>only 138 million
>projections were at 160 million
>only 138 million
>projections were at 160 million
>You don't have to thank me user
What comes after capeshit? More starshit?
I didn't even know this was out.
Must be a real turd.
This is why DC conquers all. This is why Wonder Women will re-open the mighty wrath that is DC and finally who all you Marvel fanboys that it is NOT as bad as you say it is, but you are in fact unintellectual and cannot perceive what is happening on the screen. Still think BvS was bad? How blind are you? These were comics first, with even dumber plotlines, yet you knock LIVE ACTION TELLINGS of Superman Vs. Batman? Get fucking real. I can't wait for DC to come back and kick you Marvel cucks right in the fucking uterus.
just look at disney
Opening weekend just started. I'm going to see it this Sunday.
I can't even tell if these posts are ironic or not because so many children post here.
>GOTG2 goes into this weekend with 169M OS, at the same point Civil War was 300M OS and finished on $1.1b WW
Someone having made a shittier version of something you like has no impact on whether or not the current incarnation is shitty.
It does however clearly illustrate how slow you yourself are tho.....
The raise of Kaiju Kino
thats what you get for projecting this hard
It will make a billion dollars by the end of this month
>It will make a billion dollars by the end of this month
Doesn't even have a chance, will be lucky to hit $600m
>using the idiot comparing worldwide opening to domestic opening as proof
Instead of making lots and lots and lots of money, they're just making lots and lots of money. Somehow I think the sequels are not in jeopardy.
>mfw it comes in below Suicide Squad
>Somehow I think the sequels are not in jeopardy.
It has a $200m production and $150m marketing costs
Therefor it needs $700m just to break even, I would say the sequel is touch and go at this point
>Marvel cant even beat the universally panned Suicide Squad
My fucking sides
>universally panned
*oscar winning
It's already greenlit.
I think it's fair to say it's going to out gross the previous movie.
>opening weekend
it's not even sunday yet
I'm hoping
Do people think that if Marvel releases a movie that loses money Walt Disney will rise from the cryochamber and waive a magic wand that'll make DC movies better?
A bad Guardians 2 doesn't make BvS good or suicide squad watchable.
It just means you have 3 shitty movies instead of 2. Truly a win for....theater attendants?
These movies are meant for children. These 'capeshit' flicks raised you from childhood, filled your head with the ideas of right and wrong and filled you with values.
Why would you want these movies to fail and deprive the next generation of children of life skills?
As a child I watched Aliens and Starship Troopers.
I think they instilled a pretty good value of murdering aliens in me.
implying I don't want both capeshit brands to fuck off and die
return to high fantasy kino
vidyafine it is one of the fine ones. Better than thor 2 worse than Thor.
Not good by any means but acceptable. this one is def for a younger audience tho
>Late Night B.O. Update
Why would I want to be updated about body odor?
>vidyafine it is one of the fine ones.
What did he mean by this?
>it'll only be extremely profitable instead of profoundly profitable
why even fakepost like this
it isn't funny, and you're not triggering anybody here because this isn't reddit
Anything that comes will be better, at least for a while.
>Why would you want these movies to fail and deprive the next generation of children of life skills?
My dad took us to see movies like "Exorcist", "Three Days of the Condor", "The Outlaw Josey Wales", "Taxi Driver" and "Network".
No wonder your generation turned out such nu-male cuck pussies.
>will be lucky to hit $600 million
>is the sequel to a movie that made $750+ million
>is already performing better overseas than that movie
I get that predicting box office gross is like predicting where lightning is going to strike but you retards attempt to do it somewhere it isn't even raining.
this generation of nu-male cuck pussies was raised by the very people like your dad that followed all those shit trends, so I don't know what your point is
you made your post even more cringy with that pic of yours
>Projected to take less than $75m total in China
What went wrong?
We're in the middle of Dindushit right now
>shit trends
>MCU capeshit isn't a shit trend
Here's another cringy pic, junior. Sorry you're posting from that cheap phone and can't do the same.
I was gonna make this joke but instead say something like "Late night BO is something Sup Forums is familiar with"
Your joke is better. Here's a (You) to get you started.
