Do not piss off those bitches in airports

>Do not piss off those bitches in airports

Low key has a fuckload of charisma it makes me sad imdb only credits him with one episode

Thought the 1st episode was good, some pretty questionable acting though

this series looks bad and hacky as fuck. Had me burst out laughing at certain parts

It's neat how the gods do these little things to ensure Shadow ends up on the right path.

by who?


I thought he was fucking fantastic. THat scene had me in stitches. They way he said it sealed the deal for me.

Jonathan Tucker is one of the best actors around

It was beautiful. It reminded me of Carnivale.

He's excellent in Kingdom, but unfortunately the showrunners made that faggot Nick Jonas the main char instead of him.


>Jonathan Tucker
He's really good, I wish they'd give him better characters. I liked him in Justified, but the character he was playing, well...... Flawed?

The entire episode reminded me of Carnivale

I'm now rewatching Carnivale

Rita Sue is thicc

>Rita Sue is thicc

Rewatched it a couple of years ago and had the same reaction.

lowkey is what Jared Leto was going for

It's such a good show though, literally everyone is great in it. It's a shame literally nobody in it has had a career afterwards.

Is Jonathan Tucker in this? Who does he play?
I love him in Kingdom, he is absolutely fantastic there.

characters are meant to be flawed

Oh I dunno, just wanted to offer some vague criticism. Flavors my post.

Man that part in prison was so good. Really felt like something bad is coming.

>I wish they'd give him better characters

Watch The Black Donnelys

He plays low key lyesmith

I was one of the few who did, I still stand by my assessment
>characters are meant to be flawed

Sure, but not literal fedoras, you asperger faggot

>funniest fuckin shit in the world heh heeee

he's involved in the book masked as a different character though, oh loki

i genuinely loved the first episode. Fuller gets the freedom he deserves to deliver visceral scenes of sex and violence in oh-so-brilliant color.
i've given up on this show after the nigger-casting and it being made for Ztars. but i gotta say im pleasantly surprised.

This fucking scene was so good. Watching tv by Bryan Fuller is like enjoying a delicious dinner.

Gillian Anderson better get naked in this show.

Why would media need to get naked? :0

Because I want to see her naked.


the viginal vore scene was a little much (and had absolutely nothing to do with the plot)

She has been already fyi.
Would find it amusing if she did in this if fuller is directing it..
I wonder if he directs any of the eps actually,i know he co wrote the first one..

I remember a scene in the book where one of the new gods (I think it was media) appears as Lucille Ball on a TV to talk to Shadow, I believe. I remember this scene because she goes "Have you ever wanted to see Lucy's tits?" and then starts unbuttoning her blouse.

>(and had absolutely nothing to do with the plot)

i'm pretty sure their will be more than one episode man

I think gaiman wanted her to audition for the role,so if this happens we all know why,kek.

The Bilquis character in general has absolutely no impact on the plot whatsoever. She appears in the book for two chapters and never meets any of the main characters. I think there's a chance that the show might expand her role a bit to bring on a more female presence to a largely male cast. When I actually think about it, every female in the book was written more as a plot device than an actual character. Besides perhaps Laura.

In the book, Shadow turns off the tv before he sees anything.
In the show they're more likely to show I think.

With these showrunners it sounds like Shadow will masturbate furiously to her tits.

I just remembered she actually did a photo shoot as Lucy. Fuck.

Who is the actual showrunner? If its fuller i don't see why he'd be this provocative..hmm..maybe its the producers/studio.

Doubtful. I just saw an article today about how Gaimen said he would kill himself if they had actually gone through with the graveyard blowjob scene from the pilot. Fuller originally had Shadow blowing into the chick's mouth, and changed it upon Gaimen's plea. Guy wants to keep Shadow pure.

Is dane cooks character relevant?


You seem to be forgetting Gaiman and his temper tantrums if they try to change shit for sexual stuff like the graveyard BJ scene.

It's hard to believe it was fuller and not pressure from the studio to make it more lewd/edgy.

Cook's character is only ever mentioned in third person and makes no appearances in any flashbacks, so all scenes featuring him will be exclusive to the show.

It didn't make sense for shadows character,neither does leaving on the tv i suppose..

I'm sure you're right. Fuller and co. wrote what the studio wanted and had to change to appease the author as well. Not that Gaiman was wrong. The scene was better without the bj.

If this is true my respect for Fuller has become too strong

Maybe he's tierd of the cancellations.

What did he mean by this?

That I need a nap and he does too.

So nobody remembers this guy doing an ama on Sup Forums? And going completely silent once anons figured out who he was?

No, because it wasn't him

Sure thing, Jonathan.

this guy is legit a great actor. I saw him in black donnelys and was great, also saw him in one episode of criminal minds, easily the best episode of that shit show thanks to him, I don't know why his career hasn't taken off

I know what you mean. It even had me entertained at certain parts. Disgusting.

>Lowkey Lyesmith
>Loki Laufeyson
>Inconspicuous craftsman of lies
woah, made me ponder

Better than Marvel Tumblr Loki. I hope that guy has a regular role in the series. I love all that street knowledge.

While reading the book I always imagined Wednesday like Charles Dance in Last Action hero. White suit, ginger beard, glass eye, it would have been perfect.
Captain Blackbeard here is too jolly joker for my taste

For some reason I imagined him like pic but with a glass eye.

And that's exactly what Ian Mcwhatever istrying to be. He's trying to ve Nicholson. Obviously he shared your view

Well, I guess you're the minority then.

>nigger casting

fuck off retard. I hate SJWs just as much but Shadow being a nigger is true to the book. You would know if you read it instead of running your slobbering fingers over the keyboard 24/7
