How the FUCK?
How the FUCK?
great thread OP
its fun
and not everyone is a stuck up bordwell thompson reading oscarscoping cinemasnob
Maybe it's actually a good show
iMDB is a website where users do the ratings and usually fans of something will rate it a 10.
My younger brother spend whole day yesterday quoting the show.
Its only for edgy teens.
You gotta wonder how fragile someone's believe system is when a cartoon character disagreeing with it triggers this much outrage. I mean if Jebus is real and all that who gives a fuck what this cartoon character said.
they know he's not real is why
>not being this guy
You have to wonder how every person that likes this cartoon ends up self centered like this guy.
Its not about the religion or god or whatever that makes you laugh and burp in the show.
>Better score than The Sopranos
Dude it has a higher score than THE GODFATHER
The funny part is Sup Forums never even watched this show. Or they'd remember the part in episode 3 where Rick literally chastises his family for having their noses glued to their computers on Christmas because, and I quote: "Jesus Christ, our savior, was born today, are you guys even human?"
It's almost like Rick is just a grumpy asshole who just says whatever edgy thing he's thinking to make people mad.
IMDB tv show ratings are somehow worse than their movies
>dexter 8.8
>got 9.5
>bb 9.5
Your theory is completely wrong. Sup Forums watches it and loves it, hating Reddit & Meme is just the current hot Sup Forums meme. Get with the times, gramps.
>[Burps internally]