David Bowie has returned from the grave as the
Thin White David Duke to save America.
Balance out the like bar and save the country!
Also Hillary and Obama hate thread.
David Bowie has returned from the grave as the
Other urls found in this thread:
Some people you can tell are evil just by looking at them. David Duke is one of those people.
Oh you mean that Zionist kike who started out as a lawyer for the KKK? Yeah, pass.
Way more than that. Black on white rapes 20,000+, white on black rapes literally 0
Kill yourself
Relevant Links
>Announcement Video:
>Campaign Website:
>David's Website (Not campaign specific):
>Youtube Account:
Look at this handsome man. He supports Donald Trump and the extermination of the niggers, and you should too. #MakeAmericaWhiteAgain
That's one ugly motherfucker.
They are angry that David Duke, and his boss, Donald Trump, are going to kill every last non-white person on earth. These race traitors need to be gassed. 14/88. I'll shortly be going on CNN to talk about how Trump will save the white race.
Gonna be funny when you call someone a liberal and they gun you down. I'm laffin'
>saying and supporting unethically racist shit that the candidates he claims to support do not represent by the least
jew controlled opposition exposed
I support david duke
The Amazing Gaytheist is from Louisiana
If we spam him with Duke, he might make a video about him and that might create the snowball effect we want
It's a long-shot, but it's worth the try
make a thread, my jewish friendo and I will help bump it right along.
It is deninetly worth a shot!
will do, one moment
Whats wrong with his eyes and eyebrows? He just looks a bit off.
I find him dreamy desu
Did you even read what I fucking said?
It's 530 in Jewland, so you'll have to keep these going after I go to sleep, but I trust you guys
Let's save America
For Lincoln and for liberty as they say
shit nigger you were suppose to link an amazing gaytheist video to raid
he looks like a transgender
god fucking dammit, Sup Forums
This thread is kind of dead so I figured we should reformat
TAG doesn't read his comments, he does read twitter though
And his tumblr
I would send him a message saying "make a video about david duke running for senate"
with a link to Duke's website/Duke's channel
Also as a friendly reminder:
Rick Tyler is running for congress in Tennessee.
You look like a stupid head dooty butt
Looks like David Bowie.
>>>>>>>>>>LOOKS LIKE
are you retarded
Get out leftist faggot.
suck a dick and die nigger its the thin white david duke!
Oh shIT Ive been jewed, havenĀ“t I.
Its nearly 4am here, Im tired lads.
im all out of my best thin white david duke memes so will probably do it after thread is dead.
Go Go Go
I made pasta for a Duke general
keep it and post it after both threads 404
fuck off back to stormfront kikes
save the thin white david duke memes too and circulate that shit and imma keep making more
t. anti-white
Fuck David Duke. Stormfags like him are why White Nationalism hasn't been able to make any fucking progress in the last forty years.
u sound like a gay
>It's impossible to trick somebody who's more intelligent than you
Fuck off
My sentiments exactly
>Stormfags like him are why White Nationalism hasn't been able to make any fucking progress in the last forty years.
>are the only ones actually sticking their necks out to make progress
Lol, that's a bad thing? Grow a spine.
yes it is bad you poz'd up faggot
god he is a spooky looking fuck
is this really the best guy out there to be speaking for us?
Why the fuck are we not flooding his campaign with support right now?
We need memes, shitposting, twitter and facebook memehubs, raids, ect ect ect.
With Trump as President, and Duke in Congress....we will have happenings for at least 4 years.
Wake up White People!
Fuck yeah its the thin white david duke!
I know Sup Forums is satire, but can't we leave Bowie out of this?
It is still pretty funny considering Bowie made some facist comments during his Thin White Duke era.
Literally yesterday I was thinking about how ugly Bowie is and how people only want to fuck him 'cause he recorded groundbreaking shit. Then I tried to imagine if people would still want to fuck him if he was some kind of popular white supremacist evangelical. This thread is surreal.
Thin white David Duke
What are some "official" KKK organizations/affiliates/chapters stances on David Duke and his upcoming race?
Genuinely curious.
IDK cause if you try to search it all you will get is "FORMER KKK LEADER DAVID DUKE!"
Sucks to hear that mate.
reminder that these threads are false flagging shills
duke is a democrat plant who's purpose is to try and damage trump's image
the posters here are hillary shills
Whether you think Duke hurts Trumps image or not to be able to get him in and prove himself as a member of the senate will speak huge volumes.
it's over 9000 every day
Imagine if he actually wins
So many redpills would be dropped on the Senate floor
>european americans
But what if they're non-white like portuguese or spanish?
Thats by default.
He is talking about the anti white rhetoric being pushed in our media, affirmative action, and this "all whites are inherently racist no matter what cause white privilege" bullshit.