How do we improve the South USA?

How do we improve the South USA?

Other urls found in this thread:

secede from the rest of the nation (all niggers and faggots)

Remove nigger

Build a wall between it and the real USA, including a 2 mile deep DMZ and mined no-mans land.

Dump the cancer of fundamentalism and improve education.

>kick out four of the top ten moneymakers

>improving perfection
Send the niggers back to Africa.

>worth it

Go away and take your friends with you. That should be a good start.

Any answer other than this is a troll answer.


We don't.

As soon as people find out the medium sized towns with a mainly white population are incredible places to live, the entire thing is over.

Don't blow our cover.

Nuke the fuck out of it, no one in the US cares for these states, all it breeds is niggers, fucking wet dog smelling white trailer trash and dirty spics.

Kill the noggers

Repatriate BLACKMAN to glorious Liberia where pyramids tear at clouds and no Kang gets but the admiration reserved for such a distinguished individual.

Oh and gas anyone left.

end Toxic masculinity in movies

Unironically, get rid of the blacks.


I'll hazard a guess the other two are Georgia and North Carolina?


Voluntary sterilization program and close the border.

most niggers live in the south

This to we gotta get out of the union


Fewer Mexicans

Remove blacks. Solves obesity in America as well.

And crime and illiteracy rates.

I'm moving from southeast Mississippi to northwest Arkansas. Is this an improvement?

Ok, but why is Texas included in this??

The "country" southern niggers are fine, city ghettos like Memphrica,Apelanta,and Birmingham suck ass. Whites just avoid those places.

>hurr don't mess with Texas

dont forget New Orleans

>Southern anymore

Eliminate the toxic middle eastern cult known as Christianity.

southern black people are far less racist and violent


Not Southern.

I got a new gf who moved to ontario from south carolina... can you guys give me the tl;dr of what her life was like? was she surrounded by niggers?

this is actually true

ive found northern niggers to be worse by far when I lived up there

way more hostile towards whites

Remove niggers. Their crime rates, education, IQs, and federal funding usage would come more in line with the rest of the country.


If the South is so bad. Why is Atlanta now flooded with Californians and Yankees?

North Carolina and Virginia?

Texas is the Mother of all retarded Southern States.

Remove mexicans remove dumb ass rednecks

South Carolina is 32% Nigger dude. Regardless South Carolina is conservative. Confederacy flags, old white people say nigger all the time, and whites and blacks never hang with each other there beyond work/school.

Because its not bad

If the South is so bad then how come Northerners and westerners move to Virginia,NC,Florida,Texas? Marland here. We're southern as well.

In all likelihood she's taken about 120 miles of Carolina black snake already.

sent her back you fitly leaf you can have her reeee

Temporary sacrifice by brave American Patriots to turn GA Blue.


well i made some anti BLM/anti shitskin jokes and she liked it, and she loves the police.. she also fishes and seems like a nice country gal, wants a family too

this is my fear tho

Georgia here.
90% chance she fucked black guys in high school. white women here either hate niggers in public and fuck them in secret or are all around bbc whores.

The South is doing fine.We are probably the only place in the country where manufacturing is still happening. Fuck I live in Bumfuct TN and make $1300 a week building giant green airconditioners.

In all likelihood it's probably true. They're pretty loose out there, and since they defund birth control centers like planned parenthood, she probably fucked those black men without any protection. All you can do in the face of this knowledge is thank your lucky stars she didn't get pregnant by any of them before plunging your dick into a birthing canal already thoroughly explored by Jamal and Trayvon on numerous occasions, maybe even at the same time.

In all seriousness, you're fine. The coal burner thing is pretty rare tbqh.

Yeah I agree. When I was a 20-something libtard I was ashamed of being from here, but now haters can fuck off. Not changing my accent

NC here, don't hate. We're the California of the East.

Why is Virginia here.
They're Yanks

Virginia here,
Seems like my State is slowly turning into a comfortably blue state. How can we get rid of the lefties here?

my idea
>force liberals and nigs onto ships at Norfolk
>sink ships in Chessapeake Bay
>Annex West VA for hard to cross mountain border
>wall on our side of the potomac river

Southern girls with their tan and that drawl,they are fucking irresistible. Summer humidity sucks but at least we can all be real men.

