>ITT ask a nigga who made it out the hood anything
Basic story first
>be me
>living in downtown Jackson MS
>parents are absolute shit
>schools are absolute shit
>Don't wanna be a hood nigga
>Move in with Aunt in Clinton
>Good school suburb
>Git smart
>Get scholarship
>Get degree in Mechanical Engineering
So what does Sup Forums think about me?
Also I will not be posting a pic of myself because I've seen the powers Sup Forums has.
>pic unrelated
Successful Black Man
i don't care
Either post pic or this is a shitpost
prove your a dindu, nigger
nigga you gay
Why are you such a narcissist that you come here presuming anyone gives a fuck about your story? You are not a celebrity, you are some random fucking dude. Get the fuck off of this board.
Got any crazy hood stories?
The Brazilian is calling me a nigger.
Go to msu?
Fellow mechanical engineering alum if so
Affirmative action is not success.
So when are you going back to africa?
Gonna be vague about the year but I'm from Smith county just southeast of Jackson
Went to a surprisingly awesome public school for a kind of shit area. It really does make a world of difference
Do you plan on breeding with one of your own or do you plan on brightening the bloodline?
(Even though I don't think you should have children)
I don't know honestly. I definitely don't plan on marrying back into some hoodrat crack whore.
if you really want to make good of your life, nigger, you should just kill yourself.
Do you know Christ?
But hoodrat crack whore is where its at
Do black people really accuse each other of being uncle toms or whatever the phrase is for tying to become educated?
Who was your male role model growing up?
I live in Mississippi as well. Congrats for becoming a contributing citizen and not falling for the welfare trap.
Also, , dont date a white girl. They only date you to shock and awe their parents and friends. White women are the worst of them all. There are plenty of attractive blacks out there, go date one of them.
Nobody says Uncle Tom, but I did get insulted for "abandoning my niggas"
Congratulating on your success.
You prove that with hard work and self motivation, people can still make something of themselves in America.
Granted it's harder coming from the bottom than it is for someone on the top who gets into the right name brand schools and has connections.
Thanks for also proving that everyone sitting on their ass all day collecting welfare, isn't there because of systematic racism.
If you live in Mississippi you should know that a large number of blacks, men and women, have some sort of STD, and I don't mean some minor thing like herpes. They don't have to be a hood nig, just to have fucked one.
>attractive black
Kek a black that mixed with whites
Also op you are cool, just dont come to europe, we have enough engineers and surgeon already
Good for you man. All the best
After your experiences living in the ghetto and then living around mostly white people, do you believe there is truth to the Bell Curve?
what's your opinion on blacks in america
also post yer hand, fagtron
You owe us your entire existence, now to repay your debt to the white man, gtfo and go back to Africa.
I actually didnt know that. Well that's a bummer. Best of luck.
Here. Here is a pic of me from 10th grade. Is that sufficient?
Sorry dude, you actually didn't make it out of the ghetto...
Ya did it. You should be proud.
holy shit. I am now #feelingthecarson
do you talk white or have you been bullied for talking white? do you black it up when talking with your fellow black folks?
How the fuck do blacks visit this place unironically?
Do you believe in privilege, or is it a meme?
Yes, I do talk black when I'm around other blacks. It's just the way I talk to them. I do "talk white" normally, though I sometimes say something like aks
If by privilege you mean that a middle-class white growing up in the suburbs will have an easier time and better education than a poor black in the ghetto, yes. Of course it exists. If it weren't for my aunt living in a nearby suburb with a good school, I probably would have been fucked.
If you're not just shitposting and this is real- and you're voting for Trump- then you're fine by me. I've always found it inspiring to see you guys rise above your surroundings, I can't imagine it's easy.
aww sheeit good answer. do you think there's something magically rhythmical about black people, you ever have the urge do to some raps and pull some moves? also the most important question, do you have a bbc?
I'm proud of you OP. You did it the right way. Wish more blacks were like you. Unfortunately most are niggers.
Family makes the difference. My mom was raised poor & paranoid. A white living a black community during segregation, But when moved to suburbs she didn't leave her mind behind. You did.
As result a learn the world was out to get me so when bullies mad fun of me I never tried to be their friends. Alphabetical seating kept me at the back of the room with the "bad kids", so I thought I was one. Its all in the mind & once it get there its difficult to break.
I ask this when things go wrong to look at yourself for improvement or do blame other to give up?