Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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Does she have a bull on standby as well?
Hey look Krager hasn't been banned for posting child pornography yet
Wouldn't holding the umbrella yourself so it's lower down keep the rain off better anyway?
Isn't there like 50 different Kragers now.
she's rich, ergo has assistants
kings in the mediaeval age used to have people in charge of wipping their arses after shitting, that's one -shitty- job, not holding an umbrella
no its just one incredibly autistic nigger that never leaves Sup Forums
I know the original Krager was but I heard from someone that some leet haxors got a hold if his trip and have been using it to shitpost.
you could have worded that sentence better.
and yes
What you mean?
Ugly women? Yes, they should be banned.
My trip has been public for months now, this is the original Krager posting.
>I'm done, now wipe my ass
*lets out another log*
>oh haha, that one was hiding, trust me i'm done now get wiping
*lets out a few more logs that hit the servant*
>haha, must be hiding somewhere deep, i didn't feel it, NOW GET WIPING SLAVE
*Shoots out diarrhoea that covers the servant*
>Oh good heavens, i really must have some secret dungeon in there.
I always see woman stand like that with their ankles and I fucking cringe.
That's not good for your ankles ladies
look at this fat fuck
Why are women allowed to get away with being useless? If men are so sexist why do we allow this shit? You should kill yourself for being OK with letting our civilization go to shit.
Hey look /r9k/ stopped by before their 6am bedtime
People think the slaves were freed
People are wrong
That bitch is being paid to hold an umbrella, why does she look so fucking ungrateful
Who is that? Why does she have the face of a toddler?
gordita mexicana
>looking us straight in the eye as he does it
it means shes been standing a while and her feet hurt. nice innocent selena is an asshole making her stand like that. director should have a tent or something for people to st in.
How much do you get paid for being an umbrella holder?
Maybe they were talking.
Depends who it's for
They are probably interns, come to think about it.
Wait, is this really a thing, or is this just a ruse? Because that's... well, kind of retarded.
that's pretty sad. no, not because he's black. just because they can't hold the umbrellas themselves.
Yeah I know, Buzzfeed. But for real, this is people's job
Did the scene call for wet hair? PA's are minions and they accept that. Why couldn't she hold it herself? Arguable.
I think I can understand the reason when its on the red carpet when the photogs want a clear shot, but out and about? maybe its for the bodyguard to have an easier time to protect the celeb? Or for paps to get better shots?
but on the set too? nah, thats jut lazy as fuck.
These are the same ''liberals'' that give speeches about how minorities and poor people have it hard and republicans have no compassion
I mean, if you're so powerful and important that you have some poor bastard holding umbrellas for you then shut the fuck up, I'm not even american and it triggers me
>Pay a top tier hair stylist alot of money to get a 'stars' hair/makeup done right for shot
>shot is either set in the rain or the rain comes inadvertently
>ask assistant to do next to nothing for their shift except ensure the stars hair/ makeup doesnt get ruined thus ruining the continuity of the shot because thats when internet faggots complain
>someone scores a shot of said assistant holding said umbrella and being payed for it (bearing in mind COAL MINING STILL EXISTS)
>internet faggots still bitch
Go tell the kids in Syria about your problems yanke fucks
You can hold the umbrella by yourself, what difference does it make?
ok, this one is different.
a manlet like him can't just hold the umbrella himself. the lightest breeze would be enough to blow him into the sky.
you dont know whats happening 5 minutes either side of that photo, the idea that the actors are just being elitist fucks is both unfounded and naive
I'm sure that guy is getting paid for his time so he's not a slave.
>get paid to hold umbrella over actor so they dont smear their makeup that took an hour to do and cost $500 or wet the clothes that took hours to make
>somehow fa/tv/irgins have a problem with this
i guess anything that involves standing for some period of time triggers you double niggers
fuck off nigga, I'm Krager
is he /fa/?
>rich liberal celebrities who shilled for Bernie have literal manservants doing demeaning labor
if by /fa/ you mean gay. yes he is very /fa/
Whenever I see these photos of Gomez on the set for whatever this is, I just think it's for some school theatre performance that was thrown together in a few weeks.
i would gladly get paid shit tons of money to hold an umbrella and do errands for people
>shit tons of money
are you implying assistants on movie sets don't make good money compared to any other low level / low skill job?
who needs self-respect anyway
>no photos of my waifu
phew, couldn't bear the thought of her being a spoiled snob
I-I don't think I'm qualified enough to be head umbrella holder but maybe I can get a position as umbrella holder assistant? I could walk behind them with one of those golf club bags except with umbrellas. And then maybe one day when the sun is extra hot and the umbrella holder needs a pee break I might be asked to step in and hold the umbrella for just a minute. Oh gosh.
Cuz she is Selieeenyo Gometzzzz !!!
She should've been doing THIS instead.
You guys are fucking retarded. PAs have been doing this shit forever.
umbrella holding is just one task in the endless list of trivial things PAs do on any given day.
The thought process is basically "you gotta start from the bottom if you want to make it to the top"
This. I don't really see how this is any different from when your maid do your laundry.