>only wildly luctrative instead of jaw droppingly lucrative
this actually. trayvon martin based on a true story of a gud boy who dindu nufiin will probably be made next year
>38 million
Wow that's really good, especially in the face of still strong competition from Fate of the Furious.
Shameful kinotards.
I'm just saying, Marvel really underestimated how many people didn't care for, or outright hated the first one.
The only people I know who love it more than anything are the strange brand of "normie nerds" who go comic cons and love it when they are exclusively pandered to but still have no idea who any of the comic book characters are (because they don't read them). The people that told me that Deadpool should be up for best Picture.
My real nigga comic book nerds didn't really fuck with it that much. My paladin normies thought it was okay. My capeshit haters fucking hated it the most out of any capeshit they have ever seen.
This film looked like it truly has no story though, and I'm worried it's literally just a rehash of the first one.
Wow I sure like GOTG2 now!
Are you happy that so many faggots gave you a reply? """capeshit""" is the best thing to happen. Marvel is 15 movies in and still hasn't refrained from entertaining us.
More LGBTQ movies?
I'm okay with more feminine penises in cinema.
LOL wtf GotG was one of the few genuinely good Marvel EU films because it felt like its own thing and wasn't just "muscle man punches people ad nauseum". People just don't like it on here cause Chris Pratt is "leterally leddit".
They'll remake Planet of the Apes again?
im mary poppins yall
>Sequel performs $40m above predecessor
Maushill please, you're done.
I really want them to transition to dark fantasy shit until it gets stale
Because a Berserk adaptation with a slim chance of not being garbage could come out
Berserk was already adapted, it's called Dark Souls.
Its Saturday today and its made $138+ million dollarydoos
Its fine
>Sup Forums
If they adapted dark souls i'd still be satisfied a bit.
I went through the hassle of going through all 6 seasons of GoT just to try to fill the hole Berserk left in me
You sound like a real autist.
dinoshit with a dash of mommykino.
I'm tired of the capeshit barrage too, but this GOTG franchise was actually good.
How much did that """"confirmed flop"""""" of Suicide Squad made on opening weekend lads?
Fast and Furious cinematic universe. You'll get your Hobbs spinoff and Deckard spinoff.
Can't wait till capeshit dies off and we get more terminator and independence day sequels.
>normies starting to dislike capeshit.
It's unpopular now? Maybe it's not so bad then...
Nice try shill
why do they need $700 million to break even if it cost them $350 million to make the movie and market it
seems to be a trend with DC movies that they break all records on opening weekend and then completely lose their legs in later weeks. Rest assured, GotG2 will outperform Suicide Squad.
Because they only get half of that 700 million.
>What's Hot on Deadline
>'Real Time': Bill Maher Praises Jimmy Kimmel - But Not His Politics
It needs 700m to be a hit, not to break even.
So Suicide Squad having a box office total of 745 million and a 175 million production budget barely made a couple dozen million profit, if that?
Fuck man am I the only one who finds capeshit comfy? I much prefer it over stuff like Independence day returgent.
It will do a billion easy.
Cunnyshit hopefully
No because if it's DC they get 110% of that money, and all that WITHOUT China.
I find it comfy but that might have something to do with the fact that I've been into it all my life.
u r 1 cheeki cant
>mfw I knew Suicide Squad would fail ever since the leaks of Will Smith looking pitiful & sad as Deadshot
The epitome of JUST.
Are you saying normieshit is good?
Name 1 (one) good normie movie.
you overestimate how much the cinemas take in
Dude, taxes.
Something equally as bad and childish to be complained about.
The same suicide squad that cucked dr strange so hard they had to shoehorn iron man into a spider-man movie and hulk into a thor movie? That suicide squad?
What's really going to kill it is Wonder Woman and Justice League noticeably underperforming this year.
Also I'll go out on a limb and predict Last Jedi is going to make significantly less than Force Awakens. Maybe about the same as Civil War.
"People who dislike cape movies disliked it"
"People who are neutral to cape movies were neutral to it"
"People who are mega fans of actual comics didn't enjoy an adaptation as much"
Colour me suprised! Do you really think this is an argument, user? Are you reaching there?
Also nice anecdote.
Now, go compare both opening weekends instead you mongoloid.
Should we just collectively an hero?