>tfw no trump gf
Tfw no trump gf
why even live?
>tfw my gf is a socialist
could be worse
Incredibly degenerate
What kind of father allows his daughter to do this shit?
This is fucking appalling. That woman should learn to dress more appropriately.
Why all trumpfags are poor?
I'd bend her over so quick your head would spin.
Can you stop spamming this board with off-topic shit?
No fuck off
But who is she ??
Because Trump is the voice of the common man.
Is it true that canadians love being dominated by irish males? I might move to Canada to conquer the northern lands and create a new motherland.
Pls fix her fast
such a fucking attention whore
>no trump bf
She's so pure and waifu-like
I'd like to eat her fresh if ya know what I mean.
God I'd plow her harder than I'd plow Chloe Moretz
>No trashy white (probably coalburning) slut
Good. My respectable girlfriend and I are voting for Hillary in November. Will see the guys wearing hillbilly hats and the girls in whore clothes and know those are the types of people voting for Trump
>self-harm scars
Absolutely disgusting.
That clarinet is a euphemism for black dicks
You need a low IQ to support Trump. Poor people are stupid, what a surprise.
You'll dive right into her superior right wing bush and you'll like it
she's pretty damn ugly and trashy looking
>Self harming scars
Not knowing the difference between self harming and a normal scar
Wat? How are you seeing her pussy? Everything I can see apart from her head is completely smooth, unless you're talking about her arms. In which case you have clearly never met an actual woman.
MFW you're an absolute faggot who thinks he's too good for a 8-9/10
>Voting shillary while being anti race mixing
The bourgeois are mentally disturbed...
She posted a picture of her California ID and it said female. She claimed she was a female. Idk if thats accurate though...
Would fuck
Would marry
Poland. BASED as always.
I have no idea how the USA is so cucked, their constitution (which they all pretend to care about) is actually really good. But they've got a dindu muslim president and import more shitskins than most of the rest of the world put together and they still pretend to be based. Just terrible.
>California ID
You can get those pretty ez
Darn, I was hoping...
You would know, Mr Taco
Hormone therapy costs a lot of money, user!
also, that is why we make fun of chicano spics and support a new law that will strip them from their mexican citizenship, allowing our border patrol to dump them in south america. They are trash that never go beyond working in fast food chains.
I have a qt Italian GF who im slowly red pilling
>redpilling a woman
thats not how it works user..
only their fathers have that ability
She calls me daddy when we fuck :O
>She calls me daddy when we fuck
daddy problems unresolved. you are in trouble
>Behave like whores
>Sup Forums is ok with it because they wear a dumb hat
>Dutch flag on nipple
Bullshit lad. I redpilled my ex and the bird I'm seeing. Just kept talking about EU rapes and anti-white media shit and they went from voting Labour to voting UKIP, BNP and vote LEAVE.
Women are easy to indoctrinate, hence why the (((powers that be))) gave them the vote.
>not being able to change a woman's mind
>be woman
>wear shorts
>they barely cover my ass
>be man
>wear shorts
>everything down to my knees is covered
muh double standards, feminists fix pls
>no sloot that pretends to be into politics to sling mad dick
I'll never get tired of seeing that image.
high waist pants are my weakness
And the puncher looks like Sean Bean.
Enjoy this too.
whatever happend to him?
girls young as 14. Fuck i had do a 360 too much ass cheeks
Sean Bean gotta chill the fuck out, no need to be so aggressive
I would eat at that godawful place just to see this qt.
>tfw when no stable economy
great taste bro
post this shit on b faggots
Having a GF is overrated
t. Guy with pro Trump gf
>Trump girl
>Possibly in Seattle
Except she cheated on Christian. Fucking whore
>tfw i know that model and he's not a trump supporter
I almost feel bad for him tbqh. His face is attached to a movement he doesn't support.