Earns cool $10m a year

>earns cool $10m a year
>whores himself out for a free healthcare


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When did talk shows go so downhill?
Whenever i watch them i want them to succeed and be funny so bad but i always end up cringing for the most of it

Because if he didn't, he'd be a Hollywood pariah. If he wants guests on his show, he needs to play their game of identity politics. It's sad - but not new news - he's become a slave.

Because it's right.

Jew. End thread.

There's no such thing as "free" healthcare. That's what taxes are for (or should be used for but Burgers just can't compute that because you guys are retards).

because he's a shill you dummy. did you not know that already?

>go to emergency room
>they tell me to come back tomorrow
Land of Canada

Yeah he's obviously in the pockets of the vast and well funded universal healthcare lobby, you fucking idiot.


>There's no such thing as "free" healthcare. That's what taxes are for (or should be used for but Burgers just can't compute that because you guys are retards).
it's free healthcare for me if i don't pay any taxes and leech it off yours, you dumb fuck

For the last time, sir. Shitting your pants in rage is not an emergency.

Healthcare should be a universal right in an enlightened society.

Fucking fight me.

He really do that?
is he a angsty teen?

>or should be used for but Burgers just can't compute that because you guys are retards
Gotta pay for all those thousands of tanks and jets that ultimately end up in mothballs.

Why is health a right?

Right. First we kill the niggers and muslims so we can be enlightened.


what the FUCK happened

>Healthcare is a right

So, should illegals received free health care?

The same reason you can buy a gun.
So you can stay alive if you get attacked.

Just your friendly reminder that rights are a social construct

Yes. Open the borders, pay for the masses.

I know the concept of other people is a difficult one to grasp, but if you try I think you might be able to understand.

this thread is why people think americans are nutters

The gun isn't free, retard.

they already do

Neither is 'free' healthcare, retard.

Because human compassion. But that's a completely alien concept to subhuman white Americans.

Not even the socialist country Germany gets free healthcare why should Americans?

And who is paying for them?

I find it strange that when every other country that has national health care in place that they demand additional fee or tax that clearly stated it is for national health care.
But for some reason in the US the people who are asking for national health care don't seems to be asking additional money from the people and expect all it is paid for with the exiting tax base.

I can't wait until Trump passes tax reform and he can't write off the 1.4 million he pays in California state taxes.

Healthcare being your "right" necessarily implies that it's your "right" to force doctors to treat you.

What about the doctor's actual right to be compensated for his services at the going rate determined by the economy?

Rights are things YOU are allowed to do. You have a right to speak your mind. You have a right to sell your goods and services. The moment you demand something of others, you're asking for a privilege. Whether you are able to drive is asking something of other people, the people you might endanger. Being able to drive is a privilege, not a right.

I can declare that I have a right to a new woman's pussy every night. Sure, I have a right to acquire it, but not a right to be served with it just for existing. Same goes for healthcare, college, etc.

please make the pain stop

Republicans don't want universal healthcare.
Democrats want universal healthcare but lie and say that it will somehow be cheaper than what exists because they know the proposal will be shot down if they admit that increased taxes will pay for it.

Gosh jews are just better at life

positive rights were made by commies

If I pay taxes then that implies that I theoretically should have some say as to how -MY- money gets spent. I want -MY- money to go to a medical fund that allows my countrymen and myself to deal with medical issues at minimal cost.

This issue is a union issue and some stuff cunts hate the idea of funding a union because they never plan to lose a foot. Gee, I wonder what kind of person has no plan to ever be in a position to lose anything... Couldn't possibly be those who never risk anything...

why don't you spend your own money on that instead of forcing others to fund it

Who pays for it? Should we enslave a group of people, educate them in the medical and pharmaceutical professions, and force them to administer healthcare to everybody else?

It's almost as if he believes it's his moral obligation to promote access to health services for all Americans.

But that could never happen.

That's not how it works.

Because he knows everyone isn't as rich as he is and they deserve healthcare too

Internet scam artists care more about your wellbeing than conservative politicians. I wouldn't trust a Republican member of Congress to water my plants.

