State Pride

Okay, I'm a Pennsylvanian who recently went on a vacation to Ocean City, Maryland, and I've been meaning to ask- What the fuck is up with you guys and your state flag? This fucking thing was flying more often than the actual American flag, on every corner, in every store, even on articles of clothing. One fucker even had a pair of MD flag sunglasses. The ONLY places I've ever seen a PA flag are at Supermarkets/Government buildings. So Marylandanons, what compels you to plaster this fucking cloth on every flat surface within your boundaries? Much like around 80% of state flags, it's a complete eye sore. Not that I'm complaining, individuality is great, I'm just curious.

Bump for discussions

Bump. MD fag here. I haven't really noticed it.

State pride mofo

Nice state you guys have, especially here in Worcester. I've also been down to Baltimore before, it was bearable before all the BLM nonsense.

as a dude who was deployed to somd for a couple years, yes please. wtf, maryland.

and your gun laws are almost as bad as cali's.

Its the two coats of arms of the founding families of Maryland: Lord Baltimore (Balyimore/ Baltimore County) and Lord Calvert(Calvert County)

give us a break

you try living through a omalley gov

Marylander here... please kill me...

When you have the best flag in the nation, you like to show it off.


>ocean SHITTY

I don't know why anyone would be proud to be from MD

it consists of nothing but traffic, rich suburbia and nigger ghettos.

fuck MD

>Looks like a QR code for their flag

Seriously, that is one visually obnoxious flag though.
I'd have to give the coolest flags to either Arizona or New Mexico.

FUCKING THIS and oh boy how thin are the lines between nice and bad neighbor hoods

What a horribly ugly flag.
Even my city has a nicer flag than your state.
Look up the flag of Tampa, FL. I can't be bothered to find it for you

>So Marylandanons, what compels you to plaster this fucking cloth on every flat surface within your boundaries?
When you have the best state flag in the union, you wanna see it in more places.

Maryland is full of insecure cunts and should be Virginian clay

t. Cavalier

It's Lord Calvert and Lord Baltimore's Heraldry if I'm not mistaken.

Based Coloradan reporting. Everyone knows our flag... even other countries.

Also the product of one-party rules like California .: broken city,high taxes, and tons of gun laws producing lots of murders and street crime. I knew a resident murdered in a nice, non-slummy area by a quadruple murderer

Lord Baltimore might be disappointed in how his namesake turned out, probably.

T.Baltimore County=All of Maryland

Hey it's better than being Lady Anna Polis and having everyone tell you Baltimore is the capital of Maryland

boy except for places like frederick county and west are mostly scum save some of southern maryland... even Moco aint safe nigga

Marylander here. Its to counterbalances all of the niggers and liberals we have in the state. If we get distracted by multi-color flag we wont notice all of the shit, im looking right at fucking Baltimore City and Prince George Coon County. Otherwise its a pretty cool flag and everyone is getting on the band wagon now for the upcoming race civil war.

They're flag is cool as fuck who wouldn't want to fly that shit

Also since we're on the topic of state pride r8 my desk Sup Forums


St. Mary's here. The Lexington Park and most of Charles county are fucked. Calvert is alright for now but could get worse.

How do you Marylander feel about Delaware? It's pretty useless aside from bring a tax haven. It should be given or split to Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

it is pretty cool desu

Face it aside from Prince Trayvon and Michael Baltimore, Maryland could be worse. To the east is farmland and the north has Harford County and Ceciltucky

boy if you aint getting rammed by groids up near PGC and BC your getting slammed by hispanics down in MoCo (where i is) and friends

literally who?

Maryland is, hands down, the second worst state I've lived in. Massachusetts takes #1. You fucked up, OP. Enjoy the urge to kill yourself.


im fairly certain every citizen of the glorious kingdom of Maryland is legally obligated to own at least 8 shirts with maryland flags or crabs on them

myself very much included

Delware is pretty much the rest of the Eastern shore of Maryland, beside the very northern part and Rehoboth Beach. Dont care for it much, but barely pay attention to them at all.

where in moco fgt

they share in our plight of the horse shoe crabs

ITT: State flags.

Here's my state's.
> Best-tier

I aint gonna get graped today fageronis

lets just say... in the general montgomery village to gaithersburg area


we based senpai

Blue flag states need not apply.

Why does Pennsylvania have to have this fucking atrocity as a """"flag"""" I want something cool, like a Keystone superimposed on a treeline

what highschool did you go to

I don't know why, it's not very visually appealing. Not particularly proud to be from here since it's a communist state filled with didndus

niggerburg high

Because MD is the best state and you PA cucks can't handle it.

Yeah just niggers here. SMCM doesn't help at all with some of their niggers bitching all the time, including their president who held a BLM rally last year.


Just drove from the Gulf Coast to Dallas and back, currently beaming with high energy pride.

Nigger that's because you were in ocean city. It's all crap from gift shops and they wave the flags for the tourists. No where else in MD do you really see that except Baltimore harbor

>What the fuck is up with you guys and your state flag? This fucking thing was flying more often than the actual American flag, on every corner, in every store, even on articles of clothing.

sounds like Texas.

So you're some flavor of wall builder then?

>muh greek heritage

Aside from our shit tier gun laws Maryland is pretty great. Unfortunately its become a prime destination for illegals and the blacks are increasingly restless.

p.s. you'll never have a more based flag
>inb4 a fucking leaf

Maryland has got to be in the top 10, maybe even top 5 worst states. F U C K Maryland.

Fuck off Calvert!

You get it a bit out in Fredneck. The flag is everywhere I've been in state. Especially anywhere that serves crabs.

