Lost all my jebs

lost all my jebs

can we please have a jeb thread?

post your jebs please

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I'm glad I was alive to witness Jeb's campaign.

I call this one "The Bernie"





This is my favorite Jeb. It doesn't need any changes. It's perfect.






kek is that Crippled America?







actually only george w will be her lil president

sorry jeb

I wanted to do republican things with my friends.


I honestly feel bad for him


hi energy jebs inbound
















Wheres the one were he's working a donut shop drive through?
Might be my all time favorite.


Jesus Christ... I feel bad for the guy. I'd give him a hug

and a clap or two








"Elect Trump"
-- Jeb Bush

I'm going to really miss this election season.

>Someone actually bought a Jeb Guacbowl
The absolute madman


poor graham guy



Holy fuck. I feel so bad for Jeb. He's like someone from /r9k/ who tried to fix his life and do politics.

here's a version that isn't retardedly bloated

God damn, it just keeps happening.

he's a neocon globalist

he doesn't even deserve to exist

Jeb is the guy who sits alone at lunch softly giving himself pep talks as he eats his guac

It's a different passage.

Damn, why do i feel bad for him? He is still rich.

It's a different fucking excerpt.

Is she really a member of LaRaza?

Money is great. It gives you freedom and less worry and luxuries. However, it doesn't always earn you respect or a sense of self or confidence.

Well, at least he has someone...

He was also the kid who did magic tricks




>I almost feel sorry for Yeb


Fresh today jebs, bless his heart

It is good that you didn't vote for him (He seems too weak for the job)... and yet...



Did Jeb win the presidentb owl yet?

Another fresh jeb

It's really sad. I'd be his buddy. We can play vidya while he wears his favorite hoodie

When Trump was here before
Couldn't look him in the eye
He's just like a bully
His words make me cry

He talks like a leader
In a politically incorrect world
I wish I was special
He's so fucking special

But I'm a Bush, I'm low-energy
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect campaign
I want a perfect poll

I want them to notice
When I'm off the end
Trump's so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a Bush, I'm low-energy
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

My supporters
They're running out again,
They're running out...
They run run run run...

Whatever makes Trump happy
Whatever Trump wants,
Trump's so fucking special
I wish I was special...

But I'm a Bush, I'm low-energy
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here.

I should probably find another head, I just like this expression

My Jeb! coffee mug

>Well, at least he has someone...

So did Susan Atkins and Leslie Van Houten...

Only created 3 jebs today. I'm slacking, have a fresh trump

It's like even his dad doesn't love him. Pobre Yeb.

Love is expression in a myriad of ways

Out of all the savage bant this guy received during the primaries...this was by far the most brutal. Fuck....I'd kill myself tbqhfam.

bush's face just slowly sinking into the ground



>Daddy why didn't papa win?
>Well, dear, you see, he was low energy.
>Oh, and that's why Mr. Trump won?
>Yes it is dear.
>Can you buy me a MAGA hat daddy?
>Sure dear. We'll return the guac bowl.

That is fucking brutal man. A robot destroyed the poor man

Graham spent 2.7 million dollars?

Top kek what a waste of money.