Berniegate fucking happens and immediately divides the entire DNC once again

Meanwhile, the Republicans are still debating whether or not to pledge full support to donald trump

This election is a fucking joke

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Oh no dissent, what ever shall we do? It's a good thing, cum guzzler

Politics have always been a joke, this election is just a slight deviation from the usual routine

k...keep me posted

>Meanwhile, the Republicans are still debating whether or not to pledge full support to donald trump



>>Meanwhile, the Republicans are still debating whether or not to pledge full support to donald trump

Do you think the RNC has a boner for Trump or something

Donald Trump is an outsider to politics. They don't fucking like him because they don't feel he has "earned the right" to be president. However, they'd rather have a puppet like trump who will sign all documents the republicans give him without question, then someone like hillary who will veto everything.

And no, Congress won't allow trump to build the wall.

One might almost think your whole system of delegates over direct suffrage is fucked.

>in your opinion

The problem isn't delegates

The problem with american politics is superdelegates.

Superdelegates are fucking bullshit and a single vote from a superdelegate can change the entire election -- and voters can't influence anything they say.

In the case of the DNC, Bernie Sanders COULD win the campaign right now if every single superdelegate changed their vote to bernie sanders instead of hillary clinton, there's still time to do this before the DNC

Yes -- it's still possible for Hillary to lose the primary. That's how fucking powerful superdelegates are.

He is the current record holder for delegates within the RNC, even beating out Reagan.


It's fact. Has Ted Cruz endorsed Trump? Has Marco Rubio endorsed Trump? Has ANY high ranking republican endorsed Trump?

>Has Marco Rubio endorsed Trump
Yes, he has back in May.

>Has Ted Cruz endorsed Trump? Has Marco Rubio endorsed Trump?

Atleast you're obviously trolling now.

>Yes, he has back in May.
No, Marco Rubio never endorsed Trump.

He launched the "Never Hillary" campaign but never outright endorsed him.

>They don't fucking like him because they don't feel he has "earned the right" to be president.
This. He's stealing the career politicians dream job.


*smug anime girl face*

You're dumb as fuck.


Fuck your shit OP

Fuck what you think and fuck what you feel and fuck what you're being told to believe.

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

look at this cocksucking shill. return to leddit you fucking faggot

>the out-of-touch cocksuckers at the RNC passing judgement on anybody
I hate Trump and I am laffin

Trump is transforming the Republican party like dare I say it....Reagan did

The Wall and Anti-Globalism is part of that change...he'll easily get it passed a Republican Congress, a majority of whom want stricter Boarder Control

I bet you hate him because he is a racist, sexist, xenophobic, demogogue and tyrant amirite?

>Getting the wall passed Congress

not happening.

didn't they already pass a bill for constructing one long ago...it just wasn't done because of "muh environment"

No, he's just an unlikable,self-important thinskinned ballsack with toupee. Nevermind the Chapter 11's, losing discimination lawsuits, and shitting on small businesses. I would criticize his politics and policies, if he had any.

Here's the truth about Donald Trump's wall.

There's no way construction of the wall will begin within Trump's first term. Something like that just isn't possible to do with such short notice. At BEST, it could begin in Trump's 6th year, but the reality is Trump isn't getting re-elected because his opponenet won't be someone as easily defeatable as Hillary next time.

And even if Trump by some miracle of god IS elected, the second his 8 years are up his successor will cancel the wall entirely. Trump is the only reason the wall would be built and I can't see development continuing without Trump in the president's chair.

>And no, Congress won't allow trump to build the wall.
The wall will get built because the people demand it

Hi shill

>The problem isn't delegates
>The problem with american politics is superdelegates.

No one should have votes with that sort of power that just oozes corruption and both should be considered a real problem. But yes you're right Super delegates are a real threat to democracy.

>This election is a fucking joke

Oh really? An election between a professional blowhard clown of a business tycoon and a professional politician who is very obviously lying through her teeth and is all but convicted of breaking several laws. Who would have thought this would be a joke.

You do realize his chapter 11's were restructuring of debt right? The fact that he has billions of dollars and people can unironically call him a financial failure is beyond me. His economic policies are all about bringing back prosperity to small businesses.

You sound really ignorant of his policies and I think you aren't bringing up any critiques about them because you don't know any.

>mfw gary johnson is going to get into the debates

This is why we make fun of Canada

Thanks Nate

>no successful businesses
>buzzword filled "policies"
>people unironically support Trump

I'm surprised people here aren't pissed as well. It was also related that Donald Trump is on the DNC payroll. That pretty much confirms the theory that he is a plant.

This is you Leaf

Most Sup Forumsacks are very short sighted in that fact.

Whatever power Trump manages to get while in the oval office, the successor will inherit.


the border wall is an engineering feat of nearly unprecedented proportions and will cost billions over what they say it will. It will flounder and trump will look like a fucktard when one of his biggest campaign promises are not achieved

I already dislike the dems, but seeing that they don't trust Clinton gives them some hope of coming back to sanity. Not much but some.

>high tech 4th dimension tactical espionage political analysis

You guys are shit
Go back to college

I see you addressed zero of my points. The Pew center for research is absolutely true then when it showed that liberals are the most uninformed low-information voters of any party.

It doesn't confirm shit. What are your sources? What makes you think Trump is on the DNC payroll?

Yes he did. He literally endorsed him, by name.

>This. He's stealing the career politicians dream job.



He didn't endorse Trump, he just hates Hillary is all.

Are you referring to how he's a reality TV personality instead of an actual politician? Because that''s true.

There are a lot of politic fags that pull down 6-figures just kissing someone's ass. They don't want to lose their cushy job and will fight Trump and Bernie all the way


What do you fucking think Anonymous

Do you think the republican election is some WWE storyline Trump is trying to play or some shit? Like when he's elected Vince McMahon will be there at his election and announce Trump's first act as president is to be in the Sunday SuperSlam?

Where do you think we are right now you pretentious Kiwi cunt?

I dont understand why people keep saying "THE WALL ISNT GOING TO GET BUILT, NEVER!"

In the grand scheme of things, its not that big of an investment. While Id much rather see a continental bullet train system, we have bigger problems to tackle. Not to mention, Congress will get eaten alive if they try to shut it down. Its not like out fucking hat saying they're going to legalize weed and not deliver. Trump has made it clear that the rest of the world isnt going to tell him how to run our country, you think he's going to lwt Congress or Mexico tell him otherwise. Already said he was going to repeal NAFTA and those niggers started shaking in their boots.

You are aware that there is already portions of a "wall" along the border right kid? Go grab a hot pocket and stfu.

So what do you think people should vote the other way because of that ? You think the other options are better ?

>Cruz and Marco
>high ranking

get a load of this faggot!

Reagan was an actor.
The Terminator ended up as a governor.

Its a slightly longer version of israeli wall.
Fuck off with your engineering feat bullshit, its not complex to make a wall.

>And no, Congress won't allow trump to build the wall.

Trump will make sure it will happen. He'll find out what's stopping the wall and fix it just like he found out how to pay for it on the Mexicans behalf.

a fake payroll spreadsheet is being spread on facebook

No one really cares though. It's just the Reddit democrats. Your average minority won't give a shit at all.

>austrialians shitposting

The US-Mexico border is 1200 miles, that little wall in Israel is 400 miles


