You spilled Steve Austins beer and he looks at you like this. What do?
You spilled Steve Austins beer and he looks at you like this. What do?
It's fine, I'm not a woman, nor his wife, so that pussy wouldn't do anything.
Tell him that HHH was the bigger draw
was this guy ever a heel?
yeah, but the audience liked him so much they cheered for him anyways
Before he was stone cold, in wcw yeah.
Call him a manlet and tell him to fuck off
>Steve Austin?
>Heh, more like Steve Autism
>*as he gets up I pull my hacking phone out*
>Not so fast there Steve
>I'm part of the Alt-right
>*tip my fedora as he cowardly sits back down and minds his own business*
Feels good being part of the most notorious group in the world.
bonesaw is ready
Austin was always a tweener, never truly a face or a heel
>Googled Austin Quran (2:191-193)
What the fuck, McMahon?!
Offer to buy him 10 more beer. He drinks cheap shit.
Smash my own beer glass over his head. This is the Irish Way.
Watcha wanna fight out about faggot?
t. Jimmy "Brooklyn Leprechaun" Fitzpatrick-D'angelo
Walk away slightly faster than he and his fucked up knees can.
there was a period when he was on Vince's side. It was weird.
I get a 30 pack.
I wish I could kill every single mouthbreathing retard who enjoys this "sport"
Either hit him with a stunner or call the rock for help.
Put him in the Sharpshooter and SCREW HIM
id apologize and toss him another, just as id expect him to do for me
Holy shit, WWF living in this guy's head rent free.
Throw him another. He has to catch them.
buy him a jalapeno burger
call him a jabroney
Vince made me do it
Apologize and buy him another. You think I meant to spill Stone Cold's beer? That's fucking disrespectful.
The only time wrestling was good, prove me fucking wrong.
Seconded. No need to act rude, if it was my fault I'd be more than happy to order him a new one as an apology.
Fuck you stone cold, you used to spill beers all over yourself and into the crowd all the time. Don't act like you suddenly have this high value on beer.