
academics, antifa and SJWs are just loud and dominate the space.
Trying to discredit things by calling them the_donald is old hat sweetie, get some new shill tricks, no one is buying them anymore
Wow it's almost like they're all sexually immoral deviants.
Hello Shareblue!!!!
You're a fucking idiot. Truly.
why even post this on Sup Forums if you're just going to spout retarded pol shit
>$.05 has been deposited into your account
where the fuck my soros checks
I don't care about the politics you spout. I agree with most of it. What pisses me off about you retards is your autistic lack of creativity. You think it's hilarious to spout these idiotic shill phrases.
I don't understand. Is this the shooting of a gay porno?
I'm not discrediting them but "BASED NIGGER LOVER IN A MAGA HAT" is 100% Reddit. Murdoch Murdoch and Jared Taylor are more Sup Forums.
funny, I don't see that anywhere in this thread, so kindly fuck off?
Milo is the nigger lover, you idiot. If you wanna suck on cocks like he does go to Reddit.
Funn, I'm looking at it right now, my degenerate pedo cocksucker.
let them have their cute little fun. Reddit invaded Sup Forums and now they think they're part of some wave of counter culture. They'll have their little power fantasy and move on.
Sup Forums used to have semblance of originality before the election now it's nothing but a merry go round of the same memes and phrases.
Shills are getting better. I almost thought you were real actual people.
Milo is a pathetic pedophile defender and apologist while his fanbase is even more pathetic full of MRA dipshits who will never get laid.
imagine being this autistic.
he's a victim of institutional pedophilia in the gay community, why are you victim blaming user?
Wew lad
Is that dan 'danny ballz' bilzerian?
tfw you weren't born gay
>Shareblue stock spreadsheet reply #71
Why doesn't he name the pedos he was at the party with?
Why do the alt right have no problem with rapists and rape apologists when they're white?
Milo is no doubt a kiddy fiddler, and if you look at his fanbase they're mostly anime retards and gamergaters who are all to some degree mentally ill or on the spectrum.
>Milo is no doubt a kiddy fiddler
prove it.
Back to SRS
You literal mental patient. I said I agree with the majority of the politics. Just not you fucking idiotic mindless memespouters. jesus fuck
what the actual fuck is wrong with you
He openly admitted to attending parties with young boys that were being diddled - the writing is on the wall why he never brought this to the attention of the police or anyone.
You know the interview. Somehow you lied enough to yourself not to believe the obvious truth.
MRAs are women hating trash. What did they do to you user? Why do you spend all night watching children's Japanese cartoons instead of spending time with a girlfriend or loved one?
Why do you hate women?
I'll repeat it one more time: prove it.
Are you aware that your "argument" holds as much weight as me telling people that you are a pedophile because you use this website?
Women aren't people, sorry
He openly admitted to being at parties with young boys whom he had knowledge of and refused to name anyone involved or report this to the police.
You are a fan of a pedophile enabler and evident pedophile himself. Just like every champion of the MRA cause, they are actually more fucked up than what they attack.
>young boys
He was talking about 16 and 17 year olds, if we're being honest here stop using language that makes it look like children were being abused. Second going to a party where something bad happens isn't your fault, let alone an uncommon thing.
>a man who goes to pedo parties and is friends with pedos and had a pedo relationship is on par with a guy who uses an anonymous site that has pedos on it
How does it feel to be a pedophile enabler? And a fan of one? To the point? Where le ethics in games journalism really that important to you? Milo playing gamers hard is the greatest reason they should be bullied irl.
I agree.
>that moment when he refers to his comments about attending parties where underage boys got fucked and said nothing about it
>crowd starts to chant fake news
top fucking kek. These cunts are actually pretending that he didn't say what everybody saw him saying on video?
>Milo's secret is that he's one of the most boring people on the planet.
>Listen to what Milo actually says, beyond all the teenage showiness about how many cocks he's sucked and how great his clothes are. He thinks Islam is "sinister", feminism is stupid and the world revolves around him. He's someone's Home Counties dad, a spluttering retired colonel full of gravy and defeat, spraying little specks of Brussels sprouts from his mouth as he drones on about immigrants at the dinner table, while the kids roll their eyes and push their peas forlornly from one side of the plate to the other.
>The reason Milo's comments on paedophilia have done him so much damage is that they're the only opinions he holds – including those that are outrightly fascist – that wouldn't also be held by any ordinary middle-aged pub bore. He's built an entire career on claiming to be a "dangerous faggot", the supervillain of the internet, a man who says the things that people aren't meant to say – but speaking the forbidden truth will only get you on all the TV channels if your forbidden truth is actually just the boring old conventional wisdom. Milo has since denied defending paedophilia, claiming of the videos: "If it somehow comes across (through my own sloppy phrasing or through deceptive editing) that I meant any of the ugly things alleged, let me set the record straight: I am completely disgusted by the abuse of children."
>tfw you bitchslap someone with science
feels good
>we're talking about VERY YOUNG boys. VERY YOUNG.
Yeah, they were probably turning 18 in half a month.
>using a (((Vice))) opinion piece as a source for anything
Holy shit, warn me next time, I think I cracked a rib laughing
Well then you're a complete retard and a Redditor as well.
again, being at a party where things happen doesn't make you an accomplice. If that were the case half of Hollywood would be in jail.
Is it normal and natural to go to a party with young boys there purely to be used as a fucktoy regularly? Do you have something to tell us user? Do you like anime as well?
This stream was really sad, he has paid people to come to his shitty party and show the internet that he is still relevant. The guy is an insecure loner with deep issues which require him to need attention. He is an average internet troll who happens to have a lot of money.
God damn, what happened to this shit?
I remember it being a really cool concept when it first came around.
>paid people to come to his shitty party
clearly baseless accusations don't work so well in 2017 sweetie, your leftist cuck tactics need some fine tuning when your argument falls apart in the first 5 words
>I just witnessed the murder. I didn't actually do it. btw did I mention that I'm totally against murder? That's why I never become a whistle blower.
>>God damn, what happened to this shit?
It (probably) stopped parroting your own beliefs back to you so it's no longer cool.
I really hope you don't accuse people of shilling on here user. That'd make you a massive hypocrite.
Do you think he has that many black friends ready to walk around with him topless? I very much doubt he has many black friends.
> I very much doubt he has many black friends.
Not him but Milo loves to sleep with Blacks and all of his friends are Black. It stands to reason those guys are his lovers.
Milo very likely sees black people as nothing more than objects.
half of these are women (male)
Holy shit the alt right is brutal to behold. You all realize how stupid you look right? In case you don't, I'm telling you now, and now you know.
I'm glad I jumped off that ship. It does something terrible to your head