>90% of population is either black mexican on jew

t. marylander

Fight me you bitch
Baltimore is literally undermining the character of your entire state, and you can't do anything to balance it out because your state is too small to have enough redeeming factors. When people think of Maryland, they immediately think BALTIMORE
When people think of Pennsylvania, they think of charming towns, strong work ethic, beautiful nature, and an excellent sport scene. You guys get the fucking Glory holes and Gayvens while we get the Phillies and Steelers.

this flag is literally everywhere but it's so easy to ignore

Bro, I'm also from Maine. Flag is pleb-tier. State seal crudely drawn on a blue field. Hooowww original!

Nah DC does. Nigger playground only get its attention when a chimp out happens or they are begging for money

nice dubs top-tier state A++ would move to

Ayyy lmao SMCM student reporting in. The school is borderline prejudiced against straight white males at times. There's some crazy shit that goes down on this campus.

Anyway OP, MD has the best flag. Plus our education is top tier.

Delawarefag here. I'd fly my state flag all the time too if it looked as fucking cool as the maryland flag. It's like a racing flag or some shit.

Meanwhile, DE and PA and 2/3rds of the other state just have a shit tier "blue field with state seal in the center" design. Fucking garbage.

Actually when I think of Pennsylvania I think of smog, dreary cities, rain, black lung from coal mining, and general despair. Don't worry though, when I think of Maryland, I think of offing myself via a wood chipper.

Nah, I think of coal mines, Filthydelphia, and Shitsburg.

Dude Delmarva is pretty much the south. Has fuck all to do with the nigger north of Delaware, Baltimore, or DC.

Iron the seams out of your flags before hanging them.

Yeah I heard about all the shit and it was a crazy year. I know one of the people who did the beer can thing and what they did was hilarious! Too bad they probably wont to the natty boh hunt next year. Now i got to look for free beer somewhere else.

From Cecil County Maryland, now live in Newark Delaware. Its alright, feels like an extended eastern shore but everyone jerks off to anything Philadelphia. UofD campus is nice and the beaches are great.

But about the Maryland flag its just clearly the best looking flag, and Id bargain to say Maryland ranks among having the most state pride. Please don't base your opinion of it on niggermore. central and southern Maryland rank from the mega rich to the dirt poor depending how far down a street you go. Its crazy. but to the mountains in the west and the bay in the east is a dream. Also the delmarva area brews the best beer.

Who /Delaware/ here :3c

Fucking loved the campus reaction to the boh hunt. Not sure if you also heard about one of the kids wearing the Confederate flag to a basketball game on campus. Students wanted to expel the guy.

Good evening!
Near the beach.


Maryland fag here. It's because we have the best flag desu. Just ignore niggermore and come have some of out delicious blue crabs.

Ohio here, we too love our state flag. it's more easier on the eyes than MDs, though I love the terps alternate football uniforms with the flag in it.

>being mixed breed

I don't know if I can iron this material, I do some research to see how to get the wrinkles out

I dont know, here in newark I see a lot of whites and asians. All the niggers are centralized in their containment hole in Wilmington

The delmarva side by the bay is pretty comfy-tier. I wouldn't mind living there if not for the fact that baltimore and the DC suburbs cancer controls the rest of the state and results in one-party-rule and retarded gun bans and shit.

I moved to Pittsburgh six years ago. You should give it a go sometime, real cool city. Lots of schools, museums, sports, restaurant, culture. Most jobs are white collar now, banking, teaching, research, etc. very different than the image you have of a smoke filled industrial complex. that's in the past.
We have some nigger issues, but they usually stay where they're supposed to, and they get pushed further out because of gentrification every year.


You guys elected the cunt. No one to blame but yourselves.

oh shit for a flag?!?! Damn do those students ever get off campus and see how many confederate flags are around there? I just remember about an article in the post that my co-worker were talking about the cans. All I remember too was about some kid trying to burn a building down. Great campus though! The students throw some nice parties for southern maryland.

I would like to go to slaughter beach or something but the traffic from the filthy outsiders who only come here for our precious beaches clog up the roads and parking so i dont bother

Maryland is fucking awesome. Our flag is awesome. Don't eat our crabs, more for us.

It's literally just B'more, PG, DC and Montgomery fucking up the rest of the state. Anywhere else is fairly decent.

Also, on topic, the Pittsburgh city flag is pretty cool in my opinion

Lately I've been seeing a ton of beaners at the boardwalk in rehoboth. It's really unsettling. Just a few years ago the only foreigners at the beach were the ruskies who work the restaurants.

Did you have to get bussed into inner-city wilmington back in middle school like I did, or were your parents smart enough to put you in a private school instead?

Yeah, we have hardcore folks over here. You should listen to local talk radio stations to hear the passion Kek..

>nothing but traffic


Inb4 "but muh Chesapeake bay, muh crabs, muh Mountains-to-beaches scenery".

Your state is garbage. Suburban sprawl and interstates, ghettos and liberals. That's it. The topography is no more interesting than litterally every other Eastern state, and yawn inducing compared to the West.

And the bay is a dead zone.

yeah I am being over dramatic. Personally I just love getting out of the New York metropolitan area / Philadelphia area into another part of the country. Wilmington area is really the greatest offender.

Montgomery County here

I live in a pretty good place with lots of whites sadly schools I went are filled with niggers and spics


Use your iron on steam and hold it six inches away or so while tugging on the ends. The heat and moisture will relax the fabric (nylon, I'm guessing?) And the creases will come out

Crab Magnet baby

The Nogs and rich white collar dems in the suburbs of Baltimore elected him. Though to be fair Erlich wasn't much better, my grandfather was a staunch Republican and hated him.

Our Governor is Republican now desu. Better gun laws soon.