Do you think the slaves weren't compensated with room and board? Howis that different than paying a subsistence wage to someone?
Because a slave gets killed if he tries to quit his job
Damn nigger, you're stupid.
>quit your job because it sucks
>apply for entry level position at a company
>need 7 years experience
>your only experience is holding umbrella for 9 months
>lose your apartment because you can't afford rent
>be homeless
>be starving
>at least I'm not a slave!
>start from the bottom
Is this a thing? Like are there actually big shot producers who started out as PAs, or is this a meme they use to rope in cheap labor?
A guy works in the circus, following the elephants with a pail and shovel picking up the stinky gooey dripping dung. One day, his brother comes to see him. He says, “Sam, I’ve got great news. I’ve got you a job in my office. You’ll wear a suit and tie, work regular hours, and start at a nice salary. How about it? Sam says, “What? And give up show business?
Quentin Tarantino started out as a movie goer. Now he's a movie MAKER.
tbqh I'd rather shovel elephant dung than work in an office
>implying this isn't a job they give to disabled people to help out
NBC's page program used to be a pipeline to being a NBC star. But then they had a scandal where they found out everyone was fucking the pages and so they stopped offering them jobs.
Angela from the Office and Kenneth from 30 Rock were ex pages who probably took a few shots in the mouth.
its called dignity. You probably used to have it many many years ago.
This is what awaits you if you go to film school
The girl on the left went to college, ahahahahaha
She looks more latina know for some reason, it's because she's getting fat? Anyway i calling it Selena is going become huge after her first baby like any maexican chick
>it's a Selena Gomez confuses her fake Lupus with Leukemia episode
His name is The Weeknd
Heh. That's really funny indeed
>imagining Selena with an episiotomy scar
Even if I could hire someone to do shit for me this has to be the most unnecessarily awkward thing ever. Just hold the umbrella yourself it's not that fucking hard.
>it's because she's getting fat?
but the Umbrella Handler is an even bigger(?) manlet
Doesnt gets you all trigerred when celebrities go out and use twitter to rant about "women's rights" "human rights" or whatever, and then go and treat their assistants like shit?
what is going on with her eyebrows?
All she's doing is holding an umbrella, if this offends you then you need to get out more. There are far worse jobs than this. Most people in the western world have jobs in service, the purpose of which is to SERVE other people.
see Going on ranting passionaly on twitter about how we should vote for Hillary for the sake of the world, then going around and treating people around her like shit, how does that make sense?
Again, why can't these celebrities hold it themselves? What is stopping them?
>get paid to hold an umbrella
oh no!!!!!! I should be working at mcdonalds and making less!!!
and they aren't the assistants they are the people that work on the set
At least when working at McDonalds you don't have to wipe the customers mouths or place napkins in their laps
>Now I will make up shit that isn't in these photos!!
Another great argument on the internet!!!
You're posting absolute nonsense.
The amount it would cost to reshoot these scenes if the actors get their hair/make up messed up or clothes drenched from rain would be significant to fuck up the production.
That would then delay the set for everyone and inconvenience dozens of people from assistants to catering to producers who have budgetary concerns.
Not to mention these people are paid handsomely for this, or are partaking in exclusive internships for someone higher up.
You would know this if you knew anything about movies and weren't deadset in being a pathetic piece of shit that has to make a picture of someone holding an umbrella into a political debate.
You sad fuck. Die in a fire.
>there are people ITT that don't know who this is
Why can't they hold it themselves, dipshit?
uhm everyone knows why kenya west is
I'm stinking rich (like never have to work again rich) and even i wouldn't allow somebody to hold an umbrella over me like that, out of humility.
I don't even like to see the cleaners who clean my house. Not because i don't like them, but because i'm embarrassed by the fact i am paying someone else to clean my shit and i feel palpable shame whenever i see them.
is being rich as wonderful as it sounds???
It depends how big your house is, and you're a coward for feeling embarrassed, you should try and befriend them it's the least you could do, you're just being rude. Anyways if you feel that bad about it just clean your own fucking house.
That's good. Now these people have jobs they wouldn't otherwise have.
>make good money
It can be. I'm not self made. I won the euromillions. So maybe if i had actually earned the money my perspective would be different.
No amount of money will buy you genuine friends or love, i can tell you that.
But at least i have cool toys to play with, by myself, and i live in an awesome house, by myself.
Probably the worst thing about it was figuring out what money i should give to relatives etc.
Obviously i have little limitations now, i can travel where i like when i like and can pursue any hobbies i want regardless of expense which is amazing.
Though i'm not anymore fulfilled than i was before i had the money.
Why aren't you fucking and living with tons of women.
you're doing it wrong.
you don't live large. you travel and meet people aong the way, hiding your power level.
thats how you make actual friends that are into you not your cash. of course, even normal people get jealous of crumbs, so still be careful. but you wont be miserable in the long term. and you'll be set for when you get old. fuck being poor AND old.
I do this, but people get weird when they finally find out how rich i am.
Plus when you're travelling it's difficult to make friends who you can see regularly.