Will Veronica ever stop eating at Pop's every episode?

Will Veronica ever stop eating at Pop's every episode?


I'd eat her pop if you know what I mean.

>She's Bulking to play wonder woman in the CW dc shows

I'm surprised they managed to finish shooting before she went full tubby

This is the absolute fattest a girl can get before they pusy start to smell.

Will Archie and the gang set up a intervention for Ronnie before her weight gets out of hand

stop being fake
just be yourself

Why are you giving a girl a guy's name?

What show is this? I need more fap material.



Thanks, I've already blown my load to this webm twice

Whoever made these is a faggot. The limit is 3mb, he could have easily made them HD

seriously though how do we save her anons?

I only started watching this show after seeing this weebum with a 'joi' filename.

last night's episode was fantastic. one of the best hour of tv I've watched in awhile.


Why doesn't Josie get any screen time?

>that big black hand coming into the shot, pushing her to drink more

gee i wonder whats going to happen later


she so sweety..


Honestly true. This show isn't art but when it's good, it really sucks you in.

>will an Archie character not eat at pop's
it's like you haven't even read the manga

10/10 BLACKED material 2bh (two be honest)

this makes my bepis fill with blood

I was surprised when she was doing this lewd act when Archie was calling her like wtf? Girl you thirsty..

literally the perfect female body

Is this show really as cringey as all these webmd's make it look. All the shills are getting to me with this waifu posting.

Yes, the scripting is on par with Gossip Girl, so there's hardly a line that feels genuine. That said, it's entertaining and has enough cute girls that it doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel.

What even is this show. Let's take some comic strip from the 60s and make a TV show filled with semen demons?

Just watching webms with no sound makes it look like this chick overacts in every scene.

It's so much worse when you watch the show, she is the worst actress next to the redhead.

Not only that, but wardrobe has the habit of overdressing her.
It used to be reasonable, but more recently it feels like they're playing into the "rich girl" archetype whenever possible.
After getting a call to meet up in here she shows up to the diner in a fur coat and dress.

>Let's take some comic strip from the 60s

Archie is from like the 40s and they still make comics. Basically the show took the characters from the comics and gave them a modern edge with a murder mystery plot. Its kinda similar to the newer comics.

Fucking finally someone says it. Sure the bitch is THICC but damn her acting is horrible.

Archie is the OG harem anime. TV show mirrors it

Polly > Betty > Cheryl > Veronica > the rest

How did the last episode end? All the versions I can find of it have the last two minutes cut out.

Blossom girls > everyone else

Someone posted a webm of it in yesterday's thread. Clifford hung himself, turns out there was drugs in the maple barrels

That's kind of what I had suspected since all the drugs in Riverdale were sort of a loose end it seemed like they wanted to resolve at some point, I was expecting it to be one giant drug den when Cheryl's mom lead her in there.

Oh well hopefully it gets another season so I get more bestgirl.

there is still 1 more episode of this season left and it already got renewed

It got renewed, apparently they're getting a full season too. I'm somewhat hype, last few episodes hit the right kind of stupid for me


The actors portraying Betty & Jughead are the only respectables in the cast, as far as the millennial group goes

>Moose Mason gets fucked up by two randos in one episode


why was Reggie relegated to a dumb jock?

I only follow this show from Sup Forums threads but this thicc brunette makes me pepee feel extremely funny.
She has a special look to her

Me in the backstage.

>Sup Forums actually watches this pre-teen trash

Colour me surprised.

Daily reminder Sabrina will be in the finale


no it's still bitrate starved


>I'm surprised they managed to finish shooting before she went full tubby

We don't know that yet...

I wanted the finale to be a Riverdale-wide magical witch battle between Sabrina and Alexandra Cabot over Archie's dick.

>Daily reminder Sabrina will be in the finale

So what ethicity will she have ?

Since they ditched the asian Reggie and can only assume Sabrina will be a chink.

This isn't reddit, fuck off

Riverdale seems so inconsequential compared to 13 reasons why

Best episode of the season desu. Jughead can't catch a break, though.

stop fat shaming

user there's only so much one can do with a 1920x1080 10 second long video

a sticky maple?

no, she will be in season 2


>Since they ditched the asian Reggie

might have a small scene in the last episode

Think he's in another show

did I read a spoiler that says one of the couples bang next Ep? Is ronnie going to get blooded?

Supposedly Archie pops Ronnie's cherry. Which is clearly bullshit cause she's a giant slut

Didn't that already happen?

Yeah he is I don't think they're dropping him though.

It's disappointing Reggie isn't in the show more though in the comics he's an integral part of the gang.

if they think anyone will believe that a rich bitch from the upper east side of all places is still a virgin then they're fucking insane

They are recasting him, I think its stupid for Ross to quit the show for 13 Reasons where he can get written off as the disposable Asian guy (like very other show) when Riverdale got upgraded to a full 20 plus episode season


kill yourself, autist

>tfw the show will continue on with incest babies

What are they gonna have Sabrina magically change his race or just get another Asian guy since no one would notice a change in Asian actors anyway.

Well they are about to introduce magic shit. Maybe they're expecting viewers for a completely new level of suspension of disbelief

They are both so pretty. Goddammit.

>tfw had a dream Lili was my gf a few nights ago and now I'll never get her back

Why did they cast a fat mexican?

Why is that liquid threatening to that Negro?

Blackies have an inherent allergy to maple. Same as milk

Because maple syrup in Riverdale is literally crack which is kryptonite to the black man

Then why don't cops carry maple syrup spray with them?

What do you think is in pepper spray? Pepper spray just has a better marketable name than maple syrup spray. It just makes you think of pancakes


That makes sense.
what if you spray a Canadian with maple?
Does it get stronger?

That counts as bioweaponry. It's like cops carrying peanutbutter to take down people with peanut allergies. Can you imagine the police brutality protests if they did that? Better to just shoot them.

If you spray your enemies, they win

I thought White women where black man's kryptonite.

Actually if you give a Canadian maple syrup it's like kryptonite and red sun radiation to Superman, it takes away their powers, hence why Canadians are all such weak pussies up there. If they ever realized that if they stopped eating maple syrup they'd become ubermensch the world would likely be subsequently destroyed by the moose cavalry.

dem mexican genes

its only going to get thiccer

So KJ Apa has slammed every girl on the cast at last twice right? I'd legit suck the dude's dick and I'm not even gay he is beautiful no homo.

This is why you should avoid wetbacks like the plague when they get near that 30 mark. She's got a solid 6-8 years before it's time to move on.

So she has a penis?

except betty but they will probably explore betty/archie next season