How ironic is it that a female Gen Z is pro capitalism and religion, while a fat male hates religion and swears by communism?
11 year olds debate communism
how did she rise to rgw rank of Lt. at such a young age?
only the most absolute retards are communists so its not hard to think that a little girl would be smarter
>15 year old spams same thread daily
How pathetic is that???
Why the fuck are cursing 10 year olds debating each other on youtube. Where the fuck are the parents?
I want off this ride. Ted was right, technology was a mistake.
She looks like she smells.
>Literal child that has never had to work supports capitalism
>Grown adults that have been ground under the heel of jewish trickery support communism
Really made me think there, OP.
i really hate this little freak
are you sure its even a girl?
That's not what irony is you dumb nigger
Also it's obvious she's just parroting shit her faggot older brother is feeding her. She's just a dumb kid being exploited by someone older for dat ad revenue
What the hell? When I was 10 I was kicking a ball around and stuff. Why would you even be interested in this shit when you are that age?
Because she's just regurgitating shit someone else told her, duh. Whoever is running the channel probably just tells her what to say, she says it, then gullible retards online click on this shit thinking it's real. Then whoever is behind the channel collects that sweet, sweet ad revenue
>he doesnt know she reads a script
>he doesnt know that her brother the writer is an atheist
>MUH fedora
Nothing new here. Fucking trasg cancer youtube video though. Thanks reddit
It's not really her, it's her pedophile brother writing scripts for her
>pedophile brother
can I get a rundown of this?
Psychic vampires
I got nothing, I don't even know who her brother is or what he looks like, I don't even watch her videos I just like to think he fucks her
report cunny threads
shes in her 20s
female andy milly my dude
This shit is fucking weird.
Thank God the old VHS tapes of me acting like a punk ass skater kid at that age have all been lost. This shit is going to be on the internet, probably forever.
She's just repeating what she's been told by the adults in her life
gets me everytime
He just realized that he would have greater success with making his sister be one of those edgy commentators instead of himself. He's appeared in a couple of her videos and looks like a typical 15 year old that shouts "faggot" when playing online video games
I had a stop motion animation channel back in the day
dont forget the mulattoes
Is this a guy or girl?