Clearly because he has some kind of sinister ulterior motive.

Yeah, no. My taxes shouldn't go to paying for some fuck who doesn't even pay taxes. There's too many government benefits as it is.

do you even need to ask this question?

thank god

Not even a sales tax?

Because he has compassion for people who are worse off than him. Which I'm sure is a concept entirely foreign to Trump supporters so don't hurt yourself trying to wrap your head around it.

>take an ambulance ride
>go bankrupt

land of the free

Because Universal Healthcare systems create a more healthier and stable society ie; they are just better for a country.

Dealing with human health isn't very profitable unless you can just kill off all the sick people.

America pays out the ass for Healthcare because the state isn't involved in providing it (And I'm not talking about those ludicrous bills that uninsured people get, I mean literally just providing healthcare in America costs nearly double what it costs in most other Western countries). State systems are massive and allow for economics of scale and better bargaining power when dealing with pharmaceutical manufacturers.

There are just some parts of society like Healthcare which the Private sector can't handle on its own.

Now this isn't to say that you can't have private health insurance AND a universal system... Australia does this just fine, but the idea that the private sector can handle it all is a fantasy.

>324m population
>"free" healthcare
KEK. The swedish healthcare went to shit after the mass imigration. This kind of healthcare only "works" in small populations.

Meanwhile you get jewed by artificially inflated cost of medical care.

If only there was a more local, smaller level of Government that more directly dealt with people that live in a certain area of the country from which things like Health and Education could be administered.

>inb4 50 frothing lolbertarians who lack empathy or brains and would benefit from free healthcare but fuck that if niggers and spics get it too


Homogeneous society are better societies. America was more altruistic, trusting of his fellow man and supportive of Liberal policies when the country was 90% White and Blacks were segregated.

Quick rundown on American health are system?

Jews getting rich and if you can't pay for it you die.

America was never 90% white, the Irish, Poles, Germans or Italians got buttfucked. And yeah, look how much better Poland is compared to Switzerland.

>internet autists and toothless rednecks hate it even tho they are some its primary beneficiaries

>America was never 90% white

It was in the 30's, 40's and 50's. It had declined to ~85% in the 60's and has been declining ever since.

>my point

>the Jovian System

>your head

Except some people take care of their health while others don't give a fuck.
Who told you it was ok to steal my labour?

Can someone educated me on how Americans pay taxes? I always see people saying that so few pay their taxes, like Where I live, everyones taxes is automatically deducted from your pay check, and each year you have to calculate how much money you think you will earn and decide a percentage of how much will be deducted.
32%-37% is a pretty common number for people earning about 300000 NoK a year.

How do Americans do it?



heavily subsidized
doctors have a government-enforced cartel
pharma companies are a powerful lobby
massive regulations
consumers do not make choices based on prices

nobody has any incentive to provide better services or lower prices. patients don't know what it costs because insurance or government pays. companies charge whatever they want because there's billions of taxpayer dollars flooding the industry.

>Where I live, everyones taxes is automatically deducted from your pay check, and each year you have to calculate how much money you think you will earn and decide a percentage of how much will be deducted.
It's the same in America.

Taxes are automatically deducted from your pay check.

However, when you file your tax return, you can claim several *special* deductions which can lower the taxes you've paid. Once you've claimed all applicable deductions against the taxes you've paid during the year, if the deductions are greater than the taxes paid, you are eligible for a tax refund.

people care because it's a baby that belongs to rich white people
if it was black you know where it would go

> this is what people in the Alt-Right unironically believe.

All the territory taken in the Spanish-American War was filled with spics

>there's no such thing as a dictatorship, fundamentally all governments are based on the people

Mexican-American War, that is

You're not very good with analogies.

In the Spanish American War US got Florida(I think), Porto Rico, the flips, Guam, Guadalcanal, etc.

Florida was way earlier. My point was that the moment the US expanded beyond the original Thirteen Colonies, it stopped being a purely WASP nation, integrating Spanish and French catholics, and later on a shitton of Mexicans as well.

