>close your eyes
>replace emma frog stone for rachel mcadams
It would have been kino and you know it user
>close your eyes
>replace emma frog stone for rachel mcadams
It would have been kino and you know it user
No one?
Emma Stone stinks!
Preach brotha!! That overacting frog
>I just like big dicks
Would've actually won Best Picture.
She looks so much like a girl I had a crush on in high school it's almost uncanny. The only difference is that Emma has red hair and high school crush was brunette.
But I couldn't stop watching this movie because of the likeness. It actually blew my mind.
Answer me this. How can't critics see overacting? It's so visible in her scenes
Had you never seen frogfu before La La Land?
I have, but she looks more like said girl in La La Land than in anything else. It was the first time I noticed the similarity.
Good for you mate
You go OP
Emma Stone is T T H I C K
What a terrible flick. Chazelle is a hack. He got lucky with Whiplash.
More like S T I C C C
Failed wannabe director spotted
Real women have curves and my waifu emily has them. Her ass is magnificent
I have no interest in directing films.
Emma Stone is an ugly talentless whore. Now fuck off, Damien.
So edgy. Fuck off twat you can't even find better gal in hollywood right now
I could list a thousand actresses who are better than her but I don't feel like wasting any more time on you.
Do not reply to me again.
What if Taylor Swift was Lala instead
Has she acted any movie? She would have been too tall desu
Hahah because you value your time so much. Browsing Sup Forums shitposting. Kys