Having a redneck girlfriend is the best

Having a redneck girlfriend is the best.

>Easily impressed by simple shit like knowledge of basic world geography, knowing a second language, having an income over $30k/yr, etc
>Thinks I'm a cooking genius because I have a normal repertoire of both local and foreign cuisines
>Reacts violently to anyone who insults me
>Is completely unphased when I start my day's drinking at 11 AM
>Family members are mostly estranged so I barely have to deal with any
>Is still working off the assumption that I'm just a swarthy white guy and not in fact completely Iranian

Why the fuck haven't you gotten a redneck girlfriend yet, Sup Forums? I figure most of you chucklefucks are in flyover-land so they must be all over the place.

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:MR0_08xylrwJ:www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cb/data_source_cm2010_table5_5.xlsx &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

You sound like a loser

Forgot to say that the pic was unrelated.

>knowing that she was plowed by her father and brother at the same time
No thanks

She's fucking your friends and probably sneaks items out of your house to pawn for pills. Trust me, I grew up with these people and know how they work.

So a redneck walks into a police station and says, "My wife, my half-sister, and my mother gone missing!"
Officer asks him, "So, is that one person or...?"

You're living the American Dream bro.


the rich ones are like this, yes. but not all. the poor ones are slaves to the game and are mentally retarded.

i fucked a girl who I later found out was to get married a month after we did it.
Felt bad, but whatever, being a chad is what I do.

Are rednecks worse than niggers?

$30k/yr American dollary-doos? At what time should I bring your breakfast up, sir?

"Rich rednecks", yeah. I was surprised this was a thing. Her family's house looks kinda shitty from the outside but they have a nice truck, a lot of new electronics/appliances, huge TV, Xbone (lol), etc.

My girl was due to be married too, but decided to fuck off with me instead. They're very practical about who they date and I was an upgrade in every way, so that was that.

OP here is the plan that so many people just can't stick to. It is literally the American Dream.

>Live in suburban southern environment
>fuck around until mid 30's, buy toys, house you want, cars and trucks you want, establish finances and career
>start going to southern baptist or Pentecostal church after you have sewn your wild oats
>marry good southern woman in mid 20's that has deep religious convictions that is from a good family
>have a stable family and comfy traditional life

It's really not complicated...

Because they have no teeth, and they're all named Tammy.

that's called nigger rich.

and for good reason.

>bragging about having sex with mentally disabled people

I said "at least". I make over twice that much. Still nothing special, but way more than she's ever enjoyed.

I'm kinda skirting by just barely. Like I said, I'm middle-eastern, so outright moving to the suburban south would be a pretty bad idea. My girl's pretty much a redneck, but a redneck from Colorado, not from Georgia. The racial hang-ups are way diluted in her neck of the woods, but still there.

You find it a lot in the south. The dad is able to sell his parents' land to developers or they win a modest lottery prize. They'll go out and buy a huge garish house, horses, new pickups and toys like jetskis for the whole family, but their behavior and tastes remain niggerish.

>>but whatever, being a Chad is what I do
Cringed pretty hard senpai tbqh

Oh, the other one is they always start some crooked contracting company. That's almost a meme.

That punchline was fucking terrible leaf, this is why no one likes you dummies.

Just off the top of my head a better one would be like, "Look at these mugshots and tell me if you recognize her."

What you inbreds think most redneck girls look like is not even close to the reality. Most of them never use any makeup, dont practice proper hygenine, basically act like men and are usually inbred.

I guess it's a lot easier when it's a real life experience for you, eh?

Hicks, hillbillies, rednecks, farmers, cowboys, ranchers, and country boys are degenerate.

To be honest when I say "redneck" I really just mean "middle-class white from a small town" and if you find one who's in her 20s and has managed to stay thin, you've got some excellent breeding genetics on your hands.

I don't mean fatass meth-heads from appalachia who can't spell out the current year. Obviously no one's scrambling to date those.

It's easier when I'm not a retarded maplenigger trying to be funny. Doesn't matter about real life experiences. Bet I could come up with a better joke about the average Canadian being a Chink that speaks French than you because I'm not stupid.

>I don't mean fatass meth-heads from appalachia who can't spell out the current year.
But thats literally 90% of redneck women.

You don't have to get upset. I'm Canadian, so I won't judge you for being incestuous trailer trash. Go with the weed, brother.

Fucking hell you idiots.
Learn English.

You fucking dumbass, those are the only things that are actually American

Im canadian and my parents were first cousins because its legal here. We shouldnt be making fun of burgers for incest.


Maybe in leafland and Alaska.

Does she chew tobacco and bath in mud?

way she goes

I grew up in texas and iv been to Georgia and Tennesee. You are lying to yourself if you think most red neck women arent white trailer trash.

holy shit is that a fucking LEAF on your flag??

>hippie vegan city-dweller faggot raised without a father detected

tru desu /r9k/ memes are lower tier

>>Easily impressed by simple shit like knowledge of basic world geography, knowing a second language, having an income over $30k/yr, etc


>>Thinks I'm a cooking genius because I have a normal repertoire of both local and foreign cuisines


>>Reacts violently to anyone who insults me

Cute but cringe-y, too

>>Is completely unphased when I start my day's drinking at 11 AM

Sounds like an awful family growing up or something.

>>Family members are mostly estranged so I barely have to deal with any

You don't wonder why?

>>Is still working off the assumption that I'm just a swarthy white guy and not in fact completely Iranian

I've got nothing to hide.

