Red pill me on Gary Johnson
Red pill me on Gary Johnson
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Anti freedom gun grabbing commie koch funded spoiler who shills for hill.
Tempered libertarianism.
It's better than Hillary or Trump, though.
seems like more of an attention whore than being into libertarian political ideology/thought
Oh, and hes Bill Kristols candidate.
You dont like him, do you?
grandma looking midget who parades around as a "libertarian" but is actually an undercover democrat
Didn't he say that Jewish bakers should be forced to make Nazi cakes one time?
His name is Gary and he's a Johnson.
Not with Bill weld who is a full blow neocon and is running Johnson's campaign more than Johnson is
In every interview I've heard with Gary Johnson he's comes off as this extremely irritating, holier than thou, know it all. Tons of snarky quips and just shitty attitude all around.
This is wrong and ignorant of how our election system works.
A Democrat cunt jumping on the "muh weed and Bitcoin" bandwagon to get stoner and tinfoil votes.
Libertarian candidate that doesn't seem to have that "I'm just in this because it'll let me be racist" vibe that Ron Paul had. Seems to get alot of hate from conservatives that don't understand how actual small government works, and think he's a super liberal for the socially liberal topics his platform supports in the course of that small government mission.
he and Weld are an embarrassment to the Libertarian party. how the fuck do you join the party of the bill of rights and support an anti-gun platform?
Any Libertarian that unironically supports him should fucking hang themselves for their betrayal.
he's a fucking faggot that's all you need to know
not even memeworthy
I don't like people threading on me so I can confirm.
Only ticket that actually has experience in governing and working with a congress
also hes not a giant orange ape or an international criminal
look at this stormcuck tossing shit at the only sane person on the ballot in all 50 states