Why are white working class people leaveing the Democrat party? Are there any working class whites that can explain? Democrats seem to appeal to the working class the best so I'm not understanding.
Whites leaving the Democrat parti in droves
because they're the good guys :^)
>Democrats seem to appeal to the working class the best
Shit bait, nigger.
I don't know what does (((Leon Friedman))) think?
>Friedman was a member of a prominent landowning Jewish family from Natchez in southern Natchitoches Parish.
The Democrats appeal to the poorer classes, but most of those poorer classes are nonwhite. A lot of white lower-class people don't like being associated with all those minorities and their minority interests, and thus vote for the Republican Party, which, while it doesn't do much for the working class economically, has policies of social conservatism which appeal to them.
>blame white men for all your problems
>they no longer want to support you
Democrats finance their gibsmedats from the subsequent generations. Since they never have legitimate children, it makes sense that they wouldn't care.
Republicans have children they don't want to see taxed to death.
Amazingly when you keep on calling people idiots, racists, and privileged they don't like you. Who could have seen that one coming?
>Democrats seem to appeal to the working class the best so I'm not understanding
How the fuck do you figure that one? Nobody wants to pay for other people's kids or degrees.
>shit all over whites
>enact policy that sends jobs overseas
>bankrupt country
>trillions in debt
>aca destroys full time work
why don't working whites want to vote for us?
Because Democrats abandoned the biggest demographic for minorities.
>Fag pandering
>Trans pandering
>Women pandering
>Anti-gun pandering
>Elitiest urbanite pandering
>Black pandering
>Spic pandering
Gee, I wonder why good honest hard working white men would abandon a party like that.
When you shit on white people and shame them just for being white, they'll look for a group that makes them feel a sense of belonging.
The left doesn't provide that sense of belonging.
Because the Democrat's obsession with racial and sexual identity politics have disenfranchised white workers.
And democrats were always hellbent on genociding white gentiles. They are finally admitting it.
>endless gibs
Pick one niggerfaggot.
Clinton cash download up for a limited time.
Morning everyone, btw really make you think..
>Democrats seem to appeal to the working class the best
Kek. Democrats are loosing governors nonstop. New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Wisconson all have Republican governors. and now they're going to loose the biggest voting block. Sucks not having white privlidge shitlord voters, huh Democucks?
Why would you vote for people who openly despise you?
The only whites who would vote for them are those student type faggots who hate themselves. Most of them tend to grow older & move more to the right. This is what liberals love immigration, involve future voters, and get them on side by attacking white...but then they're like..
>b-b-but why don't whites vote for us...RACISM!
Typical dem double think, they can't understand why white lower/middle class leave them while constantly making fun of them and blaming them for everything.
They stopped voting for the Democratic Party when the Democrats stopped representing them. Today's Democrats only care about getting the minority/queer/women vote, and normal white people can just go fuck themselves.
Same reason why the Brexit happened. Labour was too busy pandering to minorities that they lost control of their own voter base and were suddenly surprised that Brexist passed despite their official stance against it.
pretty much this.
Lower middle class votes Republican, because these are the people who hate gibsmedats the MOST. Imagine this, you're working, you're barely getting by, you don't qualify for any gibsmes. Yet you see niggers and spics NOT working and living a better life than you, driving a nicer car, working under the table and claiming free shit.
Meanwhile you're working and getting taxed to pay for THEM. And every new program drives you closer and closer into poverty. Some people just give up and start being democrats themselves. Those who don't are the firmest of the firm republicans.
Working class people are tired of being taxed to hell and back in order to pay for special interest groups bullshit and then made to feel bad for doing so.
The left is is increasingly becoming a identity politics pissing match and working class whites (along with others) want nothing to do with it.
>lol stupid redneck whitetrash wage slave! go fuck your cousin cletus I hope they shut down those coal mines and processing plants, they are so bad! I know because some celebrity told me so. Also, we should bring in more poor brown people to work the jobs no americans want to work. I mean, Im an upper middle class suburbanite with an art degree! Im sure as hell not going to go work on a construction site, so this means literally no other white person will neither, so you see you stupid racist, we NEED to flood our country with more immigrants! You stupid evil white racist need more diversity in your neighborhoods and you should hate yourselves as much as I do. And one last thing, we need to drastically increase taxes on middle class people to pay for all the poor brown people without a job
>WHAT THE FUCK?! Why isnt the working class voting for us democrats? Why are they voting AGAINST THEIR OWN INTEREST?!
One Word: TRUMP
Democrats too disconnected from reality to understand this
What's lower middle? Like 500k home? Dems seem to want to tax small investments such as a 2bd apt for their kid at college(rent 1 room pay mortgage), sanders said he would, these stop the growth of the lower middle and upper middle class and most of all, the economy. This is why the rich never get touched and the middle class gets hosed.
>dems maintaining their voter base by promising massive amount of gibs
>ultra rich sitting behind an impenetrable fortress of tax shelters
>the struggling middle and lower-middle classes get looted to pay for it
Republicans aren't bringing anything meaningful to the table either for the average voter.