Naw, I'll stick with really fucking brilliant women, but I appreciate your take on things. All power to you, my swarthy friend.

leave it to a leaf to format his post so obnoxiously, also:
>really fucking brilliant women

The inbred meme was created by jews to project their insecurity about being heavily inbred onto others

Kind of like how niggers call whites "privileged" when they're the ones who get aa and shit

Where can I find qt redneck girls in Florida without going to church?

ill stick with my serbian qt.

>kebab removing heritage
>conservative family
>yummy sarma, cevapi, musaka etc
>dat bottle of rakija from their yearly trip to belgrade

i like southern women but it edges into cringe tier hillbilly shit. my family is southern as fuck but were normal, not shit kicker yeehaw lifted truck tier southerners. nearly everyone drives a pick up truck, jeep or suv. we all have normal jobs and make above 50k a year. we eat collards and cornbread and black eyed peas and virginia ham and fried pork chops blah blah blah and we have a *slight* twang. but, my dad yelled at me for eating cracklins because thats what hillbillies do. its weird.



>have an actual redneck girlfriend
>hunt, fish, and harvest together
>she manages a big garden
>cans and preserves a lot
>wants to be a housewife
>wants no less than three kids

Fucking this is confusing.

>week 4 in my relationship with Lee-Ann and she still does not know that I am Iranian

top kek

I live in arkansas, can confirm


>ITT things that never happen

>cooking for your girlfriend
>having a girlfriend that reacts violently to anything
>has estranged family and daddy issues/will make a shit mother and wife

Shit bait

Any white woman who would date an Arab is trash.
Enjoy the bottom of the barrel Muhammad.

That sounds like literally the most boring shit ever user. I'll pray for you and people like you tommorow

How fat is she

Canada post best post. Afraid of what the acronym of that might look like.

Holy fuck dude this is my plan. Florida panhandle btw

I have an ex-redneck gf

>devout baptist
>from rural area
>used to wear 100% camo

>got her to fuck on the first date
>got her to move into the city with me
>got her to stop going to church
>got her to stop believing in a dead gay jew gentile bullshit
>got her to accept me as an atheist vegan
>she now hates the country, country music and will never move back to that rural shithole
>shes closer to my parents then i am to hers

converted a redneck gf into a city hipster slut that hates believers and chokes on my cock nightly

stay mad basement turbonerds

>not in fact completely Iranian

This is funny but I have the feeling it may backfire on you at some point.

Redneck here.

I fuck liberal vegan sjw sluts all the time, but I'm not dumb enough to make one my girlfriend.

Seems to me the joke is on you.

This is what I want summed up in a pic. I bet she hunts as well

You really are a scum bucko.

>Iranian is not a ethnicity
You still could just be genetically closer to a Aryan guy then your typical dumb sand nigger. The more important question is why do you feel the need to Race-mix with an inferior "redneck" woman.

She upgraded to you, and she will do it again to you too. Just letting you know before it happens.

AHAHAHAHAHA You're gonna get cucked someday mate.

I think it's funny you mentioned "Tammy" with a pic of Amy Poehler in the same post

>this happened

repeating integers confirm

Post picture of a city girl model...

Your girlfriend probably looks like a cow



Nah, they're part of the natural environment in the south. They are the natural predators to niggers.

Nifte shlnerpo?

its not a meme actually. Iv lived in the south and i knew many who married their cousins, including my parents.

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:MR0_08xylrwJ:www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cb/data_source_cm2010_table5_5.xlsx &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Look at all these children being molested by family members and tell me America doesnt have an incest problem

Dubs have spoken.

I got you guy.

me and the gf are both red pilled
can rant about niggers and kikes all night

There's a really hot redneck girl who works at the local store, one day I watched her get arrested in the street. She was fighting like three male cops and almost winning.

I bet she'd be good for a tumble in the hay.

dated a southern girl once
>asks where im from
¨¨wow i never met nobody from spPAHHHHIIIINNN befoorrrr ¨
¨¨you look really white tho what part of mexico is spain in ¨
> explain spain is in europe
¨ ohhhh but like yall came to mexico so aint your ancestor mexican anyway but they just from a diffrent country? ¨

>give quick history lesson

¨ ohhh hehe im so dumb but i get it now but just tell my paa your italian so he dont confuse you with no mexican cause he doesnt like em haha¨¨


had hella milkers on her tho

yeah us yankees up here don't care for the south either

holy shit 700,000 kids getting molested a year no way thats possible

latin here

all i date is trailer chicks

can confirm they are the best

>tfw she thinks i'm smart because i can read and write somewhat decent.


>tfw to smart and effeminate for her to think im anything but a fag.

the south is one hell of a place
but those numbers are probably a little exaggerated

I'll take shit that never happened for a thousand Alex.

> realizing intelligence is genetic.

You have nothing to do with italy or Spain
You're a mestizo spic
Your blood doesn't recall the legions, the forum and the Senate house, but rather the sacrificial altar, the thatched hut, and the cannibalism

Came here to post this
but this also works.

>but those numbers are probably a little exaggerated
Actually they are extremely under reported since the vast majority of rape and molestation cases are never reported


>tfw making $27k a year in an entry level, no college required accounting job and she thinks I'm a fucking wizard or some shit

>live in rural Wisconsin
>most county gurls are fat, covered in tattoos, single mothers, and dress in gaudy pink woodland camo

Thank God I love cock

Says shit talking down redneck girls while posting what I am guessing is a negative example.

Id fuck her 6 ways to sunday.