>watch American Beauty
>le military guy who hates fags turns out to be gay himself
Fucking really?
>watch American Beauty
>le military guy who hates fags turns out to be gay himself
Fucking really?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a pretty cliche film overall
I guess they were different times
Gay people like to imagine that. Because then they could fantasize about having gay sex with their bully
Also, probably, liberals say stuff like that because deep down they dislike gays. So , to them, saying a person is secretly gay is an insult...even though publicly they love the gays
(Ex: Colbert saying trump is gay)
hits too close to home froggy?
well that's a real thing though
>Homophobia is more pronounced in individuals with an unacknowledged attraction to the same sex and who grew up with authoritarian parents who forbade such desires, a series of psychology studies demonstrates. The study is the first to document the role that both parenting and sexual orientation play in the formation of intense fear of homosexuals.
>In psychoanalytic theory, reaction formation (German: Reaktionsbildung) is a defensive process (defense mechanism) in which emotions and impulses which are anxiety-producing or perceived to be unacceptable are mastered by exaggeration (hypertrophy) of the directly opposing tendency.[1][2] The reaction formations belong to Level III or neurotic defense mechanisms, which also include intellectualization, dissociation, displacement and repression.
its a bit obvious if you're talking one on one to someone who legit hates gays (always a man about gay men, never from a woman or about lesbians) that they're reacting to their own reaction, they literally picture gay sex in their mind when thinking about gay men and don't like the effect it has on them, you can even tell when just reading a post on Sup Forums about it since they always jump directly to ranting about how gross anal sex is
After several years in this shit hole reading confessions from faggots here you are half right, the other half is kike hollywood hooknosed jew conditioning.
>caring this much
lol, fucking faggot
gay frogposter
There's a good joke here somewhere in you calling him a faggot, I'll come back if I think of one.
there's a good American Dad episode making fun of this cliché
Nearly all relations measured in the original research are non-significant.
>they always jump directly to ranting about how gross anal sex is
Yeah, if you are disgusted by permanent damage to the anal area then you're gay yourself.
People who don't like gays turning out to be gay happens a lot though
>study performed by Dr. Abraham Shekelwitz
Every time.
>the guy who hates muslims
>turns out he's a muslim himself
So many cases
>pedo rapist Kevin Spacey is in it
What were you expecting but fag propaganda?
Looked it up and you're right. The attribution is to Netta Weinstein.
Sup Forums was right again.
I thought the point was he kissed the dude to see if he was gay and walked away when he realized he'd killed his son for nothing
>libshits will believe this type of junk "science" that only ever proves what it sets out to prove from the start
>but not real science like biology
Bit selective, aren't we?
He was just bi-curious
Most military guys are repressed homosexuals.
Kek it's that way irl as well
I've never met an anti-gay fag who, didn't secretly want to suck cock. It makes sense as well, because if you were a normal person you wouldn't give a shit about other people being fags, because it doesn't affect you, at all.
Only when you perceive someone being gay to be some kind of slight on your behalf, can you get so upset about other people fucking each other in the ass
>people who hate niggers are just niggers
to me it feels like they made the cliché.
Same with Good Will Hunting and the janitor being hyperintelligent.
now it's cliche as fuck. but thats because other shows copied it.
kys faggots
Homophobes are bisexuals or full on fags. They feel urges towards men and when they say homosexuality is a "choice" they mean they can suppress those urges. Actual straight people don't have homosexual urgues.
It's ok user, maybe your redneck uncledad will disown you, but it's the 21st century now, most people don't really give a shit about how much you want to plow Jamal's tight ass.
Embrace who you are and go find yourself a nice man ass to fuck, faggot
Spent 8 years in the Navy, definitely an abnormal amount of repressed gays.
Lots of people took trips to Thailand also.(Was stationed around that part of the world for a while)
Not saying they went there just for ladyboys, but there are a lot of other asian countries around they didn't visit...
>watch American Beauty
>le military guy who hates fags turns out to be gay himself
>if only it was a woman (male) with a femine penis tho I would suck it and put it in my ass
traps aren't gay though
Liberals secretly dislike everything.
I call people fags, gay, say the suck cock etc.
None of that is really considered all that offensive in the gay world. Only when you get to lesbians and those whiny hipster types do you really run into hyper-offended gays.
Most are pretty outgoing, humorous, etc.
Source: mouth still tastes a bit like cum
Angst and arousal are pretty closely linked. It's why fright or flight often also incites arousal and why people have sexual anxieties.
He wasn't gay. He was very confused and fucked up in the head.
Wasn't there an anti-gay pastor that did coke off a black guys dick or something
This is technically true
Or you can just not agree with their lifestyle and don't like them in general
That's all you got from the movie? Fucking really?
>le ebig ad-hominem
So, it's only science if it confirms your personal bias. A bit psychotic, don't you agree?
