He was a good villain.
He was a good villain
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literally the most stereotypical villain i've seen
For you.
Only because he was Kurt Rusell
>killed a woman because he loved her so much she threatened to make him forget his purpose
That's got a real mythological vibe to it.
pretty much this
He was as cookie cutter as it comes for villains. Without Kurt Russell, this would've just been "generic Marvel copypasted villain #2948"
That's Jeff Bridges.
>Consider all life a huge dissapointment so decides to just wipe it all
>Find a lifeform that he genuinely loves and is worth it
>Nah fuck it Ego's Ambition is better
I actually liked that the power of love wasn't strong enough to redeem this evil planet
True. If it were anybody else I don't think it would have been as memorable, although the fact that he was a celestial really grabbed me. Really added to the reveal of Star Lord's heritage. Starlord is basically intergalactic superman
I'm so happy that Kurt Russell is getting more parts
Yeah, so many My Dad is God movies lately, how bourgeois.
Also that he had to get rid of her or lose his own sense of Destiny and accept becoming less than he could ultimately be.
Thats a good way to explain it, although I am wondering one thing. If Ego never knew what happened to Peter when he was a kid, why didn't he just go straight to Yondu and find out where the fuck he went if he wondered that much? Or did he just assume that Peter was incapable of harnessing such celestial powers until he heard of infinity stone finale from the first one?
That's not Ronan/Malekith
Yeah, so many The Guy Who Came To Our Rescue Isn't Actually Who He Say He Is And Actually A Villain Who Told The Hero He Is Bad For No Reason Other Than A Lame Excuse To Turn The Hero Away From Him And You Have To Use Your Heart And Someone Who Isn't Really Important Dies At The End And The Ever So New Plotline Of "Heroes Don't Get Along At First But In The End They Do".
i was really shocked and surprised throughout the film, it will be remembered for generations to come just for those post credits scenes that when someone will watch the movie in 20 years on tv would know exactly what is going on and how it all is a big universe with those movies that came 20 years ago.
That is the exact reason. He had no reason to believe any of his offspring could do it considering all the previous failures. The moment Quil did that (held the infinity stone) it was the only explanation.
>tfw you fall in love with mortal and you have to kill her now in order to ascertain your own personal pursuits
Really captures how sometimes being locked into a relationship curbs one's true aspirations. Although he wanted love, he knew he couldn't have it if he wanted to ascertain his purpose and fulfill his "ego".
why did ego decided to look like a human and why his brain looked like a human's brain?
this guy is reddit
this guy is Sup Forums
the more you know.
Is Ego the living planet literally /OurGuy/ ?
Hey Reddit!
>Literally fucks an undisclosed amount of species across the galaxy
>"Falls in love" with some hick, leaves em anyway because of risking his destiny to shape the universe to his liking
>Asks yondu to find and retrieve peter on earth
>Decides he is disappointed with all species across the galaxy and wants to start over, but he wants a celestial child to help him?
>yondu knowing the fate of Ego's previous children (How?) decides to shield peter from such a fate by adopting him for his protection
>Ego never wonders what became of earth child until hearing of GoTG finale event
>Finds Peter and attempts to enlist his help in revamping the galaxy
>Plan still gets canned because "You tumor'd my mom to death you psychopath"
What I would like to know most is How did he not contract any STD's and what is his fucking secret
Yondu probably did his best to avoid him. And yeah, he probably just assumed it wasn't worth trying too hard to track him down until he heard about the Ronan thing.
>Claims to be "Immortal"
>Shapeshifts into CGI young Kurt Russell
>Appears old when re-introduced back into the movie
>Shapeshifts his body to The fucking Hoff
>Still chooses to remain old kurt russell
I still can't get over how Rocky & and Hannah Montana were both in this movie.
It's how he chooses to appear to Quill because it's the right age for an Earth dad.
Because he wanted to appear his father would to relate to Peter more.
>ffo niarb ruoy nrut tsuj edud
>has never seen or heard of a human, or any other form of life
>"I wanted to live exactly like a human"
>creates a specifically contemporary model of something he has never perceived or thought about before, in order to go look for beings akin to said model
please explain
Well, actually he decided he wanted to wipe out the galaxy and start over with the help of a child before he met Peter's mom, but yea you are on the right track sort of.
Also this fucking how?
also why is brain looked exactly like a human brain
This is why DC conquers all. This is why Wonder Women will re-open the mighty wrath that is DC and finally who all you Marvel fanboys that it is NOT as bad as you say it is, but you are in fact unintellectual and cannot perceive what is happening on the screen. Still think BvS was bad? How blind are you? These were comics first, with even dumber plotlines, yet you knock LIVE ACTION TELLINGS of Superman Vs. Batman? Get fucking real. I can't wait for DC to come back and kick you Marvel cucks right in the fucking uterus.
>>no tango and cash moment
He is /ourplanet/
I thought he was just lying to convince Quill
he demonstrated shapeshifting capabilities though so my understanding was that he looked like whatever he had to to get laid with whichever alien.
this one is because the art department couldn't come up with something that would be perceived as a brain without looking like one.
