Are Hollywood actresses pressured into getting boob jobs?
Are Hollywood actresses pressured into getting boob jobs?
They should be.
watch it, chloe!
Definitely, all celebrities should have big tits and/or asses
What a fucking idiot
i love big tits but fuck off. big and natural > flat as a board >>>>>>>> fake
I actually find fake hotter because that tells you they're intentionally trying to be sexy and get attention
>intentionally surgically inserting shit into your body so you can be a more effective attention whore
Never stick your dick in crazy, son.
Heres a fun fact then. Girls naturally know how to be sexy. The only reason they'll start being anything else is because someone teaches them to not be sexy. By teaching them shame. Either by dicking them too soon or teaching them shame directly.
No. Literally no Director / Producer is saying
>Chloe... we'd love to cast you but only if you get your tits done.
Their agents on the other hand...
People want to see average tits on their leading ladies. Which means flatties get a boob job and tittie monsters get a reduction.
hmmm looks rather suspicious
I'm trying to remember what show or movie it was (I think it was Deadwood), where they had a hell of a time finding enough actresses who had natural breasts. It's a fucked up west coast culture
a womens breasts fluctuate in size throughout their lives you permavirgings
its not like she was completely flat to begin with
Nice shoop
that's a big car
Yes but in the downsizing direction.
They were barely existent, they don't change that much.
>they don't change that much
look at pornstar jennifer white when she first started and then after she got drug skinny
also look at lel christina hendricks tiny playboy tits and then giant tits they became
yea they do
hormones man
boobs keep growing and shrinking depending on diet too
theres factors
Why do redditors virtue signal so heavy about not liking fake tits?
Jesus Christ
what does virtue signalling have to do with stating a sexual preference. do you even know what these words mean?
Christina Hendricks has implants.
i dunno, why do you virtue signal about being "from" Sup Forums?
i wanna suck them mellums
>neck already flapping
Jesus christ isn't she like 20
Fake tits are gross looking. Implants have been getting better though. Comparing Mia Khalifa when she started in porn to her tits right now, that's the line between unacceptable and acceptable implants to me.
People who are into weird Frankentits can fuck off.
Somewhat, but I don't really think they should.
>white """""""""""woman""""""""""""
Fakes are getting better and better though.
You are an idiot.
no u lolol are we Sup Forums yet? XD
I would unironically date Chloe.
Just imagine
>has decent money
>desperate for positive male attention
Life would be a total ball. Spend her money and live in her house doing cool shit all the time.
All you have to do is kiss her a couple times a day and have sex a couple times a week.
You could probably convince her to go full debauchery and throw an eyes wide shut party.
You do have to give her slave a reach around though
WTF does Chloe have an army of unamused minorities doing her every bidding?
What's the context for this?
I'm admittedly kind of an asshole but even I couldn't just stand there while some schmuck held an umbrella for me. My hands aren't fucking broken
Surely that's Dave Franco in a wig?
Liberals are such hypocrites.
That's 100% lean muscle dude.
Look at the shadows, the sun is coming from behind them
What's the purpose of the umbrella toting slave?
It was windy, he was probably trying to keep thier hair from getting messed up
the guy is wearing a hat so clearly he wouldn't need wind protecting
also what the fuck is up with the wardrobes?
Chloe's wearing 3 visible layers. A flannel shirt, a sweater, and a coat BUT NO PANTS
Dude's got a hoodie with his sleeves rolled up
And Africanus Umbrellus is in a t-shirt
underrated post
SHe's trying to hide her figure you dumb shit
Damn, Bailey Jay looks like THAT?
>Checkerboard slip ons
Welp, time to throw mine in the trash
He shielding them whilst baking in the sun himself. You'd be grumpy too
The fuck, who would want this? I'd feel so uncomfortable having some old black guy doing every minor thing for me.
Celebrities are insulated from the rest of us. She has people around her all day doing stuff for her; on set, at home, her agent's office. That's just how her world operates, having some guy walk behind you and your bf with umbrellas is no weirder to her than having a cell phone
butt implants are next on the list
It was either this or transitioning
wasted opportunity desu
But Chloe supports Hillary. That means that she is really down to earth person who cares about the blue collar Americans.
good god yes
>Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can't even hold a job PARKING CARS!
Sure, the photogenic ones in Iowa or some place who can read a cue card.
But not the ones orbiting her and buying her organic guavas or grooming her fish