Like moving from Bedrock to Hooterville.

>Not changing my accent

Good. That's how we keep your type in the containment zone OP posted.


>The coal burner thing is pretty rare tbqh.

Quit fucking with the leaf, his gf has taken the Carolina black snake in every orifice without protection for years. I'd advise him to use that socialist medicine to get her THOROUGHLY tested.

Mad respect for trip dubs tho.

Get rid of the niggers.

>Move to Northern Indiana
>Feels nice outside, check weather
>86F, feels like 94F, 20% humidity, sun index of 9
>Check where I used to live
>97F, feels like 127F, 100% humidity, sun index of 15
>Fucking nothing.

Northerners are fucking pussies.

>They're Yanks

Sure thing President Jefferson Davis.

>improve the last great place on Earth

I think so.

ill give you oklahoma but texas is the south. florida is the south outside of a few cities in south florida.

metro miami is full of yankees and foreigners, but miami dade outside of the suburbs is country as fuck. same with broward and palm beach. im in boca and if i drive 30 minutes north you will hit towns where people talk like larry the cable guy.

my honest suggestion is to deport northerners back to their states and let us run it how we see fit. our blacks are our blacks, fellow southerners. ill take a southern black over a northern white any day of the fucking week.

>Everybody saying "niggers" instantly
They're definitely a problem but white trash/hicks are only marginally less cancerous.

The southern US is a shithole. Just nuke it and have people from the rest of the country repopulate it.

You probably love slurping down cocks.I'd bet money on it.

Fuck off retard.

This, been living in Chicago all summer with no air conditioner. Not even that bad, can only think of one day I was uncomfortable.

Fuck you no we're not

You got a pretty mouth son.

Loudoun county is. Drive 20 minutes west or south, and you're in redneck country. Stop trying to make the south seem smaller than it is. Most of PA and Southern NJ would also be considered southern.

I lived there until 05 when Katrina destroyed my home; the hicks weren't nearly as bad as the niggers. Hicks mostly keep to themselves unless you happen to go into their territory/property. Niggers actively seek trouble.

>ill take a southern black over a northern white any day of the fucking week.

I'll bet you take a southern black in your asshole every week Cleetus.

Kill white southerners and resettle the land with northerners.

I am 100% serious. Just look how Florida turned out compared to most southern states.

The fuck? Don't try to be the new cool you fucking rust belt Yankee.

Virginia sucks. DC/Nova ruined your state.

>it's a shithole
Im going to let everyone in this thread keep thinking this. The longer I live my simple mountain life undisturbed, the happier I am.

I love giving cock to pretty, dumb, tanned boys with sexy southern accents...

And they can't get enough Superior Northern White cum to swallow.

NWA is really nice and modern. Was shocked when I went.

>rust belt

>not southern

Just stop talking you dummy.

Pretty much. Richmond is fairly cancerous too

Fuck America,
You just let your niggers fuck women with no recourse?

I've seen multiple threads in the past hour of "How do we improve X" This is a shill thread and sliding.

>1 post by this ID

>can only think of one day I was uncomfortable

You should be studied you freak, someone so stupid their central nervous system doesn't even work!

Because Texas is a shit pile. Its all faggots from shit towns in rural texas pretending to by from austin.

If it aint broke don't fix it

You could have just said "I'm a faggot"

But I ready knew that princess.

Tbh most southerners only count the bottom half of Virginia, if that. All the southerners I know consider Tennessee/SC and MAYBE NC to be the top of the 'south'

Laughing out loud at the notion of southern NJ being considered the south

NJ and PA obviously are not. Virginia obviously is. Maryland is arguable.

SC is the top of the south.

Nobody counts virginia, when I went to virginia and people had accents, I was like... WTF are these fake ass southerners? As a southerner it was a very lucid moment.

>no recourse

No, we send the damaged goods to leafland....

Most of PA is. And west driving through sw NJ you will see more confederate flags than you will in Alabama or Tennessee.

How fucking stupid are you? SC is the top of the deep South. Deep South =/= all South.

Atlanta is a model city minus the traffic/lack of urban planning