What was the point of this scene?
What was the point of this scene?
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Robin Williams was actually known to be a fan of the show. They probably just had him pick a toy off the shelf that he recognized.
They wouldn't sell an import figure in a Wal-Mart, that came from his own collection
robin williams was a weeb
wtf williams
I don't watch anime, how do you says it?
Thank god hes dead
Fucking pusher of anti art
The point was to show how his character was obsessed with the family to the point he'd show interest in even minor things to high degrees.
Also to weeb out in a major movie and show off his toy collection.
There was a point around that time they actually got into that stuff. Trying to cash in on the popularity of anime, but the selections were so small that it was a novelty at best.
He reminds me of Chris Chan if Chris got his shit together
I thought that was FLCL for a moment.
>Mass production EVA
>Good guy
SEELE did nothing wrong.
But do you say Evan-jellist or Evan-gellist?
Fucking stupid cock-sucker.
Read these exactly the same
They're not the same word. Evangellion is a made up word and it's pronounced E-van-gelly-on by Engrish Japanese people.
Evangelion was an actual Greek word
It was picked just because it sounded complicated
Isn't that toy supposed to come with a pic of Asuka?
>What does he do?
>He's a good guy, he can fly, and has a silver sword that kills bad guys
What did they mean by this?
That kid shouldn't be watching EVA. it's not appropriate at that age.
He understood Rei was best girl
>smug worst girl
lmaoing @ ur life
based robin
>finding eva merch at a local department store
I WISH it was that easy
to show how only children should be interested in anime, mechs, toys, etc.
It was though. Early 2000s places like Walmart, Toys R Us, KB Toys, and Target had plenty of anime toys.
Hollywood was trying to resell anime hard with big budget hollywood cast dubs and new merch and it was awful.
>tfw you can never save him
i miss u robin
Are there any Hollywood anime dubs besides Disney's Ghibli dubs? I was taken aback by Chloe Moretz being the lead in Princess Kaguya
In the 1990s basically everything got redubbed and some of the big actors were weeb as shit and signed on. Not the all-hollywood shit that started and ended with mononoke though.
Kiefer Sutherland was in armitage iii, breaking bad was in macross plus.
What was wrong with it? Do you hate dubs or you didn't like the fact anime was going mainstream?
i hate the mainstream dubs that were bad quality with high price names, they were like the worst dubs ever recorded and it was because people didn't know the difference between acting and voice acting. Hollywood fucked up repeatedly in that area.
Sir Patrick Stewart dubbed Nauscia.
Lupin III: Castle of Count Cagliostro is still on of my favourite films of all time. The VHS dub had awful sound quality for voice work but the voices were perfect and the translation was good. This got a redub on DVD and it was awful, new actors and so on.
The US Blu-ray has every dub for Cagliostro save for an obscure one made for in flight movie airings
Patrick Stewart was in fucking TES: Oblivion. He'll whore himself for earl grey money
Even the VHS version? I wanted the VHS version with high quality sound, that's all.
Actually he's admitted before he'll do anything if he thinks people will enjoy it, even if he may not. He understood that anime dubs and video games are important to some people, he's been in several video games doing voice over work.
>They kill the bad guy
Oh. "Neon Genesis Evangelion."
Yeah he's basically British John Malkovich or Ron Perlman.
It's got both Streamline and Manga's on there in DTS-MA.
Robin williams is a fan of the show and Evangelion obviously shares a lot of themes with one hour photo. Its just a nod to Eva.
I also actually like that he says "Evangjellyon" because his character isnt aware of the show. Maybe that was a little joke williams put in there to get evafags mad.
Those old British guys will do anything. Peter Cushing said he would take the shittiest parts imaginable and treat it like Sheakesphere
To show he was so obsessed with the family that he bought the kid the toy.
Also, there is some angel symbolism before he goes crazy with the toy.
I didn't recall her knockers were that big. Or was it just gravity?
All breasts look bigger from that position, same way they look smaller when a woman is laying on her back.
Well it is Gainax
Evangelion means gospel.
Neon Genesis Evangelion literally means: Gospel of the New Beginning.
End of Evangelion = End of the Gosepel
Fucking Anno does kino again!
Thermal expansion
Robin was Sup Forums and techninj as fuck
>robin williams was a weeb
No wonder he offed hisself
>Actually he's admitted before he'll do anything if he thinks people will enjoy it, even if he may not.
whatever he's gotta tell himself. In reality he's just a sellout whore
Reddit will NEVER admit that Williams is a hack who doesn't know shit about anime or video games.
He named his daughter ZELDA. It's like the most mainstream pleb series around for fuck sake.
"Oh, he said it wrong to troll Evangelion fans, lol! That crazy Williams!"
No he fucking did not. He never saw Evangelion. Just get over it.
Lying. You lie down.
>anons think what he said about evangelion sounding complicated is true
,i think he was talking to grade schoolers, thats why he said that
as if theyre gonna understand what this guy just posted
Should have named her Reimu like that Hawaiian user
Evangelion is mostly style over substance. Nothing inherintely wrong with that, Gainax is just the reference studio with most of it's references lost on the gaijin audience.
>robin williams was a weeb
no shit. He named his daughter "Zelda"
Robin Williams was a NGE fan.
Like, legit, old fan.
This entire scene was a joke meant to be aimed at fellow NGE fans.
If you're not a fan, this scene wasn't aimed at you and can be safely skipped.
Original NGE fans are rare even in Sup Forums these days so i don't expect many of them to be on Sup Forums of all places.
Robin was a fucking bro.
He was one of us.
I really miss that son of a bitch.
Reminder of what we could have gotten with GiTS 2016 if he was still alive.
>"Oh, anime, this is why they should nuke those slanty eyed asia kikes again"
Jesus christ Romanek, was that really necessary
they both had a bat boy shtick in them, but FLCL's was just a throwaway scene in one ep.
Me too, user.
To highlight his autism.
ashes to ashes
Both of these amazing artists are dead now.
Brings tears to my eyes
>implying the film wasn't kino
Shia LaBoeuf also voiced a character in Nausicaa
>mfw lil slugger must have appeared late for Mr Robin Williams
>An anime in which the pressures of an unhappy life cause a physical manifestation of their frustration to brutalize and kill people as a means of escape
Yeah, that'd be his favorite wouldn't it?
Plenty of people are called Zelda, its a fine European name
>If you're not a fan, this scene wasn't aimed at you and can be safely skipped
But if what said was true doesn't that mean I shouldn't skip it?
Nah, that user is speculating.
The scene has no symbolism, it's just Robin having a laugh with NGE fans.
He's holding a Series and getting everything about it (and the show) completely wrong.
It's a joke.
If i'm not mistaken it could even be a Revoltech figure of a Series, wich would make him a patrician motherfucker.
But the packaging is too different from the usual Revoltech stuff so it's probably of some lower quality company (or they took the thing out and repackaged it in a fake package to avoid copyright stuff, that's doable too)