Is it true that 99% of poltards are redneck subhuman retards with no education and marginal scum?Cause like all posts here are totally shit
Is it true that 99% of poltards are redneck subhuman retards with no education and marginal scum...
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is it true that 99% of Russians are redneck subhuman retards with no education and marginal scum? cause all the dash board cams from russia show you are all totally shit
So much butthurt m8. Really I doubt anyone with magister degree post here. Really worst board of Sup Forums
I don't know about the poles, but I can tell you that about half of romanians are uncivilized rednecks (seriously, 40% of romanians never went to high school, according to the latest census) and they don't value success through work, that's why they are so corrupted.
I'm not hungarian, I'm just telling the truth about these people, in the same way the americans criticize their own people.
I have a standard degree.
All of Sup Forums outside of brit/pol/ are low class poor benefit leeching waste.
Brit/pol/ is full of NEETs. I know, I lurk your threads most days, but never post.
Sup Forums is satire ivan
>magister degree
Are you a wizard?
>magister degree
What does he mean by this?
absolutely. i say this because ive met them in real life.
>magister degree
No, but if you claim to be anything more than that no one believes you.
>magister degree
>What does he mean by this?
I think he means a Master Degree
seconded and yes
Sry. It's a fullfilled higher education in Europe.
>master degree
>European top tier school
People here are not just ignorant and racist like you can find in real life, but they are also edgy and circle jerking all day
>it's terrible
>magister degree
Slavs, ladies and gentlemen.
Master degree doesnt mean shit when you get ran over and killed by a truck. Enjoy.
>Be French
>Get hit by truck
>select all pickup trucks
>be american
>go to school
>get shot
Also, thanks for the example of Sup Forums stupidity level
A magister degree (also magistar, female form: magistra; from Latin: magister, "teacher") is an academic degree used in various systems of higher education.
The magister degree arose in mediaeval universities in Europe and was originally equal to the doctorate; while the doctorate was originally conferred in theology, law and medicine, the magister degree was usually conferred in the arts.[1] In some countries, the title has retained this original meaning until the modern age, while in other countries, magister has become the title of a lower degree.
Don't worry you won't get one anyway
>Can't handle the bantz
>the bantz
it's "de bantz", faggot
And no, plain stupidity is not LULZ or edginess
No it's not. It's a masters you fucking dumbass. In Denmark it is equalent of what we call a candidate.
Also, masters degree reporting in.
>if it's like that in my country it's like that worldwide
Magister = Master in most slavic countries an it's an 3ish years high end degree in France
Magister for educational purpose is archaic use you fucking dumbass. You don't run around throwing "th" to all english verbs either.
Magister today is relating to local magistry of a comunal district.
Get hit by a truck you sub-human.
Have you become more intelligent and tolerant, and have learned to live with terrorism on a daily basis?
I don't give a fuck about all your local names of different degrees, sorry. It was meant just a fully finished higher education, thats it.
Gonna nuke ur home soon, fagget.
Then there is me.
>Drumstrang is real
Holy shit!
Det plejede at hedde magister...
>t. newfag
I'm a college-educated spic. I come here for the bantz, dank meme magic, and nigger-bashing.
Pretty much same deal here.
Another thesis - average IQ of poltards is just a bit higher than the whole society IQ. Around 105-110. No clever threads, no deep discussions. Only political consumer lever of understanding.
>thinks he can shit out a thesis and not substantiate it
Where's your (((Magister)))'s degree now?