How do we fix the West Coast?
How do we fix the West Coast?
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Nuke it/ethnically cleanse all latinos
Nuke it then give it back to the native americans as a preserve once it's cleaned up. Mexico can have the southern regions.
niggers and chinks dont forget abut them
wait for that megaquake that was hyped up and watch it sink into the pacific
More Mormon babies
Make them go back
Kill all the hippies and unemployed
Before the mass latino migration, California was a red state. Reagan was a two term governor and Nixon a senator. Even Nevada was reliably Republican until recently, as they voted Bush twice.
Only Arizona is red now. And who knows how long until it turns blue.
Washington and Oregon are filled with cucks though. Even the whites there vote majority Democrat.
Nuke Seattle and Portland. Give SoCal to Mexico. It's already majority non-white.
The states you have highlighted make bank and don't need to be fixed. If you want to fix something look to the Southern states that are welfare queens.
We'll remove nigger eventually but that's a different issue and not what this thread about. Or maybe we should just evacuate the whites and declare the whole area the African Autonomous Region or something.
Arizona here. I have a very strong feeling were Red. Unknown to most, Mexicans who are here legally are mostly red where I am. They also hate wetbacks more than anything else.
Nuke us
>SD compared to ND
Does that have something to do with Injuns or what?
Nothing about AZ or AK needs to be fixed, except the illegals.
>Build a wall.
This makes it clear. Kill all niggers, close the border, and the problem is solved.
I dream for you friend. You can choose to nuke, but I will nuke next to you.
Kern county California here please send reinforcements
Yes. Same as Montana.
Just deport the illegals and gibmedats
Friendly reminder the weather and scenery here is almost unparalleled worldwide
Us Latinos didn't create the white nu-male cuck.
>tfw legal latino citizen who is supported by Trump
He loves us, why don't you love us, user?
Wait for an earthquake big enough to break off a large chunk of Commiefornia, then cry as the refugees spread to multiple red states, infecting them with their PC bullshit, and stay comfy as this "zombie" apocalypse causes the end of USA as we know it.
or exterminate all the liberal boomers, our politicians and mexicans.
California was a very purple state. You just are not cognizant of it because the definitions and the goalposts have moved so much.
California stopped being a reliable Republican State long before Nixon and Reagan took office.
Traditional Conservative Democrat state. It is likely to be pushed into the red corner due to demographics changes. The main problem for Democrats comes from the fact that there are actual 4-5-6th Generation Hispanics in the state and they are the one's who are trending Republican. The only way that is going to change is if the Democrats can put together a state party that actually appeals to the electorate.
Will probably be Red in 5-10 years. Don't see that changing anytime soon.
Lost because of population imbalances and mail voter.
There is a very strong possibility that Washington could move into the Purple column in the coming years (FUTURE SWING STATE!!!!). A strong labor tradition, increasing suburbanization and its lily white complexion make for a powder keg that will explode if the right nonsense is spewed out of the Democrats mouth (Seattle is definitely helping here).
I hear this all the time from Arizonans and Texans but statistically the vast majority of your Latinos vote Democrat. 80% say they prefer Democrats, although Obama won 67% of the Arizona Latino vote.
California is already too far gone, pretty sure whites are a minority there
Hispanic turnout is atrocious. For whatever reason (And I hear this a lot from Hispanics), Voting is seen as either not helping or a very big negative thing to do. I think this may have to do with the wrong vote in the mother land quite possibly leading to you/your family/your friend being killed by the ruling party. In that instance, the less ownership the better.
>From 1952 to 1988, California voted for the Republican nominee for President with the exception of 1964.
>Republicans were dominant from the 1960s to the 1980s. Only has this recently changed due to the influx of its population.
See Also, this idea that Latinos are becoming more conservative by the generation is absurd. They have become increasingly liberal over the years, even those who are not recent immigrants. Even Tejanos (who have been in the state of Texas since its foundation) vote reliably Democrat.
North has oil money, south doesn't.
Montana has a lot of federal land in it in addition to Indians
Bomb the fault line. Not even a nuke is needed. The whole west coast will be trashed an tsunamied. If you just wait long enough it will happen anyway
Kill everybody, even the whites there are useless (the liberal ones)
Convince legal Mexicans that they don't want illegal Mexicans around and they need to vote straight ticket Republican. As long as Democrats renain weak on the border and favorable for welfare then they will never vote right. Maybe if we make gun rights more important to them we can get somewhere
>Make gun rights more important
62% of Hispanics believe we should have more gun control. This number drops to 59% for U.S. born Hispanics, but that is still an overwhelming majority.
>From 1952 to 1988, California voted for the Republican nominee for President with the exception of 1964.
Almost every other state voted for the Republican during that time too (Excepting the South and the post-Nixon slump).
>Republicans were dominant from the 1960s to the 1980s. Only has this recently changed due to the influx of its population.
Once again, maybe for the President.
Democrats controlled the Assembly and Senate far more than Republicans did. State vs National power.
>Also, this idea that Latinos are becoming more conservative by the generation is absurd.
They also don't vote in very high numbers and are apathetic but at least express conservative views sometimes.
They won't matter as a population bloc for a while it seems.
Most Hispanics have never even handled a gun.
Education and training will do wonders if someone was willing to put their foot forward.
You have to remember that most of the Hispanic world had very loose gun laws up until the chaos of the 1960's. It is like a cultural valve that hasn't been opened yet.
Nothing, its dead to me.
I'm leaving it and never going back
Remove the ability for illegal, undocumented immigrants to vote. This alone will fix 70% of the political problems.
Force dogshit welfare states like Georgia to carry their own weight so we can actually use our own fucking money.
Finally, hire a world class debate genius to logically and irrefutably discredit the retarded ideas that spew out of Berkeley.
There, fixed it.
Cities to nuke:
>San Francisco / Oakland
>Los Angeles / Jewywood
I think you are giving them too much credit.
>Just educate them and they will vote for us.
We've said the same thing about Blacks. Like pointing out "Democrats are the real racists that started the KKK". It's true and all, but it isn't winning over any voters.
Hispanics by and large support the welfare state and support loose immigration laws. Statistically, the only issue Republicans win with them on is abortion. And even that is low on their list of voting priorities.
Bring back consistent salmon
Seattle is the 5th whitest big city in the U.S fyi.
>"Democrats are the real racists that started the KKK"
That argument has never been trotted out seriously. It was a hand me down argument that was used against Southerners and somehow has managed to stay with us through generations.
Blacks are bloc-voters. Hispanics are non-voters. Somewhat of a difference.
>Hispanics by and large support the welfare state and support loose immigration laws. Statistically, the only issue Republicans win with them on is abortion. And even that is low on their list of voting priorities.
If I'm not mistaken, most white people also support the welfare state.
Loose immigration as an issue will correct itself if we tighten down our laws. Eventually, in 2 or 3 generations they will forget they have family in the old country and that will be the end of that.
> Statistically, the only issue Republicans win with them on is abortion. And even that is low on their list of voting priorities.
Abortion is typically a female driven issue. All that really says it that "Wise Latinas" are answering the polls and voting. Stop talking about the issue and then you don't have a problem.