How have you enjoyed your local autism friendly screenings Sup Forums?
How have you enjoyed your local autism friendly screenings Sup Forums?
I have legit autism and this made me fucking cry of laughter, what the fuck, why.
No trailers, the shit isn't too loud AND you get to bring your own food?
Sounds good.
I get that the point is to make it light on the autist's sensitive senses, but wouldn't a bunch of autistic kids in the same room just be loud and annoying as fuck, especially if they're allowed to move around the cinema?
this is kinda cool. what's wrong with it?
This actually sounds pretty good and I'm not even autistic.
>I have legit autism and this made me fucking cry of laughter, what the fuck, why.
They show them at 10am on a sunday (theaters would be empty otherwise).
It minimizes the refunds you have to give for regular movies due to kids with the 'tism being as horrible as they normally are.
>, but wouldn't a bunch of autistic kids in the same room just be loud and annoying as fuck, especially if they're allowed to move around the cinema?
are you aware of the concept of a holding pen?
Autism friendly screenings sound like how I watch movies at home.
>not showing 2 films at once on 2x speed so I can consume as much kino as possible at once
Yeah it would be loud and annoying but there will only be autists and their parents there so it won't matter
But I already do that at home
>Tfw live in an autism friendly house
>no trailers at the beginning of the film
the other things are pretty basic autismo stuff but why the hell would a fucking movie trailer upset them
They're shortening the time so the parents can go home earlier
Not autistic but can I still go to autism screenings? No trailers and lower volume sounds pretty kino.
Will you also walk around the screen making noises?
>autists allowed to bring whatever food they want.
A room full of floppy bread and mayo sandwhices
>The autist screening in my nearby cinema has a no singles policy
fucking what
>americans can't take in their own drinks and snaks to the cinema
truly the land off the free
This is a win-win.
>lower volume
that is actually good, cinemas nowadays are obscenely loud
If you don't want a sensory experience at a cinema, just go to DC adaptations.
They offer a very level of stimulation.
>2D only
It's an autism screening alright
>lower volume
>no ads before sarting
Are they fucking serious?
I am astonished that they have the balls to charge insane ticket prices while the sound system is grunting like its from 1960 and I have to wait additional 10 minutes to watch the movie.
Max that gain lad to 11 the more BOOM BOOOM echoes in the hall the better the movie is.
What's the downside?
Get them inside, gas them all, call for disposal, repeat.
You're an autist
I hopefully don't have autism and I would enjoy that kind of screening more than the normal ones. Except maybe for the fact that they'll keep the lights on low.
Trust me you would not enjoy the noise
Because (((Pepsi Co))) doesn't want to lose sales from people not buying their liquid diabetes, and they have contracts with movie distributors that only (((their))) products get sold there.
My theater has this too, but it's every day after 7:00 because no one goes there anymore.