Nothing makes a Republican faster than working 40 hours a week, budgeting for food, rent, etc. Then standing in line at the supermarket and buying bologna, beans, etc and having the fat nigger bitch in front of you with 5 kids paying for an entire cart of cheetos, steaks, and grape drank with an EBT card.
Oh gee I wonder why?
I've seen the Dem debates, the dindu and illegal alien pandering is too much.
Democrats keep saying that they'll only raise taxe on the rich, but they tax the middle class anyways. Republicans give them actual tax cuts, but give the rich bigger tax cuts.
It's a natural progression.
A liberal party first gets founded based on labor rights and being the "workers' party"
The party grows and realizes it gets the most support by offering benefits and protection and other reasonable things to workers.
The party grows and realizes that it can get even more firm votes by just promising even more gibsmedats to minorities
The minorities don't really work, but the "workers' party" still panders to them because they are the easiest supply of voters
The policies of the party shift from protectionist policies that help out the nation's workers to merely having as many brown immigrants flood into the country, simply because they guarantee them elections.
This trend continues until we get to the point where the "workers' party" is actively working against the interests of the actual workers and is really just the "non-workers' party" that brings in shitskins and then pays them welfare to sit around not doing anything.
We saw this happen with the democratic party in america and the labour party in britain. I'm sure all the leftist cuck parties that are for open borders in europe all originally started as workers parties too.
probably because the Democrats use lower middle class whites as a scapegoat for everything. All Hilldawg ever does is shit on white men.
For you
because the democratic party is incompetent at accomplishing any progressive agenda it pretends to have, and substitutes a european system wherein government spending is directed towards benefits for the bottom 2/3rds of societ, and instead provides niche gibmedats for minorities while directing the bulk of their power to gifting to the upper class and globalist jews.
they pander to minorities and degenerates in exchange for table scraps given only to those minorities and degenerates, the bulk of the meal going still to the bankers.
republicans don't play around, and to a greater degree, actually believe in leaving people alone and letting them build themselves up with fewer governmental hurdles.
both parties equally give head to the banks
one party gives even more head to globalization.
democrats give shit to the "others" while doing their best to just get in the way of the average WASP.
republicans get in the way of the "other" while doing what they can to get out of the way of the average WASP.
there's zero reason for a white person to vote democrats, if only because they are wholly incompetent and are unable to deliver any sort of gibmedat to white people.
you think any democrat is going to cut military spending, stop bombing every other country they see, and blow a huge sum of money ensuring quality healthcare and education for WASPs? no. they'll keep the military as large as ever, invade just as many countries, then waste money failing to give healthcare and education to non-white people while the average joe sixpack gets fucked in the ass and can't send his kid to college because white boys have the hardest time getting accepted and getting awarded funding.
>be poor and white
>get denied any social services that are handed to non-whites
>denied education opportunities handed to non-whites
>denied employment opportunities that are handed to non-whites
A white born into the lower class hates Democrats if he's attempted to improve his life situation and seen the massive amount of bullshit and hypocrisy.
Does this article actually answer the question, or it is a shill piece?
because of shit like (white)
Why would the working class support people who don't work?
The new Democratic Party is just socialism for the upper-middle class
>side with the people who vilify you and American culture
In the eyes of the left their problems are the fault of all white people rich and poor alike.
I wouldn't have a problem with this if the 10th Amendment was worth a damn, but there's an asymmetrical relationship between increasing government and decreasing it on the federal level, in which that only way to escape is to not only leave the country, but renounce your citizenship.
so just socialism as usual, then?
>huff post
What do you think.
I make $480 gross a week and $100 of it goes towards taxes. WTF IS THAT SHIT!?!?!? FUCKING DEMOCRATS STOP TAXING ME SO MUCH I'M BROKE NIGGER
Nope. For example, Communism creates two distinct classes of individuals. Poor but not impoverished and a wealthy elite.
>speaking for the amerilard voters
Stop right there, maple syrup scum.
Everytime an (((echo))) runs his mouth in the news media, you can almost hear the pogroms drawing closer in the distance. It's uncanny.
You're supposed to have kids. The point of taxing the shit out of you is so you will pop out some fuckers.
three, there's also the forced labor class (criminals and agitators)
I have voted dem for 30 years this election is the first time im voting republican the democrat party does not represent me anymore
yeah, they think they are paying for food stamps when in reality they are subsidizing their own sweat shops
Can we find this guy and make him lose his welfare? I would love the feeling I would get knowing this piece of shit would be either homeless or have to get a job.
Are you 48 or something? The fuck?
Note that the Republican party under Trump will do great things for lower-class whites, and lower class Americans in general encompassing minorities as well.
And in what way does the Republican party represent you?
That episode is really interesting. For as much as a liberal wetdream star trek was, the episode essentially says "hitler was right"
how do you know?
>be me
>almost $270k combined income between spouse and myself.
