There is no response to this, if even half these points are correct it's over for America if he's elected
There is no response to this, if even half these points are correct it's over for America if he's elected
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's over for america if he's elected
Trumpfags will just ignore this thread or flood it with meme replies, the ones that aren't edgy enough to celebrate fascism, anyway.
I love how polfags pretend he isn't a racist, fascist piece of shit who's been profiting off the evils he shitposts irl about.
and hilary was the attorney who kept a pedophile and rapist out of jail, knowingly, decades ago
but these same people would say
>b-but people change
fuck off
Like clockwork.
That certainly seems like child's play compared to the shit trump promises.
hahaha they got so butthurt they had to make a whole board over it
>claim to be anti-trump
>spam more trump
>giant list of half truths and misconceptions about trumps policies
>they've all been shot down as they were happening
>he has a mexican flag
rofl, shut the fuck up paco, maybe you should stick to reddit if trump triggers you so badly
>doesn't realize he's on Sup Forums, a safe space created specifically to contain the butthurt feeders of stormies
>half truths and misconceptions
a dios mio una águilita
>hate Trump showing up on reddit
>makes a second Trump subreddit
>Trump shows up on reddit even more now
really makes you sit back and say to yourself "wow that's interesting"
you don't know jackshit about the origins of this board
Please stop trying so hard.
holy fuck they're delusional
they have to make shit up
>literally who sites
The links don't line up with the supposition though.
>"trump will declare world war"
He just agreed that the world is already at war and stated that he would seek to formally declare war against ISIS.
also the entire post is filled with shit sourced from tabloids and unreliable sites/leftist shit
There's literally multiple threads today of stormweenies crying because Sup Forums tells them to stfu and gtfo
>all those sources
>half of them are quotes taken out of context
i know its a bait/slide thread, but who cares?
just looked over each and every single one. they are either
1) complaining about ''rough truths'' (torturing confirmed terrorist? how dare he?!)
2) insulting his supporters (''Trump supporters told Hillary to get lynched! Oh my fucking god, what kind of bigot are you?'')
3) insulting trump on personal mistakes (''he re-tweeted a guy who appears to be a neo-nazi but who none the less made a good point! he is practically hitler himself!'')
and just about every single one of the sources are tabloid shit. the rest are opinions.
btw, pic related has to be a shill.
He cleverly worded his post so that the morons on reddit would think the professor is saying "Trump is a fascist" when it's just his own retarded assertion.
Someone's upset he's not gonna be getting anymore cash from his hombres up in Texas.
>Trump is a fascist
Fascism isn't a one stop shop for 'Things I do not like'
Unless Trump promotes a racialist, anti-capitalist, nationalist, imperialist anti-democratic order with supremacy of the state, a massive secret police, or paramilitary, militarization of the public sphere, and traditionalist values, he's not a fascist.
You fucking moron.
Fuck off Taco nigger. You can cry to your abuela when Trump inevitably kicks all your illegal cousins out of the country
Smelly dumb Beaner scum
lol I just keep scrolling down and seeing things that don't bother me at all
why did you post this anyway OP, its not like everyone here hasn't seen all of this through various TRUMP BTFO threads throughout the year
Wtf I hate Trump now
Wtf i hate trump now.
I like how in the thread one of the most upvoted comments is made by someone with a communist flair talking about capitalism and class consciousness
further down there's an islamist flair as well
+10 feet
Don't mind me, I'm just checking those Bond digits.
DWS fuck off
Fuck you sick, sick motherfuckers if any of you are denying this. This beautiful goddamned thing should be reposted here dozens of times every single day until the election.
Drumpf is HIDEOUS.
Drumpf is a CRIMINAL.
Drumpf is a fucking RACIST.
I don't give a single fucking shit if Hillary has handed out bribes or paid to get her way to the nomination. I don't care about Benghazi, even if every single Republicunt allegation is true. Neither do millions upon millions more.
Whatever she is, she isn't fucking Drumpf. We aren't going to let the most powerful country in the world elect Adolf Hitler. And we will continue to ram literal FACTS up your racist white asses whether you like them or not!
all of those are out of context you fuck
Why are you linking to your own reddit thread on Sup Forums? This level of attention-seeking behavior borders on mental illness.
OP, looks like you put a lot of work into collecting these sources and making your point. I hope you'll accept a little bit of advice. Liberal sources can be just as biased as conservative ones. You would strengthen your argument by avoiding such source as
>think progress
>daily wire
>new York daily news
In general, if a source has "daily" in the name, it has the quality of a tabloid and is about as reliable. And among reliable sources, avoid opinion pages and blogs. The organization usually adds a disclaimer so they are not liable for anything said, hence there is little editorial oversight.
Trump has said a lot of crazy shit, so it's not hard to bust him with high quality sources like CNN or the NYT. They might not be on the top of the Google search results because sensationalist Facebook trash often gets more views, so you might need to dig a little, and perhaps search for a direct quote, rather than a clickbait headline. Hope that helps.
Awww, you tried but you sound to old to be on the internet.
So, reddit says Trump is a fascist because he believes that in a war you have to kill your enemies?
Why do you even bother going to that site.
Leddit use to be alright (it was always left leaning) but recently it's like going into a psychology classroom in the middle of a waffle wank.
I can't even imagine how much money is being poured into that site for shilling as well.
In none of those links from rags and CNN was trump ever saying what was in the headline. Like when the headline said he is calling for 30000 troops to invade syria, he was actually calling for 30000 against ISIS.
Besides Hillary has actually done all this shit just sub in NATO or Libya
why bother even posting with that flag?
t. morena cuck
>Anne Frank's step-sister says he reminds her of Hitler
Well, now I'm convinced!
