This is unironically great writing and insightful social commentary.
The only reason you think it's not is because you can't remove yourself from social concepts like "edgy" or "pretentious". Or you can't remove yourself from the social context, ie "people who like fight club are stupid teenagers, I'm not a stupid teenager so therefore I don't like fight club". Anyone who disagrees with me is an insecure eunuch follower beta male, who can't think for themselves.
I hope you're not calling me reddit, because the people who would hate on that quote are the true redditors, always sucking up to whatever opinions are popular for that dopamine rush of social validation, when you see that upvote roll in.
Jayden Nelson
You're right OP, Whenever I see someone disliking fight club they always seem to have this "holier than thou" personality, like they're automatically at the top of the social ladder just for saying fight club is entry level or edgy.
Isaiah Martin
It's pretty funny alt right trumptards think they're counter culture when they're exactly the very people propping up the rich elites and losing basic rights because they think dicksucking rich chads makes them rich chads
Camden Cook
>posts normalfag reddit memes >supporting ZOG is the TRUE counter culture!!1
Do you think it's just a funny coincidence that every single billionaire shares your views on open borders?
Henry Long
What a fucking surprise the tripfag is a complete pleb. I enjoy fight club, but the whole "consumerism is, like, bad man" thing really is the most surface level social commentary ever. It wasn't original, it wasn't deep, it wasn't insightful. It's a good film but there's a reason it's probably one of the first films people list when you mention fedoracore, people think theyre somehow better than everyone else because they "totally see through it all man, we're just mindlessly consuming and shit", and then what? They go back to consuming just like everyone else but somehow perceive themselves as better because theyre aware that they're consuming? Either way fuck off back to re-ddit, or remove your trip you egotistical little scrotum
Lucas Torres
The Alt-Right is a joke. National Socialism is the future.
Just admit it's a good quote if you remove the social stigma about being "edgy". The social commentary is well executed and also nuanced, you don't want to see this though because you're so sucked into the social dissease of memes. Did you feel big when you typed out that predictable pre-programmed wall of text? Feel like you're one of the cool kids on the chan, all grown up because you got all the cool kid opinions?
Michael Flores
By nature's hand, by Craft, By Art, What Once was one, NOW FLY APART!
Power of Rot, Obscure In Truth, What ONCE WAS OLD, RESTORE TO YOUTH!
>t. visionaries knights and the light and stuff. >t. old fag
Jaxon Morales
fuck off and die
Easton Bailey
But it's not a good quote, maybe the thousands of iterations that came before it were, but it's tired idea that I'd probably see on my mom's Facebook wall with a minion picture attached to it. Like I said, it's a good film, but to try and say its any deeper than surface level is just wrong. The last part of your post is just redundant, as expected of a tripfag, sadly. You're free to have your opinions but I personally don't think it's anything worth praise. If it were an original thought then sure, it'd be a fantastic commentary on late stage capitalism and the powers of advertising. But it's not, and it's not.
Ryder Wood
>who can't think for themselves >uses a movie to influence his thinking
Zachary Garcia
Thinking for yourself doesn't mean to put your brain in a vat and ignore the outside world completely. Calling something "edgy" barely qualifies as independant thought.
Charles Walker
I liked Fight Club, but it hasn't aged as well as many people would want it too. You have to look at it in context, American Beauty and American Psycho came out the same year, and they all have similar themes of feeling trapped in the establishment. Plus, domestic terrorism was a thing before Columbine introduced the school shooting.
Then 9/11 happened and being trapped in the establishment was the only way to stay safe. It isn't the most relevant movie to today, and shouldn't be viewed as a bible of masculinity as some do.
Bentley Morgan
he is right though.
Mason Davis
>Columbine introduced the school shooting
that's wrong
Caleb Stewart
Trump IS the ZOG you fucking retard
Wyatt Foster
In the mind of Americans. It became a real problem after that. You can point to other incidents and shootings in other countries and say that im wrong tho
Easton Martinez
Fight Club is a great movie. It's a meme on Sup Forums to think it's edgy.
Daniel Smith
Definitely samefagging here, can't be a coincidence all the posts agreeing with yours are from mobile. Plus you're the only one mentioning the word edgy. Let your shit thread die
Brandon Reyes
Thomas Howard
Fight Club is about masculinity not consumerism.
Robert Martin
>are from mobile How does one tell if a post is from a mobile?
Hudson Wood
If the first letter of a post is a capital, theres a good chance it's been typed from a phone, because it autocorrects it. All my posts, for example, have a capital because I too am a dumb phoneposter. Also I'm fairly sure you're also killkid, so in future please try to better hide your samefagging Also fuck off back to re-ddit if you want a username so bad
Ayden Howard
It's actually about both, for example how consumerism destroys masculinity
Ethan Stewart
>I am an edgy teenage faggot and there is literally nothing you can say to change that.
Brody Jones
>buy things I don't need true >with money i don't have false >to impress people i don't like false, people that I don't like I don't even engage in conversation
Eli Hill
I always capitalize the first letter when I'm in an actual discussion and not shitposting, it's hardly an indicator of phoneposters.
Jacob Parker
this quote is probably the definition of reddit
David Gomez
yes we get it, every time someone defends fight club they bring up the fact that it's not edgy and it's making fun of this edgy behavior etc... which is true (no shit), it's still an overrated movie.