>both master level education
>both have wide varied circle of friends and contacts
>diversified portfolios
>vote republican because of very real wage erosion and H1B visa poo in loo scourge.
We just don't let emotions overtake our decisions and we got rid of TV years ago. We became significantly redpilled from that alone, and also minimizing social mediajew.
A bullet between the eyes would be better.
Spot on i have voted in every single election at local, state, and country level since i turned 18
Faggot. You dont call a fellow leaf out on being a fucking leaf you massive nutsack licking piece of shit that got stuck on the inside of a faggots lips after an ass to mouth blowjob
in europe too the problems of poor people just dont enthuse metropolitan sjw types anymore. they require radical solutions the new left simply havent the stomach for.
>working class
Nah cunt. You're upper middle class. Quite a rare breed but you made it.
Even fucking Maryland has a Republican governor now.
>appealing to working class
Maybe pre-1960, sure as hell not recently, though. If you're not a fag, a tranny, a woman, or a nigger, then the democrats have done absolutely nothing aside from abuse you for the past several decades. If you are one of those, then they've done nothing but pander to you with words and irrelevant shit like fag marriage while doing nothing that matters.
To make a tiny difference in the world. I would do it to niggers too but they are smart enough not to post this shit on aocial media...
Because the unions are dying, and the democrats have switched gears to encapsulate new voting demographics.
I work. I want to raise a family in a good neighborhood. I trust my fellow man to act in their best interests.
The democrats tell me that my work is a byproduct of who I am rather than what I have done to get where I am. The family is no longer a sticking point, women should have careers too! How dare you want a housewife? Good neighborhoods? Don't worry, we'll enact rent controls that allow really shitty neighbors to stay in areas you're improving. Famalam, you don't know what your interests are. We're forcing you to give up your money and rights to accommodate a world view that no longer reflects reality.
Fuck them.
>tfw Shillary sabotaged the second coming of FDR, the greatest american president
Doesn't fucking feel like it.
After taxes, children, funding their college, etc, it doesn't really leave much. Granted, we just got to this level within the past few years. We had a few years where the combined income barely hit $50k. And we were walking to the grocery store to save money, so we could buy cheap meat, while niggers on EBT and Welfare were using food stamps to buy skrimp and steak and load it into their 6 year old caddilac escalade. That kinda redpilled me too.
wat. Are you talking about tax breaks?
Both parties are pandering, but finally we have Trump to set things straight. It's time to clean up Washington. MAGA brother.
I am an older white liberal male and I voted Democrat for 40 years.
But now I have switched full conservative. I know that if the crazy old bitch Hillary gets elected it will be a total nightmare for our country of America.
Hopefully after this election cycle we will be able to vote for the other issues again. But right now it is defeat Hillary and her kind at all costs!
Dems are antiwhite
>Trump presidency
>not Gridlock 2: Gridlock Harder
Did you support Sanders or O'Mally before Trump?
you a dangerous idiot?
>not conservative
What a meme.
Because in their quest for infinite "diversity" and endless white bashing, they forgot white people are still the majority of voters.
Hillary has only 29% of the white vote.
I wouldnt describe myself as "dangerous" but im 100% a vindictive asshole.
their the party of minorities, any white person that's a democrat is a cuck
>quest for infinite "diversity" and endless white bashing
>right-of-center neolibs
Let's make one thing clear, they don't give two fucks about diversity, minorities, working class, or anything that isn't helping them get into power. People even licked a red-pill when Shillary supported BLM.
Democrats took in all the SJW shit and demonized white males past a point of no return. White males didn't choose to leave the Democrats, they were fucking forced out.
democrats goooooooooooooood
republicans baaaaaaaaaaaaad
>Why are white working class people leaveing the Democrat party?
haha... kind of a dumb question. they've only been there for eight years.
Is this real?
If so, kind of makes me happy. People are waking up.
Dems have made white men into the most cucked, castrated, enslaved, class they can. Almost like MGTOWs, white male dems are going their own way now. You can only beat a (in the words of AIDS SKRILLEX) fucking a white male over the head with racism, sexism, gib me more, and take nigger seeds and wave "refugees welcome" signs for so long until we finally say "Okay. Fuck this shit. I'm out... for good." Alphas walked away. Beta orbit still abounds.
it funny how these idiots think it's noble to be a cog in the machine.
but the joke is on them. they see themselves as successful because they can still hold on.
but one day, in 30 years they'll wake up one morning and realize they worked all their lives for peanuts and their shitty pension is being bargained away.
and they blame ppl that were smart enough not to be a cog for their shitty life
if only we were all as stupid as me
it's all this but you're missing a critical angle of it. dems haven't just been shitting on Fucking White Working Class Males in (((tv shows))) and (((movies))) and news and so on.
they've been teaching that filth to their voting base's own fucking sons and daughters, who come home after a day at school and babble that absolute fucking bullshit at the dinner table. that insults a man like nothing else in the world. that drives men to war.