Trump is LITERALLY a sleeper agent for Moscow. Thoughts?
Trump is LITERALLY a sleeper agent for Moscow. Thoughts?
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Everybody with a brain has known for a while that his campaign is a ruse.
What that ruse is exactly remains to be seen.
There will be peace between the US and Russia in our lifetimes.
They make this sound bad.
better gommunism than islam tbqhwy
This is great news, I wanted Putin to be our president, anyway.
It's simple, Putin would much rather deal with Trump than Hillary
>le putin is bad meme
XD im glad you posted this, i hate trump now
>Shillary sells us 20% of US uranium reserve
>b-but Drumpf is the K-kremlin agent guise
top kek
vlad pls
I would rather be a white soviet than a shitskin globalist
Putin funded UKIP and helped brexit. He's a hero.
The sad part is, I'm not sure whether I'd prefer being Russian, or living with what Western civilization has become.
he's a fat rich boy who isn't smart enough to be an agent.
That's funny, I thought Russia only funded far-right parties in Europe.
oy vey, how dare Trump try to have good relations with Putin. It's like he doesn't want WWIII to happen.
honestly Russia seems like the actual good guys, and the EU and the US look worse and worse everyday.
This. I think the main reason Putin would rather Trump over Hillary is because Trump won't start WWIII and has more of a reserved foreign policy. Plus there hasn't been a figure in American politics for the past two decades that hasn't viewed Russia as the big bad guy until Trump which I imagine is a breath of fresh air.
yeah right nigga.
He's an American Capitalist through and through. Not some commie scum
get fucked kiddo.
I'm not sure about Trump himself being a Russian sleeper, but one of his advisors, Michael Flynn AKA failed DIA director/tinfoil hat nervous wreck most certainly is a russian shill. That fucker sucks russian dick harder than a german girl in 1945 berlin
They're not the good guys but Russia at least is willing to try to preserve some of their values.
>Good foreign relationships
I thought you were just supposed to shit talk and draw arbitrary lines in the sand. Have I been mislead
Better than the candidate funded by Saudis
still better than hillary
US and Russian Alliance NOW.
We'll allow Russia to take Belarus, Ukraine and Baltics through Russian-American backed coups. We will also allow them to turn every Eastern European Country into their satellite states and have control of their markets. In exchange, that USA has control over Cuba, Venezuela and Brazil
Russia isn't necessarily our enemy. The establishment seems hellbent on seeing anything that doesn't attack Russia and a conspiracy. American and Russian interests don't necessarily conflict. The Cold War is over. Russia is a threat, but out entire Foreign Policy shouldn't be based on keeping Russia down. America First means American interests first. Anti-Russian isn't necessarily Pro-American.
>Reagan wasn't also a commie
I mean, how new can you be? Sometimes the economy demands it. Trump is just what's needed, a nice (fake) cold war (again,) as opposed to Hillary literally trying to start WW3, Kaine is even more hawkish than she is.
The post does show some Trump financial connections to Russia, but it leaves out his financial connections to tother countries, and it also leaves out any discussions of Trump's unique Foreign Policy platform (which he has basically had for thirty years). These two things being left out make things look shady. The article is a selective collection of facts.
>wah wah wah Trump is literally Hitler
>whinge whinge snivel snivel Trump is LITERALLY Putin
I think its the lefties way of confirming Trumps Statesman abilities. The weak envy the strong.
Some in trumps circle really are Russian shills tho
Trump will start ww3, look at his good relations with opposed to Hillary who WONT start ww3 as evident by her bad relations with russia!!!!!
>Trump is LITERALLY a sleeper agent for Moscow. Thoughts?
fucking hope so, about time we ditched the nazi plan and traded with our Russian friends like we used to, many many years of peaceful trade with Russia until the whole WWII thing when we took in those barbaric Germans and allowed them to work for our government
$0.02 has been deposited to your account
Holy shit Drumpf is now a commie on top of everything? This man cannot get into power he WILL destroy America!
Is this what Yuri warned us about?
Remember Hillary will start WW3 and it starts with Libya
So this man is both a communist AND a nazi??? What the fuck is happeneing?
It doesn't count as sabotage when I admire the guy.
Anyone with a brain understands Trump is a complete fucking moron, preaching to a choir consisting of the most demented human beings on this planet.
There is no agenda. Idiocy trumped all.
Why would Russia need a sleeper agent when they've already done business with Hillary for uranium?
Manafort picked Pence because he is easy to manipulate.
Once Trump wins, he will kick the bucket and Putin will have the perfect puppet on Pence.
Is this thread real? Are being raided by fucking FACEBOOK or something? Because it's been consistently the lowest denominator "XD Drumpf is st00pid!!!" and "guys trump is literally going to cause World War 4 guys pls vote Johnson" tier shilling the last few days.
Trump is X!
Trump is Y!
Trump is Z!
Trump is M!
Trump is N!
How is Trump all of these things? Aren't you just grasping at straws?
Trump is just a man with an opinion. He's right on some things and wrong on others. It's as simple as that.