David Russell
>edgy reddit >edgy reddit >edgy reddit
quit thinking in buzzwords and enjoy a good movie for once
Caleb Bennett
Within the first month Trump publicly stated his support of Israel you dumb fuck.
When anyone brings up fight club I always think of, but desu I think the novel/film have some great social commentary that people just want to cast off as "edgy" cause apparently consumerism is cool now or something.
Juan Morgan
>capitalizing the first letter of a sentence means you're reddit American education system?
Anthony Ramirez
Not really, the majority of redditors arent this redpilled about consumerism.
Luke James
Luke Long
No, it's autism.
Angel Anderson
>and losing basic rights
You mean like the right to own guns, keep what you make from your labor without it being taxed to death, have a job in America or be a woman and use a Female Restroom without there being a man there?
Josiah Thompson
Ryder Hernandez
>taxed to death
Americans pay the lowest taxes of any industrial nation. Try again
Ian Mitchell
it also never occurs to them that their views are exactly the same as the big stockholders and their politicians. Yet they genuinely cannot find a contradiction between that and "the jooz are running the show".
Dominic Adams
So i love how redditors on this board try to bitch about Sup Forums all the time yet here they are, bringing up politics in a completely unrelated thread. Good job, you fucking retard.
Angel Brown
>own guns
Obama couldn't even get universal background checks from the Senate even though it was controlled by his own party after Sandy Hook.
Jack Mitchell
Brayden Adams
Fight Club and (To a lesser extent) The Matrix are a product of 90s corporate culture. If you weren't a white caller worker at the time, you probably won't understand why they resonated with the general population.
Not saying you can't appreciate or relate to them in 2017, but it won't be for the same reasons.
Matthew Rodriguez
This. I want an office job wtf. I work at a gas station.
Luis Jenkins
Ayden Price
What is the "90s corporate culture"? Do you mean that the 90s had a certain "corporate vibe" to them, like a yuppee thing? Or are you trying to distinguish it from other decades' corporate cultures?
Kevin Nguyen
also, why did they resonate with the general population if they were adressed at the white collar populace?
Michael Young
>Americans pay the lowest taxes of any industrial nation.
Yeah and it's still too fucking high.
The fact that your country went full-retard 20 times over with taxes doesn't mean my country should be satisfied with the government going 0.75-retard.
"Slightly less bad" does not inherently mean "good".
Anthony Scott
STILL salty over that election, huh?
Ryan Hall
Gen x faggot.
Nicholas Martin
I don't do that. Checkmate, tripfag.
Logan Thomas
>mfw it's now edgy to call something edgy
Jaxson Ross
The only thing alt-right got right is how they identified globalism as a leftist project. For the rest they're retarded though.
Robert Barnes
They also act as useful idiots for fighting antifa and actually exposing them as being nothing but a bunch of weak faggots who throw temper tantrums to get their way but when confronted they have no power. They got their shit rocked by memers and basement dwellers. Not to mention exposing antifa making their masks useless. I know this is a pretty small victory but having antifa go unchallenged was annoying.
Chase Gray
So basically minimalism
fine but try to convince the woman you're living with you don't need every little shit.
Jose Phillips
This is legitimately true. There are like seventeen threads in the catalog about what movies are "reddit." All of Sup Forums, but particularly Sup Forums and Sup Forums, are so obsessed with being "not reddit" that they are mentally incapable of enjoying something that gets even the slightest amount of popularity. It's fucking pathetic, to be honest. Now people will reply to me calling me "reddit" and "cuck" but I don't give a shit because I don't need the approval of some random internet fuccboi. Sup Forums IS reddit, just with (you)s instead of upvotes.
Gabriel White
>that wasn't my point >the use of re-ddit was directed at your tripfagginess >uses the American spelling of capitalise Really gets my noggin joggin
Brandon Nelson
Reddit why do you NEED us to agree with your shit taste?
Bentley Smith
you do realize that the idea of tyler durden was misplaced self-righteousness and masculinity, and all his "badass" quotes were to show how wrong and out of touch that mindset is this book was not meant to promote this lifestyle, it was to show how mindless and destructive it is
Owen Collins
Eli Watson
I haven't read the book, But the movie is both about the misplaced self-rightousness AND how people have a need to get away from consumerist society.
Adam Ortiz
Reminder that KILLKID is a literal r*dditor who is a regular on r/hapas.
Aaron Turner
Go get a fucking job you loser, I see you on this site everything I decide to visit this shithole
Jayden Flores
Bentley Lewis
Why don't you go get a computer, or atleast check so you didn't get autocorrected before you post. You look stupid as fuck now. Also you admit I'm right about fight club because you use only personal insults
Alexander Campbell
Stop replying to KILLKID threads. He's literally a confirmed shitposter who hates Sup Forums and thinks he's trolling it.
Brayden Thompson
>he says as he replies and shills the tripfags youtube channel
Samefag tripfag, be less obvious next time
Tyler Morales
>not even in his top 3 books
u tried..
Anthony Jackson
its called the helsinki syndrome
Mason Garcia
I used to not really like or fully understand the "middle children of history" bit until I became an adult.