

DNC sees Hispanics as tradable commodities

it's almost as if they only bring them here to vote Democrat and lower wages

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Not really a surprise. How to get this out to spics? Perhaps we could convince/trick Bern-outs to spread this info on SJW platforms. They must have some spics in their ranks.

hispanic is such a dumb meme word

why they dont just use "mexicans" we all know they are mexicans

The leaks also said that Trump and his family are on DNC payroll. Yet no one of this board seems to care about it.

Looked into this deeply myself, it was confirmed for false.

Got link to proof?

Spics don't like Hillary anyways.

Probably because all of the Guatemalans, Hondurans, and Salvadorians pretend to be "Mexican" on all their paperwork even when they get deported so they get deported to Mexico and not their original cunts

>Hispanic Millennials are now larger than the current Baby Boomer demographic and growing.

Fuck... there goes my traditionalism and white heritage.

After SNCC expelled whites, it formed seperatist groups including feminist & La Raza

>it's almost as if they only bring them here to vote Democrat and lower wages
hahahahah not a chance my man that's crazy talk and not to mention incredibly racist

Kek the brand loyalty shit cracks me up. I know a mexican guy like this. He only votes democrat because his parents do. He only buys toyota because his parents do. He only does something if his parents do it.

then why not call them mestizos

Real Hispanics are spaniards
Say mestizo if you're gonna shit talk beaners. If you use "Hispanic" then you are anti colonist cause the colonist were from spain


literally anything is better than Baby Boomer scum

You should write a letter or start a petition, because I don't control the public lexicon

They probably told him a story lmao, as Mexicans are the most affected by that out of any race according to the DNC.

Do Baby Boomers vote majority Republican because "muh old white people" or largely Democrat because they came to age during the era of degeneracy in the 60s?

Didnt realize hispanics had american values

>DNC and RNC sees all voters as tradable commodities


Can you even imagine the outrage by SJWs if this came from the RNC?

No way, I cannot believe it.

The DNC sees everybody as tradable commodities. They have to, that's the way marketing works.

Well the best thing about Hispanics is they are mostly contained in a few states that are so strongly blue that it doesn't matter too much how they vote.

Exactly. This is right up SJW rage ally, we need to spread it far and wide, ESPECIALLY on Twitter. Get people fed up with this shit and have them take it out on the Democrat Party and not vote for them come November.

It's not almost like

That's literally the motive

>be democrat
>let illegals get drivers licenses in california
>let people with licenses go vote
>create welfare state that coddle people without jobs and illegals

Ann was right again

I hate people who vote based on shit like this. They don't even care about policies

Would be better if it could be spread under the assumption that it came from the RNC.

The Democrats have to import people to implement their horrible ideas. I wonder how hard this will back fire upon them? Literally importing slaves.

Spics don't care. They know this isn't their country so they don't care about what happens to it.

It's all just a financial transaction to them: Who gives me the most money?

Protip: It's always the Dems.

Then they'll pack up and leave when they've sucked this country dry.

It's almost as if they're saying that certain demographics within your population think or behave in different ways based on their belonging to those certain groups - along racial and cultural lines, if you would. Hmm. Interesting that the Democrats would come up with such a theory.

In fairness, the person who sent the email is obviously a hispanic himself.

So they are like dindus except spics have an exit plan.

"How to manipulate those stupid fucking Hispanics into voting for us 101"

Basically. Beaners have a little European in them so they will always be better than niggers, but not by much.

I care about this country..

well duh
the zim zam is an honorary Aryan
