Do Americans really think Mexibros will really build their wall?
Do Americans really think Mexibros will really build their wall?
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You are talking like they will have a choice once God Emperor Trump gets in the office.
I'd rather we built boats, not walls.
Preferably, on the EAST coast, with the hulls all pointing southeast, with just enough fuel for a one way trip.
that argument is rather convincing. I'm voting for hillary
Mexico is a pretty shitty neighbor.
This is coming from someone who has the shitposting king living nextdoor.
Best Chimichanga I ever had was made by a white dude.
I'm pretty sure that I'm a #CruzMissile now
The ones behind Home Depot will for 50 cents an hour.
They are paying for it not building it americans will be building it
No, skilled legal American laborers will, but all Mexico needs to provide us is the money.
You gotta go back pablo
Allahu ackbar
>Trump has Mexicans literally crying for MAMA
Pay for the wall* not build, dumbfuck
The meme that just won't fucking quit
Do Americans really thing a wall will get built?
The ones that genuinely believe this are mentally challenged.
Nah, Trump will use the construction as an opportunity to put more Americans to work.
Mexicans will still pay for the Wall, however.
Honestly can't decide if I'll vote for Trump or Johnson. I like Trump because he's a loudmouthed savage, but I also like Johnson because he's sensible, even-tempered, and basically everything Trump isn't. Plus I live in Texas and some family friends of mine are (legal) Immigrants from Latin America.
Johnson has too much common sense for America.
Americans like to read sensationalist news headline without actually reading the story. They like screaming "racism" at every little thing to make themselves feel morally superior.
Common sense is NOT something American voters go for.
Legal immigrants have nothing to fear from Trump. Hell, they stand to gain more than regular citizens. Who do you think will make the burritos when all illegal burrito chefs are deported?
Burritos can't be replicated without genuine Mexicans? Whoa...
Legal immigrants will be fine. It is, for fuck sakes already, ILLEGAL immigrants. Illegal, not legal, that will get fucked up the ass, as they should.
Also, Johnson is going disarmanaut as of late, so expect BS gun laws on the national level, has done nothing but praise Hillary, endorses TPP, and wants businesses to bend to the whim of the consumer by government demand.
I love how the leftists in the US get all worked up about illegal immigration. People who are inside the US illegally. You think that would fly in any other country in the world?
And then they have to change the term used to fit their twisted agenda.
>Undocumented citizens
Undocumented - yes
Citizens - NO.
>open borders
Mexico will build the wall. Your president is already trying to spin it saying "we'll take all our citizens back and not allow Americans in if Trump wins" aka non American citizens will be deported and we will pay for a wall so they don't go back.
Just get right-wing Swedes to escape their dystopian hellhole with free access to the USA, provided they bring their Tunnbrödsrulle recipes. You'll get a fucking hotdog burrito, can't get more 'Murican than that.
Thanks for wasting your vote :)
Any other Hispanics think we should cull our herd?
Johnson is running with a very anti gun VP and he's leaning that way as well. Also open borders libertarians are clueless.
They will pay for it, we will build it.
the US gives Mexico a shitload of money to not be so shitty. unfortunately, since we've been giving Mexico this money, things have only gotten worse.
so, Trump is more than likely use the wall as an ultimatum.
unfuck your shit, Mexico, or we are going to take that welfare payment and build a wall. then your problems are going to get really bad when your people don't have an escape route from the cartels and corruption.
Anti-gun isn't something I will get behind. Same goes for open borders.
Have you seen the shit Europe is dealing with?
Johnson is a spineless faggot too afraid to run as a Democrat (where 80%+ of his ideas align) for fear of losing his "anti-establishment" political street cred.
at least keep your shitposting relevant
So... Rand Paul?
do you canadians even have burritos i know east coast mexican isn't very good i can't even imagine what it's like up in canada
You deserved a (You)
So, basically he's a Democrat trying to gain popularity with the whole "Lol libertarianism because weed and Bitcoin"-crowd?
I guess people that said we would have almost 4million miles of paved roads in the us were mentaly ill too but here we are with almost 4million miles of paved road in the US
And you think we can't build a 1,989 mile wall? LoL
Mexican outside of bordering states is all garbage and should not be eaten.... ever
Thank you for clearing that up.
My head was going to explode after reading OP.
You wonder why Trump has to make the same speech over and over and say the same lines, it's because people are fucking dense.
Ovens are cheaper. Trump runs a profitable business, not a charity.
Mexican food is garbage and should never be eaten.... ever
Is it bad that I giggled at this?
yup are you american?
Nah, you just go to the elderly lady still running the food cart. She can't afford to fuck up, and she has experience, so the food is absolutely fucking divine. Hell, I've had a pig nose and intestine taco at one of those places, and it was the best taco I ever had.
Fucking underrated
Dude.... no
Taco Bell....
I ate Mexican food in Detroit once....
>Taco Bell....
I definitely wouldn't eat that shit either. That's just asking to have a bad day
Nah mate, you ate shitty American food. You only eat proper Mexican food in Mexico. And it'll be amazing.
I wouldn't even mind paying for the fucking thing, as long as those filthy beaners stay out
>proper Mexican food in Mexico
I did that once...
I learned this only after I took the first bite...
Hey, we all have to learn sometimes.
Or the greatest day ever..... on the toilet
Criminally underrated
Best colon cleansing ever
There really is something magically about pouring yourself out.... from your ass into a ceramic bowl of water.
You feel very empty and light after that. Like after the first cigarette of the day, or a cup of morning coffee. It all comes out.
God, nothing feels better than just shitting out half a kilo of beans or other assorted veggies.
Kinda makes you wonder why you'd have such a big aversion against taking a dick up the ass, seeing as taking a shit bigger than the average dick feels amazing...
Praise Kek.