Other urls found in this thread:
It's only 2.15PM here. I'll keep this thread open.
Watching the new X-Men films, just finished having a good time with First Class and Days of Future Past, getting ready for Apocalypse. Who knows, maybe it will be better as part of a marathon? I'm resting up because I've lost my voice, hoping it comes back at least somewhat before monday because I have an audition for a small part.
Also it's 14:18 in my cunt
Good luck with your audition user. You should watch the tv show Legion, if you haven't already.
Seeing Lost City of Z im Kino tonight
Watching Guardians of the Galaxy sometime today to prep for the sequel tomorrow
When I get home from Z tonight I'll watch Doctor Who
Get this Sup Forums-eddit shit out of here, freindo
Apocalypse is shit
Days of Future Past is alright
First Class is incredible
Legion is Hawley-TV Kino
How is this Sup Forums?
Listening to some Meshuggah and writing a screenplay for a musical - about Meshuggah.
watching green room
some utube
new slowdive and mac demarco album
shepards pie n chicken
alright, no assignments due any time soon so im feeling good but at the same time im feeling shitty cause tomorrow is gonna be my first mothers day without my mum
Go back to Sup Forums you absolute disgrace of a human being.
>Legion is Hawley-TV Kino
Damn straight
Sup Forumseddit shits fuck off
how is it Sup Forumseddit?
Mother's day is next weekend right?
Its literally a copy of a thread that on Sup Forums every friday, except "PLAYAN" has been changed to "KINOAN" which doesnt even make sense because "WATCHAN" already refers to what film/show you are watcing.
So you admit to browsing Sup Forums?
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Breaking Bad
Field Recordings of animals
Papa John's
What the fuck are you doing?
Neckbeard solidarity. *holds up collector's addition of amazing Spider-Man 2*
Gonna head to the nerd store and grab some free comics and then finish out season 3 of Friday Night Lights before Toonami tonight. Lunch is probably going to be Firehouse Subs.
It's morning here. 10.42 AM you degenerate faggot
Sup Forums has the temerity to speak of neckbeards
you have to go back
Fuck off you reddit neckbeard. Kill yourself
Not to mention the piss poor picture edit