Roast my country
Roast my country
too many translators on exhentai live there
Your people have been literally roasted here already
Something something ovens
What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven. BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA
Kek, moar pls
Germany already did
...with pleasure
What’s the difference between a jew and a boyscout?
A boyscout can come back from his camp!
you are our best ally in the region. cant really complain.
Hahaha good one +1 internet for you my american friend
why do the jews have big noses?
because the air is free.
I would but Hitler beat us all to it.
Its the only excuse of nationhood you faggots have had in 2000 years
and you aren't even living there. Stop being a wandering jew and live where you belong
Whats the difference between a trampoline and a jewish kid. I take off my shoes before jumping on a trampoline.
That's a old one, bro.
Let me ask you this first, do you like medium rare?
make me XD
Alright, tanks in 30 sheep shagger.
What is missing from a bus full of jews?
2 pounds of foreskin hue hue
lol even so, why fckin new Zealand of all places, were there no corrupt kikes there already? you needed to give it some diversity?
Australias retarded brother
What you guys have to do with Australia? I think you wanted to write Austria becouse you have quite a histroy with them. nyahaha
New Zealand has had 3 Jewish PM's, and our current Jewish PM is in his third term. Probably the most popular PM ever
Its a home away from home.
Why is a Jew fiddling with the ashtray?
He's looking for his family
It's the Internet, so, you can be mean
When the second post is the best post.
c'mon, you don't believe that old fairy tale do you?
Its 2016!
The holocaust is gonna be real soon.
That's all I'm gonna say.
You piece of shit! Have some respect! My grandfather died in Auschwitz when he fell off a guard tower.
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>Announcement Video:
>Campaign Website:
>David's Website (Not campaign specific):
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I never really liked koalas. And drop-bears are a myth.
Hamas are trying to...
I think what he means to say is that lebanese are about to holocaust each other in true islamic style
Im still in the diaspora
last war was 2000-60
Trump is going to untie the hands of the IDF, potatonigger
you have the biggest rats on your flag
ps my country has the most rats on its flag ( I think )
--i'm just being lame with the word star and rats