It was filled with Indians and the occasional mission which was run by Spanish settlers

The Indians got genocided and the Spanish settlers either assimilated into Anglo-American society or moved elsewhere.

There was nothing much to mention until the rail technology allowed for massive expansion into the West.

Every city in Western America was nothing more than a small trading post town or religious mission until the late 19th century.

The idea that Mexicans are reclaiming what was stolen from them is ridiculous, because there was nothing here when It was theirs (which for the record, was only about 30 years, and has now been a part of the United States for over 150)

I believe a good chunk of the French were Huguenots, mostly in the South tho. The once you got in the North were mostly catholic. And don't forget the Germans and Dutch. Not even the 13 colonies were very homogeneous ethnically.

Why not make it optional?

My point wasn't that it was stolen, my point was that the people that lived there weren't WASP

The Earth has, at best, a maximum capacity to feed ten billion people. We're reproducing faster than we're dying and the only thing that can reliably hunt a human being is another human being.

We'll starve ourselves into extinction in the next five hundred years, assuming we don't turn the land masses into nuclear hellscapes in the battle for resources that will inevitably ensue. We're doomed.

Because then only sick people would use it, making it wildly expensive for them

Yeah, but they've been colonizing it for 3 centuries at that point under the Spanish Crown, and no, not very populous, although El Paso and San Francisco were kind of populated at the time.

Now that's some Hungary-tier stupidity

sure thing Malthus

Hey lads, remember when that magical number was 4 billion? What the fuck are you basing any of this user you halfwit?

>Not even the 13 colonies were very homogeneous ethnically.

Go put a bunch of Germans, Dutch, English, Scottish, Irish and French in a room and tell people to sort them into their right categories by appearance alone.

You couldn't. Because all Northern European are more all intents and purposes the same people racially. The differences are minute and not noticeable on any relevant scale.

Try and say with a straight face that Northern Europeans are diverse. Go tell a black person that a group of 10 different Europeans is diverse.

Now you might say the idea of diversity was different back then, and It was, but If you're going to use their old idea of diversity, don't try and forward project it to mean that the United States has always been diverse, because under the modern definition of diversity, no, it was absolutely not diverse at all.

Diversity meant another thing back then you fool.

>by the modern definition
We're not using modern definitions when we're talking about shit in the past tho, that's what SJWs do. They were diverse as fuck and didn't get along a lot. By the definitions of their time.

Listen to your betters, they know what's better for you than you do. Also, bake that cake you bigot.

>thinks taxes are free
Neck yourself

I know. I addressed that.

Maybe I misinterpreted what you were trying to say.

But anyone who tries to argue that the United States has always been diverse usually has a motive, that being to try and persuade people that the united states has always been filled with non-whites.

That's not the case at all and as demographics changed the definition of diversity changed.

By the modern definition of diversity, no, the US has not always been diverse.

Well yes, we're talking using 2 different timeframes right now, even tho we agree on the other's point(I assume). By its modern definition, diversity was nonexistent in middle and upper classes in the 18th century British America. By its own timeframe, it was kind of diverse. You had Catholics, Lutherans, Calvins, Anglicans, Puritans, a shitload of languages were spoken and, honestly, people didn't get along. Poles and the Irish had it especially hard.

fuck off nazis

you know elevated private healthcare would still be an option, right?

Well shame you're no longer 90% white and never will be again; better get used to it, accept it, and embrace it Jethro (white) :)

>black on green and red
Whoever made this is first against the wall.

America can't have universal healthcare because its a multicultural shithole with tons of illegal spics even the Democrats know this

>doesn't think that scientists will artificially inflate the Earth's carrying capacity
get a load of this pessimistic faggot hippie

Don't feel like paying more taxes so 400 pound orc looking spics can get """""free"""""" healthcare desu

They'll be back in a week and no wall is going to change that.

Thats fine they can just die from the new Republican healthcare plan

Not while they're taking care of the big corporations' cheap labor needs. If we shot them as they crossed like the Mexicans do on their southern border, we'd have less of them crossing.

He's a literal communist for wanting to save the lives of poor people