Nothing is happening. Let's rectify that
Come on we haven't had a happening for almost a full day
what about the wikileaks? Literally handing Trump the presidency
European Race War ROLL
England is doomed
Not quite bloody enough for my taste
That's the spirit
Cor blimey!
>That's the spirit
Reroll for race war.
Rolling for an earthquake. I feel we're overdue for something substantial.
Next happening in California
It's probably too early in the morning for a race war in Europe but anything is possible
Anything less than millions of deaths is insubstantial as far as I'm concerned
As the red winged black bird chirps in the distance, a mourning nation will feel the wrath of their enemy once again. KEK knows no mercy, but this will be the last straw.
As nation diverge in the land of the first man, an entire faction will be wiped off the planet in the greatest happening of all time
It is KEKs final gift
>It's probably too early in the morning for a race war in Europe but anything is possible
Anything is possible we must believe.
Oh I guess the Afghanistan bombing counts as a happening? It doesn't really fill the void though
no happenings for you this time filthy goyim
digits confirm
rolling for jeb going nuclear
If repeating numbers another major attack in france 300 dead this time causing civil war to break out
This is the end of the skit.
This is the end.
I'm calling that triggered bernouts will attempt to take out the queen bitch next week. Praise kek
stay cucked goyim
Next big happening sometime in August. Kek approves
d'ah, come on! reroll.
Berlin gets attacked on August the 16th.
Shut your face Jew Europe will rise up and take back their countries from the Muslim scum.
roll for race war
ayy lmaos invade earth and take all the women
oy vey that was a close one goy
too bad the jews won again
No Happening, need to sleep, thanks
Nice try you failed Jew now it's time for dinner.
Qek please bless us with a happening in Europe tomorrow
Roll for tsunami on cal
(((stop you)))
I'm bored.
Please, Kek?
one more time for no happenings before I gas myself
count all of 2016's happenings
2017 will be double that number
This is pathetic
We need more energy
Tomorrow Chiraq will be exposed for what it really is
Florida will flood by kek's will
Tis a good night for a commie breakdown
Anyone remember watching global stock markets crash last September? Those were good times, senpais
bless kek
I don't fuck with kek but I would love to see Iran try to explain one of their nukes accidently exploding in some underground bunker
What if 3 dindus get shot in public and all 3 unarmed
I call on KEK to make a happening of great disaster.
Roll for fourth reich