>Sup Forums insults leftists
>Sup Forums mocks right wingers like Milo
What side is Sup Forums on?
>Sup Forums insults leftists
>Sup Forums mocks right wingers like Milo
What side is Sup Forums on?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pol isn't an entity
Its a bunch of people with different opinions
Milo is usually mocked for who he is rather than what he believes
Anything not degenerate
>trying this hard
The right side
The white side
Sup Forums is noble and doesn't like fags engaging in twitter drama
also sauce on that grill OP
I only trust Sup Forums users
do you think her and cenk fuck?
Sup Forums is on nobody's side, because nobody is on our side
expect a knock on your door in the early hours of the morning
I'm against the sodomites
have you been living under a rock?
that's ana kasparian btw
Fuck off you fat fuck
>pol is 1 person
i support gays, hate trannies, dont believe in a god, and support eating dogs
Milo Yiannopolous is left wing no matter how much time he spends between cocks saying otherwise
I came here to post this.
>2008 Sup Forums.
I really wonder who edits his pictures that quckly. Is it the same person?
If Milo is right winger then Sup Forums is satire.
well fuck you and the high horse you rode in on
>being this fucking new
Sup Forums is a magical place because we aren't an echochamber like many other forums on the internet.
we are a cacophony.
as a participant you are forced to find your own interpretation and meaning otherwise you will devolve into a meme spouting madman.
>Sup Forums Is a monolith
I'm on nobody's side because nobody is on my side.
it's a generic porn ass
That's the original
ruins it by opening her mouth at the end
>Sup Forums insults everyone
wow thanks for the news m8
the side that is not gonna try and make my race to go extinct, I'm a member of a NatSoc movement even though i'm not a NatSoc,
I'm willing to set the world aflame to save my people.
>the edge is real
Alt-right is just left wing anti Poitical correctness.
I'm not really on anyone's side, because no one is entirely on my side
Based kiwi.
i will be on ur side user :3
do you want it to be your left side or right side?
Side? We're on nobody's side except our own because nobody is on our side. Nobody cares for the memes anymore.
Did you write this article?
Sup Forums side
Milo is a Liberal.
>Civic Nationalism
LIBERAL ideology.
Just because you disagree with Islam and feminism doesn't mean you are right wing.
>INB4 Milo hates fags
The guy says being gay is a choice and yet he claims to be a Catholic. According to the Catechism (Catholic rules), gays are a disease and must be cured. He pretends to be a Catholic and insults Christians.
>He hates gay marriage
No he doesn't. This is the same guy who goes to pride events in Orlando, posts pics of himself with black guys and has duped many people... and is gay himself. Again, he just says this to sicker people.
>Craves attention
Leading a "GAY 4 TRUMP", is just the same as leading a Pride event. He is bragging about being gay, why can't they be normal and just say they're Trump supporters without the want of attention? Because they're faggots.
>Says he hates faggots.
Same guy who wears purses, handbags, sleeps with black guys and has an over the top flamboyant lifestyle and gay accent.
>Claims to be alt-right
He's not alt-right. The real alt right is social Conservative, white Nationalists against Globalism. He's literally posted before and spoke on behalf of alt-right, they want him gone.
>Hates Islam because they hate gays
Then what is he doing on the right? He has a secret agenda to destroy social conservatism. Social Conservatives don't like gays either, so does he love them? No, he's tricking you.
>Pushing gay agenda through the "right"
He posts pics of himself with black guys, goes into graphic detail about gang bangs with black guys/priests, is over the top flamboyant... He's pushing the gay agenda and desensitising you to homosexuality, you'll be suckling on a black one in the near future.
Don't you see how he has tricked you?
>INB4 vote splitting
In reality he his a minute following, don't confuse the faggy /r/the_donald with the real world. He's actually turning away more people.
flag checked out
based af
>still believing in the left vs. right wing meme
Fuckin Jones just standing like a boss a that roach threatens him
we mock Milo because he's a flaming nigger loving faggot, not because of political views
Unlike SJWs most people can recognize shitty people even if they share same beliefs as you.
He pussiied out though when the guy spat in his face and ran off.
Ultimately, the amount freedom of speech provided here, so rare in this day and age, breeds nothing but resentment for the rulers and ridicule for those that are tricked or pressured into believing their promises.
Making fun of Bush, Republicans and MUH WMDs was great back in the day. But by allah, nothing in Sup Forums's decade old history has provided more amusement and ammo than a half-baked, half-assed and now failed take over of modern politics by thin skinned rejects and imbeciles fighting a ghost battle against "capitalism" in a world where the left wing of political thought has kept on embarrassing itself for nearly a century by now and shows little to no self reflection after literal generations of people elevating "feels>facts" to the status of a religion.
Sup Forums is on the side of comedy. Comedy takes no sides in the great modern debate of who's backers are the corrupt rich oligarchs that have a more competent PR department than the others.
>Sup Forums is one person
stop being autistic
>hate left wing
>hate right wing
You all know the third option.
wait a second
I just noticed that this girl who works at the Young Turks is named Ana Kasparian
After a quick search my suspicion was confirmed, she is Armenian/of Armenian ancestry
isn't she conflicted for working with a Turk/program called the Young Turks
have they ever discussed the genocide?
Real world communism with a lemon twist.
The lemon twist lends it legitimacy. My imam told me so.
They obviously deny the genocide.
What do you think that name is? It's the literal fucking name of the people who carried out the genocide.
The one that gives the most shits and giggles.
I really I think the only unifying belief on Sup Forums is nationalism and a desire for free speech.
Only she has which really makes you think.
hate centrists?
>right wing
Estonia, I had no idea you were so eloquent.
Pol hates leftists but leftists are invading
At least you admit you're the problem, leaf.
and she (a person of Armenian ancestry) is ok with it? does she deny the genocide too?
wew, and she is ok working with that fat turkroach?
is his name literally pronounced as "Junk Ogre"
I don't know, ask her.
>not chimping out
>somehow makes him a pussy
milo is a leftist
>tfw your a liberal cunt that rants about body shaming then proceeds to call Alex Jones a "fat fuck"
I thought it was Chink
Funny thing is that Cenk is way more flabby than Alex
Filter man is built like a brick shithouse.
This suit wearing howler monkey isn't your average dadbod conspiracy dipshit. He's two tonnes of lean mean I'm-not-saying-it-was-aliens-but-it-was-aliens killing machine.
>you're wrong because current year
as i heard, this bitch is an armenian, i would love to fuck her and make her scream like "turkey is the best"
Sup Forums is full of edgy redditors and Sup Forumstards with USI and no coherent ideology.
Milo is fine, he has more balls than 95% of the people here, and is one of the only people willing to openly challenge feminist bullshit in public, at colleges, etc.
Don't fucking Ruffle-o the Buffalo.
>a homosexual coalburning attentionwhore represents the right wingers in america
Im on the side of clever banterers, who can mock everything.
Also i wish that realism and logic prevails.
Her hair is just so flat.
it's funny because Hitler was leftist
no, you stupid fucking retards, Nationalism is apolitical and there is no such thing as "third position". He had commie policies through and through. No, "mixed economies" are commieshit.
I hate communists.
Its pronounced like chunk yoghurt
>therez only two sides here!
the right side of history
Because you have no side
They sure do, with her strap-on
Sup Forums is on the edgy side. The politics here are at a fucking 8th grade level; you come up with some tough sounding ideas and sound bites, and distribute those ideas via memes and pretending that most people disagreeing with you means you're right. It's the fucking pinnacle of self important survivalist ideals, and it's sad as shit to watch
There has never been a first post that has been more best post than this one.