and if so if it was televised would you watch it?
Will there ever be a trial?
bamping for banta
Why do people think he killed his wife?
Is this a neo-meme I missed?
You're dealing with people who think pizzagate was real.
Who could be behind this post?
>LAPD responsible for investigating anything
>LA County Judiciary responsible for bringing charges
>LA County Judiciary responsible for holding a fair trial
No, it wont happen.
Sup Forumsacks aren't people
See? They are literally a hive-mind cult.,
1 im not american
2 i dunno what pizzagate is
3 given hes a self important narcissist and the way she died im not surprised some people wonder if he was involved
What's his name again?
sean cody, google him, he puts out a lot of manly kino.
>I'm a terrible liar and fellow cult member.
noice projection burger.
why wasn't he arrested for possession of narcotics when the police found his wife dead from narcotics?
that is the great mystery friend, especially as he confessed to supplying them for her.
Hi Dan.
What? His wife OD'd off narcotics he gave her? Source?
google it lazy git-this is where the controversy started. apparently he was cleared because he wasnt home when she died.
burden of proof is on you faggot. you made the claim.
>its an angry atheist episode
you fucks are so fat andd lazy the meme really does fit kek.
nuh uh I got a 7 inch dick and fuck prime bitches left and right ya neckbeard basement dweller
It's a fact your mother sucks black cock for $5 a pop. No I won't provide evidence. Search for it yourself you lazy fuck.
hi patton cronies! whats its like being unbearbly fat and lazy to the point you cant be bothered to open another internet page eh?
Replies like these and people still pretend this place isn't ten times worse than Reddit
Proove it
Why do cuck suck so hard at memes?
ya lazy cunts.
Yes, yes, we see the passive-aggressive posit NOW. The point is that if you're going to assert something in the first place then you also have to be the one to back it up; you can't expect other people to do the work to prove your point.
>gives you link
>this is somehow strawmanning
you need to go back.
>being this much of a triggered faggot
>admits using google is too much work for his lazy fat fingers
top kek.
>list of articles about her cause of death from an overdose
>only two results that attempt to blame Patton are from r/opieandanthony
>When Sup Forums commits to not making logical fallacies more than Sup Forums does
What a strange and magical place this is
>we heard you the first few times
>but hes still a faggot asking for me to repeat it
>every article highlights how oswalt was investigated for the drugs found on the property which was why he was asked in the first place
oswalt you already know this, why are you hanging out on tv?
Here, it's past the point of needing it, but just for posterity.
>arguing for the sake of arguing
ok bro, ok. i know that feel to be that bored too.
>passive agressive in the face of a truce
kek ok bro ok, calm down.
He definitely killed her. He's clearly mentally ill
>every article highlights how oswalt was investigated for the drugs
Of course he would be investigated you dense cunt, anyone would be in that situation. Woman dies in her bed of an overdose, there's drugs all over the house, obviously they're going to question the husband. If you think that automatically leads to "he was to blame for her murder" though you have no idea how the legal system works and you're a fucking retard.
why are you such a triggered cunt? is oswalt your daddy or something?
cool story bro.
Funny how no one gave this guy an actuall answer.
goodness you are dense
>can't provide any evidence to back up his claim
>knows he's lost
>better accuse the other guy of being triggered!
You're precious.
>never said oswalt killed his wife
>thought this meme was pretty well known on this board
>but apparently inadvertently managed to trigger and autistic cunt to sperg out
oh tv, dont ever change
he didn't, she killed herself because she had to live with him
that's still not a crime tho
I hope not. I really enjoy his Twitter meltdowns when he gets triggered by Trump basically every day. I look away from Twitter for an hour and he had managed to make like 20 posts raging about something Trump did
It's amazing
see when white guys kill their wives, they don't leave a god damn trace. there will never be a fucking trial, and no one will ever know the fucking truth. get over it nerds.
this ruins my childhood a bit