"If you kill your enemies, they win" - Weedman.
didn't even read just saw flag
start liftin paco, that wall aint gonna build itself
Friendly reminder the Hillary campaign has shills all over Reddit, Sup Forums and other sites.
Ignore this.
the person who posted this probably was sponsored by the DNC regardless, but here's really what happened:
>spam tabloid libshit articles rife with trigger-clickbait headlines
>all of the headlines say the same thing about the same incident
>none of them are meaningful
i choose trump
70% of these links are from places that have a proven Anti-Trump agenda, like MotherJones, WaPo and These are the same places that publish articles with titles like "10 Things You Need To Know About Reverse Racism (And Why It Doesn't Exist). Pic related is the last "investigations" the website.
I even looked at one of the claims and immediately recognized what kind of bullshit this page spreads.
>Trump calls for the execution of children.
>(The Central Park Five were a group of minority boys aged 13 to 16 accused of attacking and raping a white woman back in 1989.)
>“They should be forced to suffer! Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFETY BEGINS!“ ― Donald Trump
See what I mean? This whole page is inflammatory half-truths and bullshit. How you can even call 13-16 year olds "children" is fucking beyond me. I bet if someone was serious they could disseminate this whole page, I don't know anyone who would have the time to dissect the liberal media's bullshit and half-truths though since they have been persistent and continuous since the man even became a candidate.
Somehow I never read any of that into his behavior and what ive observed.
Also the Military is heavily in his favor.
And he's good rubbing-elbows buddies with Putin. Try to start war with russia? not a chance.
... and yet you faggots are still here. Every single minute, of every single day.
It's almost as if, unlike Reddit, you're not actually being silenced or banned, or your posts moderated.
>complete freedom is oppression if I don't agree with you
Get fucked, Paco. Your entire country's best contribution to the world was the taco.
best bond desu
Build wall
Trump lost my vote after he nominated that Cuckservative Pence for his VP. No way in hell I'm supporting the Establishment. You guys should think about voting for Johnson. He has a lot of the same ideas as Trump but he's not gonna betray us.
>lost my vote
Canada flag
Are there like 3 of you shitposting all day or are you now required to be hobbled from birth?
He could be vacationing
>Trump openly calls for the U.S to commit war crimes and advocates for the murder of innocent women and children.
So? America is known for commiting war crimes and murdering women and children. If you say "Murdering innocent women and children" most places in the world then people will assume you are talking about America. Having a honest politician would be a huge change, but it won't make anything worse for America. If anything it would make it better that it's at least admitted to.
>Trump doubles down after veterans speak out claiming U.S soldiers would not commit war crimes or torture children even if ordered to. Trump responds with, “They’re not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they’re going to do it.“
The youngest Guantanamo bay prisoner that was tortured was 14 years old. US soldiers gladly tortured that kid. Of course they will do what Trump says, there is no reason to think otherwise.
> Trump on torture: “Even if it doesn’t work they probably deserved it anyway.”
So he has the same attitude as George Bush, that went fine, why would it be different now?
>Trump says Geneva Conventions a problem and needs to be changed since, US soldiers are to afraid to do their job due to laws which outline the definition of war crimes.
This is a common view among politicians which is why America goes on "millitary operations" instead of declearing war. The geneva convention don't apply in millitary operation which is why torture was fine on Afghans and you could disguise millitary vehicles as red cross cars in Afghanistan while when people was tortured in Abu Ghraib in Iraq it was taken seriously because Iraq was a decleared war.
Hillary has the same view.
>Trump's solution for high gas prices is to violate The Geneva Convention by invading several of America's allies in the Middle East and Africa unprovoked to forcibly seize the oil fields for himself.
America has many times backstabbed allies in the middle east
So instead of voting for a president with a pro-free trade VP, you're voting for a pro-free trade president? Good thing Gary will never win.
I don't have an account for this shithole, but someone please post the we came we saw he died video of Hillary...remind them that she's invoking the words of the first Roman emporer
Really causes an earthquake in your cerebellum.
I'm #LasikForKasich now.
>reddit this, reddit that
>implying those are facts
>implying facts even matter in a world of memes
only memes matter
>Trump's bodyguard threw a reporter on the ground
He was secret service
Maybe they shouldn't pepper their big fact check without outright bullshit
Holy shit. My autism kicked into full gear for a second and I almost went through this pathetic laundry list to debunk every source, but common sense prevailed.
Half of these articles are click-bait bullshit that pull a Trump quote competently out of context and run with it. These "journalists" have literally written entire articles on Trump's re-tweets. The lack of content is astounding.
>Think Progress
>daily wire
>new york daily news
>talking points now
Fuck it, autism kicking in again. You get the jist. Over 75% of this list is sensationalist garbage and holds no content. Why the fuck do I care if Anne Frank's sister says Trump reminds her of Hitler?
This list is pathetic, cites poor sources and raises irrelevant talking points. Even if all the assertions it makes were true, there is no explanation of why they are make Trump so horrible in the first place (i.e Trump "maybe" supporting the internment of Japs during WWII)
Regardless, I guarantee none of these Leddit SJWs have even bothered to read a single article. Fucking disgusting.
The wall is coming amigo
Don't be so booty blasted faggot
Nice sources.
and let's say all of these were true, finally a leader who wants his country first.
The very first one.
>Trump openly calls for the U.S to commit war crimes and advocates for the murder of innocent women and children.
They aren't innocent, nigger. They're subhuman mudslime filth that should've been eradicated from this planet a millennia ago.