Your fourth point should be first. Ego's grand plan comes after he meets sentient life for the first time (the purple child). However, he needs another celestial to complete the "ritual", either as a willing demigod or an unwilling battery. It's only then that he decides to fuck every sentient species to try and make a demigod.
Yondu knows about the previous children because he was the one that captured them and took them to Ego. He probably figured out that the children were dying when they started disappearing from Ego's Planet.
The only thing I was disappointed by was the plot point where Ego put the tumour in Peter's mother. A dark twist, but it was a cheap way to solidify Ego as the villain. It would've been interesting to see Peter have to choose between having a father and carry out genocide.
not really, they mcguffined it again, they dont know how to write at all, hes a celestial, and literal planet how do we stop it? i dunno i have a bomb here shall we just blow him up? yeah sure their easy
establish quills father/ check
arbitrarily make him a villian/ check
shove in some shitty sister/sister thing with the girls/check
kill father with convieniant bombs/check
make shitloads of money/check check check check
write a good, convicing script that expands the lore and world building establishs a villian in a streamlined manner which is the drive for the film aswell as develops the characters indavidualy and as a group, with meaning full dialog?/ no fuck off your fired.
dont ask questions, for fear of being called a dccuck
somthing somthing chose the form of human to make it easier for quill to accept.
>Chris Pratt
>Kurt Russell
>Sylvester Stallone
Guardians of the Galaxy is certified CONSERVATIVEKINO
Actually really well-written. His name is ego, and hes a massive, remember how he just casually says that he killed peter's mother? Textbook narcissist
idiots would still ask why ego bad, but when they hear tumor they think oh tumor bad dat iz cancer ego bad which is terrible fucking writing but its the only way these fucking retarded marvel fucks can understand, marvel literaly has to write to the lowest intelligence thats why the scripts of fucking dog shit chilren tier
I really didn't like when they just sat around and watched his tv while spouting exposition, those scenes are always so boring
>life goal is a trivial task for an immortal
seems pretty pathetic honestly. why not just create more versions of himself?
I would enjoy a How I Met Your Mother styled series of Ego traveling the universe banging aliens
>killed a woman IN AN EXTREMELY SLOW AND PAINFUL MANNER because he loved her so much she threatened to make him forget his purpose
Why a brain tumor? If he loved her so much then wouldn't a quick and painless death have made more sense?
I kind of feel like that whole little situation was just a throwaway line to make him more obviously villainous to the audience, and provide a better casus belli for the Guardians to fight.
Why couldn't he just live with Quill's mom until she died of old age. He's millions of years old, what is 60 years to him?
if he gave his mom a brain tumor why didn't he take quill at the same time? he could have brainwashed him from an early age and completed his plans easily.
That's because Kurt Russell is a great performer, and cool motherfucker.
He didn't want to want to return to the planet. There's also the fact that the boy may not have the spark, or even been born yet.
I don't think Ego wanted to see her die. Cancer can also kill people painlessly.
He would have lost his immortality if he did that.
Why would he lose his immortality
He has to periodically return to his planet or he'll die. This is explained clearly in dialogue, clean the shit out of your ears.
he didn't give her brain cancer from his planet. if he could then he wouldn't need his seeds. he knew of quill which was his entire purpose for meeting and mating with his mother in the first place. he sent yando there so you're just plain wrong. he took all the other kids regardless. he had to test them to see anyway.
if he was going to kill her, he should have just done it and took the kid.
He literally explained that in the goddamn movie.
not him and not serious, but
Great villain. Great movie.
Sup Forums utterly, completely, irrevocably btfo for all eternity and beyond.
> from his planet.
I'm referring to Earth. Ego didn't want to return to Earth.
If Ego left before Peter was born, he probably wanted her to die slowly so that the child would be born, but she would still die so he wouldn't have any incentive to go back. There's also no guarantee that the child would have the spark, since Ego outright says that before Peter, they lacked the spark he had. There's no need to risk going yourself when you already have someone to gather these kids anyways.
Why would a manchild who parties and adventures 24/7 to the sound of 70's rock even CONSIDER genocide?
I really liked this movie. Seeing Slyvester Stallone was great. I liked how this was also really Youndu's story to, Gunn giving Rooker the spotlight, he's good to long time actors he's worked with.
was it da bestest movee or wat xdd?