True, there are many things I don't agree with but I usually handle that by not caring about it or thinking about it.
If I didn't agree or like someones lifestyle I would never think about them, I'd rather think about lifestyles I like.
>false equivalence
This thread is like the gift that never stops giving.
Nice try faggot but most people hate gays because the majority are self-destructive degenerates that constantly try to recruit others to their suicide run so they don't feel alone
Sucking cock has little to do with it, you're just scum
This is true
t. guy with spider girl waifu
If it's self destructive and you don't like them, why not just let them continue then?
Can you not resist the temptation of cock or something? Need it locked away from the world?
I'm sure a nice guy would love to show you a good time, a lot of them do have a fetish for converting straight guys.
Because of the reason I mentioned literally 3 words over, they desperately try to recruit others to their lifestyle all the time, that's what predator means and that's what makes them degenerates, not the amount of cock they have in ass
Gays on TV like American Beauty and Moonlight just showcase the one-of-a-kind cases, not the majority
You don't want to go down the road of arguing that psychology is just as valid a science as biology. If you remove political bias from the equation it's very clear to anyone with a brain which one is a science and which one is trying and failing to look like a science.
Pretending that psychology and biology are equal in some way, and that it is then just political bias that would lead one to believe one over the other reveals a clear bias on your part, not mine.
Explain to me how this recruitment process works.
How is it a problem for any man that is secure in his heterosexuality?
>watch movie
>le racist guy who hates niggers turns out to be a nigger himself
>You don't want to go down the road of arguing that psychology is just as valid a science as biology. If you remove political bias from the equation it's very clear to anyone with a brain which one is a science and which one is trying and failing to look like a science.
I don't think you quite understand what a science is, so I'm not surprised you arrived to this conclusion.
Lot of racist dudes fuck black women though, the genetic mixture of african americans come solely through that
That seems to be how most of these people are, if they actually took a few good classes, they'd realize it's a lot different from whatever they are imagining.
>anything's a science if you add statistics, that's all it takes
Nice try, psychology.
ebony/black porn is almost always #1 in this south. Sure there are more black people in the south, but still a minority.
It can be true at times though, look at Pakistan
Lots of racist black men fucked white women. It's about out breeding the competition.
>psychology is a pseudoscience
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Only in the navy
>my lifestyle is so good I'm having fun all the time I have everything I want I'm free don't you want to be like that too?
Here are some shows and films that accurately portray the homos
>that homo episode of House MD
>Ex-Drummer (though to be fair literally everyone is degenerate there)
>Mysterious Skin
Here are the films that romanticize the idea of homos
>A Single Man
>Brokeback Mountain
And then there's the rare series that shows both sides of the coin, like Six Feet Under
If you know any of these then you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say they're recruiting
>my professor acts sciency so it's a science, stop talking shit about my degree already
Sorry, bro.
>and marines
>and air force
>and army
>never met a coast guard
Air Force probably has the lowest number. They have a pretty high rate of incredibly hot wives too.
I still have no idea what you are talking about man.
I watch shit with straight couples banging all the time, it doesn't make me straight.
Walk me through this recruitment process.
How does an upstanding male citizen with dreams of a classic american family, wife, 2 kids, etc, get recruited into your fantasy land of degenerate homosex?
I'm telling you right now, this crazy fantasy you have made is just ridiculous, you sound ridiculous.
If someone goes from being a straight married guy to sucking cock because of a few invites or movies, he was already curious.
Believe it or not, most of us have very successful careers too, probably average way higher than you fly-over states.
I know I'm not the best at expressing myself but are you purposefully misunderstanding me? I just said lifestyle, I didn't say they start sucking cocks right off the bat
It's very easy to recruit young'uns anyway, they're generally very impressionable, see poz groups
No, it's just irrational.
I don't see how anything you are saying makes any connection.
What is this "lifestyle"? Going to clubs and doing drugs, having orgies?
Do you think straights don't do this?
I never did it, none of the people I've been with ever had either.
We're probably more accepting of multiple partners than straights, but I don't really see how that's a problem either.
Are you saying they don't become gay, they just do gay things?
I'm not sure what gay lifestyle they are having if it doesn't involve fucking guys.
You've invented this scenario that doesn't really happen.
This is why people think you are closeted gays, you go on and on about this degenerate lifestyle 'corrupting' people and shit. It sounds like a scenario from some hentai manga I'd fap to.
Mostly I'm just curious at what you actually think. I've never understood what people are so afraid of by having gays around. We're at like a pretty consistent 5%-8% of most populations.
All I really want to do is live a normal life and cuddle up in bed at the end of the day for some lovin'. I just don't get why people perceive this as some moral destruction of the fabric of society.
I probably lead a less degenerate life than 90% of Sup Forums.
Anyway, blog over. I wish you well.
Uh, I'm gay and there is a very obvious unhealthy and gross part of the gay "community" that's completely degenerate