Why do jew execs think women saying "my vagina" is funny?

why do jew execs think women saying "my vagina" is funny?

because women think its funny.

Their goal isn't to be funny. Their goal is to corrupt young Christian girls.

jewish women are sexually repressed and genital humor is the second lowest form of humor above literal poop jokes.

why do straight men think dick jokes are funny?

Dicks are funny looking. Vaginas are scary

>comparing the well-honed art of the dick joke to women that literally say "my vagina" and expect laughs


Because a woman's life is tied to her vagina. They really don't have much to think or joke about, it's always muh vagina, or muh periods, or muh boyfriends, or muh sex.

Literally obsessed with jews


These conspiracy theories are getting so bizarre and autistic at this point I can't tell which ones are a joke and which aren't. Women making vagina jokes is something Jews care about? In order to I guess corrupt the white race, or something.


>TFW you thought it was all just bantz and funposting and then Trump got elected

>not have finely tuned nosedar

It better shut up when I'm fucking.

the media trying to corrupt america has been a complaint for a long time.

but it is usually moms/old people bitching about it for kids. not autists trying to defeat jews.

What do they mean by this title?

what do you think
it means ese

They do?
It's probably more to do with the delivery and content of the joke rather than the usual Shcumer stuff
>I had a sex
>muh vag smells
>I sexed a black man
>muh vag
>I ate some food
>I did sex
>muh vag

You don't have to look up shit

how do people that have issues with women openly talking about sex and their sexual organs cope with the fact that they have more in common with muslims than most "corrupted" westerners?

don't act like they're not the same people

Actually its the other way around, you see a person acting like a jew then you google it to confirm

I'm not sure people have issue with it.
It's just fucking lame and unfunny.

Of course it's lame and unfunny, but you only have to look in this thread to find the people who regard this kind of shit as the media attempting to corrupt people.

nice mental gymnastics

I actually do this, when they say something about white privilege and open immigration. It's hard not to hate the kikes.


It really is. I honestly wish I wasnt racist but the shit I see day to day just confirms the worst. I used to be a shit lib and now I couldnt go back if I tried.

this response inadvertently answered my question, so thank you

The modern American story

>For much more than either or
What the fuck else is it for? The purpose of sex junk is to continue your genetic lineage. There is no other option than penis or vagina.

Because women are a joke.

I hate the liberals who live in Washington or Oregon. They live in a near completely white state and they think they know whats best for the states in the south where im from (I just saw a concert for a shit lib artist who ragged on jeff sessions). I wish we could import our niggers to the northwest coast just for a year. Id like to see if they arent racist after.

>don't act like they're not the same people
They probably like dogs, so they're not.

I one the other hand am still going to cut your head off and chant a dank nasheed when the day comes.

>mfw women don't want to recognize that after their mid 30s they are reduced to lonely awkward welfare machines