ITT: actresses in their absolute prime
>the way she look at bill
ITT: actresses in their absolute prime
>the way she look at bill
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn go to hs in the 80's and date Lindsay Weir
why live
what is it with super sluts and pink hair?
>absolute prime
>not IM2 Scarjo
she looked her best in The Island
Picture this.....
can't believe she was only 17 when filming started
maybe 20 years previously
What's this then?
>not Phenomena
pretty sure this was my first boner
Got the scene where she licks his ears?
Stone, Total Recall.
Prime ScarJo:
>Lost in Translation
>Match Point
>The Island
Marty's original girlfriend
That's not her prime though
You should have left the part where he punches her out
Seriously I'm NOT a pedo, but sadly this is the best she's ever looked. Her prime.
One hit wonder
yeah she was hot once
I hate this fucking movie.
Why are you so scared to say she's cute there?
Are committing a thought crime or something
John Lennon wrote and recorded this famous song in 1971.
also scarlett has always had a shit face
I fear nothing of the sort. It had to stated in its obviousness in preparation for the stupidity that is inevitable.
those are some big words for a 5 year old
Jesus H. Lord have mercy
Really? I mistakenly didn't put the word "be" between "to", and "stated".
Sup Forums has damaged me. Made me self conscious, always preparing for intimidating responses.
BTW, here's another in her prime, gone forever. Its so sad really.
Image search: Rose McGowan VMA
for you
To be fair though, she's hardly changed today
>not 8 legged freaks
Close. Second place.
Small soldiers > jumanji >bring it on > spiderman > fargo
I meant to post Interview with the vampire one, she was 11/10
Most iconic prime of all.
>thank you!
Was she in literally any other movie? Also I like her in empire the best. Hoth hair and bespin outfit mmm
See was incredibly sexy when she was deluded by Scientology.
Some stuff
>talking about Kirsten Dunst
>not choosing the best, most otaku and kino version of her, which is also a statement about otakuism in and of itself
the only people who love this movie is rich girls. It's true for all of Sophia Coppola's movies.
Yes, she was probably better closer to "New Hope", era.
Was hot in Blues Brothers.
Not true. I am not rich, nor am I a girl, and I love that movie.
Live a bit more of life and you'll realise how fantastic Bill Murray's character was.
Not true. I like Lost in Translation quite a bit.
It's an understated love story which makes it all the more beautiful. The directing is beautiful. It does so much even though so little happens.
It's like that amazing friendship you had in your early 20s with some woman who's since moved away, there was a lot of closeness and love, but nothing ever really happened. It sort of makes you nostalgic for that....
I guess it all depends on whether you can appreciate a love story as a guy.... and most guys cannot.
But it's a love story that's not a rom-com and it doesn't use the typical romance tropes.
It's the same reason Kim Wexler/Jimmy McGills chemistry burns up the screen. There's a lot of love there but it's rarely tangibly shown, it's just implied.
he was an old pretentious hipster. I bet you're 26 years old at best.
So you fear public opinion? You live based on what others think of you?
No offense but if you die the world would be a better place
I'd still fuck her. She was on Kevin James new shit show and she still looked nice and thicc.
After the first Matrix, she's either too skinny, or looking much older.
Explain how these words are appropriate when describing his character
You're so full of shit, like I said you need to live more of your life.
I think part of her appeal is she seems like a hot chick that doesn't really know she's hot so she slums it out with guys incredibly below our league....
This was a very contrived move by the producers of the King of Queens. It makes a fat loser guy feel like he has a chance with hot chicks...
she looked like a man by the time revolutions rolled round desu
if you cant see how obviously pretentious he was, as well as the movie was itself, its you that needs to "live more life" there kiddo
Chloe was a girl who WAS very hot in her teens (watch the movie Hick, her high point in my opnion, and honestly a pretty good underrated movie)... but fugged out hard as she got older. Her hips and breasts never filled out and she almost has the muscle distribution of a man.
Basically did the same thing as Jena Malone.... and to a lesser extent Emma Watson (dat fivehead).
I think Hollywood kind of hedges their bets on attractive teenage girls to be big name stars, but occasionally it doesn't pan out. Chloe is a great example of this.
Also she plays a good bitchy character but not to the point that she becomes unlikable. Just the perfect balance which makes her even hotter.
Don't try to save face, you used a word that you thought sounded appropriately derisive but it just didn't apply. There is literally nothing about Bill Murray's character that could be described as "pretentious", and you've only now realise there isn't, but you don't want to admit that you're too stupid to understand the first thing about a movie that's so honest and UNpretentious that it's universally acclaimed among the general public, a collection of people so stupid that their average IQ is 100.
If you don't get what makes Lost In Translation great, then you've never felt like your life has reached a doldrums, that you're trapped by your past - you've never experienced ennui. This can only mean that you either don't really have much of a past because you're too young, or you never self-reflect because you're dumb, and either way the only solution is to get some real life experience under your belt.
Fuck you, I reserve my right to get mad at your retarded shitpost.
she was never hot,it was just thirsty prdos
I believe most actresses, Chloe included would look 100% better if they could somehow get smaller waists. It is something in our genetics, that attracts us to the hourglass shape.
I do not know whose doing their workout coaching routines for them, but narrowed stomach areas, narrowed waists would make a big difference.
sorry kid he was a pretentious fuck and there's literally nothing you can do about it.
protip: pretentious works also draw a pretentious fanbase. you might wanna reflect on that.