>idiots would still ask why ego bad
So wiping out every lifeform in the universe isn't bad? Are you autistic?
because he had just experienced what it literally felt like to be a god
just as ego said, those are characteristics (nostalgia, love, etc) that define mortals, not celestials
I liked that the typical generic comic book action took a backseat to characters just talking to each other. Sure keep mocking me you contranion piece of shit. XD
But he's only half celestial, and has lived his entire life as a funloving mortal
>Millions of years old
To him that ain't slow
He also wanted Peter to grow
you mean screaming, they talked about 10% of their lines, the rest they screamed because it's funny i guess i don't know.
i don't know what movie you've seen but there wasn't any action that took a backseat for characters, if anything it was the other way around, also not everyone who doesn't think the movie you liked is good is a contrarian.
literally moments before Ego let Starlord experience what it felt like to be a god. experiencing eternity in a moment can easily override a few decades of memories. besides, he rejected ego anyways because love matters more
also the guardians of the galaxy are all violent murderers anyways
This bugged me to, how he talked about creating him the perfect human as his body. Presumably millennia before he met a human
it doesn't really bug since i do consider those nitpicks although i do point them out, i just wished there was a reason
While I did enjoy his reaction to meeting the thing responsible for his mothers death I do kinda wish he had actually had to make a choice
Yeah but its his dad
i took it as a reference at the goofiness of old-school marvel comics because the original marvel comics are like that
in-world, it's probably just a representation of Ego that he uses to explain things to Starlord, rather than what he really looked like
Think there will be a lot of people seeing this movie on a tuesday afternoon?
Plenty. Stay away
re-read it pleb, that would be enough, but retards like you need somthing that is easily identifyable as a bad so they hear tumor, they know oh tumor isn dat cancer dur he bad guy we defo no his bad now cuz he gives cancer lol
>How did he not contract any STD's and what is his fucking secret
Because he literally did it all as Kurt Russell.
he isn't bad because he gives cancer, he's bad because he kills a woman because he doesn't want to experience life (love being the embodiment of life), because to experience life means to accept death.
Maybe he was not human-like at first but he decided to show that skin on the model story for Quill instead of an askavarian or some octopuss race for more empathy, maybe he has done that for every child he had before killing them.
actually it was mostly done with prosthetics
So, he takes a business trip once and a while, big whoop.
>bad guys in comics are written to be bad
>good guys in comics are written to be good
Wow. What a groundbreaking revelation.
nice try kid, thats not what was implied at all, thats the problem with these 1 demension characters these shit scriptwrites fuckin hell, fuckin make somthing original with fucking substance.
> (love being the embodiment of life
get a grip
missing the point, which is not that a bad guy is bad or a good guy is good, its that is portrayed so badly its painful to watch and quite insulting and then these films are haled as being a credit to filmmaking and thus sets of a chain reaction of these cookie cut films with the same shit which is what all these marvel formulated shit piles have become but becuase they have flashing lights and a superhero in it. which by the way most people and i bet you aswell had no fuckin clue who the gardians of the galaxy were or even iron man for that matter, but once its popular all you fuck flock to it give it attention and allow them to keep pupming these shit films out
>watching a colourful kids movie
>expects it to be grimdark with a serious plot
Maybe with the DC movies, but GOTG is literally the kiddiest of the MCU films. You're an idiot.
>get a grip
Did you forget the scene where ego asks if there is any other reason to live then through an immortal purpose, the next scene are memories of peter enjoying love and family. Before Ego dies he says killing him would mean losing immortality, Peter accepts being normal, his own mortality. Ego rejects love through killing peter's mother because to accept love means to accept life, and with life comes death.
You're an idiot if you don't see the message the movie is trying to peddle (because it's really blatant), and how Ego is a bad guy because of it. The idea that life is love is as old as dirt mate.
i dont care if its grimdark you dumb fuck, i want it to have a meaningful story that develops the characters and the world, not just a rush job to make a bit of money becuase retards like you will eat it up aslong as there is a baby groot dancing and some 3 songs you knew that your dad likes, because muh "awsome soundtrak" lel cant wait to see wuts in da next wun, we are groot xd, you stupid cunt
Gave a tumor so she can still live and raise her kid
And he's immortal.
I hope you get help for whatever's hurting you
>that develops the characters and the world
That's exactly what the movie did you moron. You're basically the inverse of what you're complaining about. Because you are so stupid and only see the superficial gloss, you miss out on the indepth reasons for the successfulness of the movie
Like, jesus man, i can prove that you're an idiot, if you can't see how Groot dancing, emphasizes that what matters in life are enjoying the little things, not climactic "comic-book" movie rising-falling action and general pretentious grandiosity (you can make an argument how the movie's narrative doesn't have a "thrust" as criticism from this however), how action, etc, should provide the backdrop to the characters, despite the fact that it's glaring you right in the eyes.
His motivation made no real sense.
What happens when he becomes all planets? How was that supposed to give meaning to his empty existence and why did he need Quill to do it?
Literally everything in his plan would've been fine if he hadn't admitted to giving Quinns mom that tumor to kill her
He had him eating from the palm of his fucking hand up until that point.
Why bother with spoiler tags when OP is a spoiler?
>What happens when he becomes all planets?
They become absorbed by Ego.
> How was that supposed to give meaning to his empty existence
He thinks existence as it exists now is hollow, and wants to recreate the universe so that it would have purpose. In a meaningless world, what Ego wants to do is literally create meaning by interweaving meaning into its very fabrice. What Starlord however, does is find meaning through through enjoying love and happiness.
>why did he need Quill to do it?
Ego doesn't have enough power to do it.
It's pretty great that that Peter doesn't hesitate to start blasting the shit out of him immediately after he says he gave his mom her cancer.
Yeah he's a bit retarded for a planet