>still believing in "human rights"
how old were you when you realized human rights are an imaginary social construct?
>still believing in "human rights"
how old were you when you realized human rights are an imaginary social construct?
prob about 12 id guess
Laws exist as long as they are enforced
What difference does it make?
I believe that although rights are not natural, might can make imagined rights a reality. However, the enforcement of the rights is really what matters because government can claim to protect your rights while ignoring them at the same time.
This basically. I think a good set of socially constructed "rights" can benefit the society if those rights are enforced.
>not believing in laws and morality
Judging from the gif he posted. I think OP is some kind of sick fuck who is starting to believe that human life has no value anymore.
Jew detected.
The only human right is the right to property. Without it, we can't have civilized exchange.
Human life does have no value
your average atheist everyone
an edgy Sup Forums-tard shit-posting anarchist
Laws require enforcement
Am I allowed to kill or enslave you then?
Yes believing in laws implies believing in the enforcement of those laws.
>a fucking leaf
>advocates giving more rights to criminals than their victims
You can do anything you want, but killing or enslaving me is not part of civilized exchange between human beings. I can also defend myself.
>but killing or enslaving me is not part of civilized exchange between human beings
So you do believe in human rights?
I thought it was a given or an evoltuionary offshoot which is we'll always value our own lives more important than others
As I said, the only human right is the right to property.
Laws are just contracts.
If you commit a crime and you are caught you pay with your time in rehabilitation for the cost of the crime.
Governments are just social businesses.
Social constructs do have real effects.You are in a website that practices meme warfare, so you should know better.
Communities are built around narratives. Understand this, please, before going full retard on moral nihilism.
Who cares if its a social construct?
Our lives are better with human rights. Why remove them?
The ECHR has expanded their list to include bullshit like prevention of deporting foreign criminals
Humanitarianism was probably the greatest mistake that the West made. Together with universalism.
It was developed before we had deeper contact with other people from Asia, Africa and America so we assumed it would be a nice concept that everyone (universally!) can relate to.
Now we are stuck with it and it ONLY works to disfavour. China has realized that. Some bloke at a chinese university was instructed by the government to find out if human rights are an advantage or disadvantage to the west. The results were pretty clear: As long as the west can keep the moral facade up it gives us soft power, but at the same time it takes so fucking many resources from us and it hinders and burdens it with all the problems in the world that we will surely collapse under it.
>human life has inherent value
No, that defies natural law and is the basis of destructive egalitarianism.
construct possibly
>but its a red line drawn in the sand
you cross it, there are consequences...
...if anyone with balls cares
>human life
You are just talking carbon you stupid fucker.
See you in the torture camp tomorrow OP.
>human life shapes the world around it
the direction it takes t CAN have value
or village property has worked
on small scale historically
Only smart humans have value because smart humans create ideas that change the world, most humans are worthless biological garbage.
I believe that the smaller the "property unit", the fewer the problems
are these the bullshit right.
>right to free birthcontrol & internet
>right to free med-care & housing
right to degeracy without anyone dissagreeing
relax muhammad
i know you don't have laws where you come from but that's not how things work here in the first world
That's for everyone, including illegals and non-citizens parasites that we cannot even deport
most oxen don't pull plows naturally.
most rivers don't generate electricity
>the best among us can give direction
the worse among us, direct only more power to themselves
Dat ass tho
this, muh hooman rights is the fucking reason why law and order cant be enforced. everytime a worthless criminal is hurt or killed the cucks always cry homan rights and woukd rather let a threat to the society free instead of getting rid of it, which could benifit more.
300? Spartans, prepare for glory!
>if our society/leadership does not put the people 1st.
crap like that happens. they are allegedly, by us for us.
and have no right to charity with the public money.
I've been broke and hungry, and not taken handouts. yet now I'm fine, and taxed heavily.
for feel good, and foreign intervention...
So this video is permitted on youtube but not on Sup Forums? What the shit.
>what about it?
We should not be giving foreign aid while there are still plenty of homeless in our own country and people struggling to afford food
absolutely right.
>Government robin-Hood:
takes from everyone... Pays himself, wastes half.
gives some to the poor, to keep their support.
what a great hero!
Why do fat people get darkened skin?
I mostly see it on people that aren't nearly this big, on their elbows.
bad circulation is my guess