That's kind of true. But you can't deny that she used to be much prettier.
her outfit sucked, as in, low quality
Oh wait, so now the whole movie's pretentious?
I though it was Bill Murray's character that was pretentious? Any other goalposts you want to shift around while we're at it?
Please, enlighten me, what was it pretending to be? What was it instead? Use your words, since you're obviously overflowing with worldly wisdom so I'm sure you have no trouble expressing yourself eloquently.
For the record, I'm probably old enough to be your father.
Again, fuck you, and all the sarcastic, irreverent mouthbreathers that you call contemporaries.
>I though it was Bill Murray's character that was pretentious? Any other goalposts you want to shift around while we're at it?
>if you cant see how obviously pretentious he was, as well as the movie was itself, its you that needs to "live more life" there kiddo
>as well as the movie was itself
>as well as the movie was itself
>as well as the movie was itself
Scarlett Johanssons career is one of the most disappointing careers in history for me.
She proved in Lost In Translation that she CAN act, and she proved it again in Under The Skin, and in Her, where she delivered voice acting surpassing any Disney or Pixar flicks voice acting by miles.
But why did she decide to do 90% garbage flicks? Lucy, Ghost In The Shell, the marvel shitflicks. Literally why? Why does she refuse to take a role where she can show some range?
it's the whole package m8. there's no such thing as small waists with broad shoulder blades (which she has).
narrow blades always go with small waists etc
Here's a (you)
Very well said although fags here would never admit it
Are you physically incapable of using full sentences?
I've asked three times already for you to explain how exactly the movie is pretentious, and you've repeatedly failed.
Of course, the word you really meant to use was "boring", as people almost always do when they say "pretentious", but as is also usually the case, you were afraid of saying "boring" because you know that word is only ever used by stupid people to justify their lack of interest in anything that doesn't make an overt effort to compete with sex and sugar for their brain's attention.
tl;dr: you're young, stupid and I hate you
Same with Fassbender.
They just get spotlight and acclaim to prove their stripes and then coast on capeshit for cash until they find something new.
I was strongly considering ass creed since Fassbender was in it and i trusted him to work in good projects.
But i read a lot of shit reception and after Age of Apoc he's dumpster tier.
you clearly don't even know what pretentious means. please try to calm down.
>trying to argue on tv
>with someone who is probably underaged
RIP. The movie is pretty great. Looking forward to the Beguiled hbu?
Yeah Fassbender too. He was fucking amazing in Shame, good in Hunger and 12 Years A Slave but then he went to fucking shit
this is why redditóns think nothing happens in better call saul.
See here's the thing about ScarJo, she's an attractive artsy nerd girl next door who's a bit awkward. This is who she really is so she was typecast in roles like this for a decade. They worked amazingly for her. She could deliver in roles like that because that's really who she is.
Then she decided she wanted to be an outgoing aggressive female action lead. Her delivery is garbage in these roles. Very artificial. You can tell she's faking it because those characters don't come naturally to her at all.
Not to mention, another part of ScarJo's appeal is she was a few pounds heavy and unconventionally attractive. She was curvy in an industry that's mostly slim and plastic. For guys that like thicker women she was an absolute treat to watch.
She could have either been a A+ unconventional beauty. Or a C grade conventionally attractive actress. And lately she's choosing the latter.
>Live a bit more of life and you'll realise how fantastic Bill Murray's character was.
Pretentiousness in a nutshell.
No, I know exactly what pretentious means and I'm demanding that you demonstrate to me whether or not you do as well.
Your repeated refusal to do so belies your ignorance, which further supports my theory that you are just about as thick as a bucket of pig shit.
I'll calm down when you admit that your post was retarded and you made a mistake and you'll promise to rewatch Lost In Translation once you've grown up and been forced by life to make some irreversible decisions.
Yeah me too
What are some other movies besides Lost In Translation and the Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight trilogy where there's no real "plot" and it's pretty much just about 2 characters connecting and their chemistry is fucking amazing? Although Lost In Translation is clearly about the feeling of being stuck and feeling disconnected at different stages of your life.
>turning japanese
Best song about masturbation?
Stop trying to argue with that guy. He's clearly retarded.
You seem like a cool guy though, user. Pls become my friend.
Stop dodging the question you little shit.
How was the movie pretentious? What was it emulating? What was it really? Either don't use words that you don't understand, or find it in yourself to justify your opinions, that's all that's being asked of you.
It's not pretentiousness, it's deduction. Every man will eventually understand Bill Murray in Lost in Translation, and any man who doesn't is yet to reach that point in his life.
If user thinks the movie is only for rich girls, then he doesn't understand Bill Murray's character, and hasn't lived the required amount of life.
I already consider you a friend, user, don't worry.
I'm only arguing because he is my friend too, I don't try to correct the retardation of people I don't care about.
I'm not the user who said it's only for rich girls. It is indeed a pretentious pile of shit made for a pretentious audience though, and you only continue to prove this fact desu.
There have been movies like that since the 1910's.
I'm basing my opinion on what I know of what instantly gets me "excited". When I see a narrowed waist I'm almost instantly attracted except for when they're overweight, but even then sometimes a narrowed waist still makes them look much more appealing.
All that I'm saying is - don't underestimate the instant appeal of a narrowed waist. It should be the #1 goal for anyone, and every female seeking to be more attractive. Narrowed waists instantly trigger something in our brains as desirable, healthy, energetic, "I want to impregnate her - NOW!".
She was with Goldie Hawn in Shampoo, pleb