What the hell did Hank Green mean by this?
What the hell did Hank Green mean by this?
Who cares?
Who the fuck is he?
maybe making a comparison to particular islamic countries where there is little to no separation between church and state
What is ironic about that?
do atheists not see the irony of criticizing fundamental Christians when they are the ones who built the countries we enjoy today and did all of the hard work?
Especially in USA its just cringeworthy. Christian extremists accomplished incredible feats here. They have more of a right to this country than anyone else, they quite literally made it.
A fucking white male
A nu-male cuck with a moderately popular JewTube channel.
I don't get it. He's perfectly right.
Religion has no place in public education. Anybody with a functional brain will agree to that.
Can we just fucking ban these "E-celeb" threads already?
Muh Constitution and the separation of church and state I assume.
Mohammed was a warlord, killed and raided people.
Christ just wanted to be a nice guy
Now watch him do a double think a couple years later if opportunity permits, to introduce "integration" Islam to public schools
oh... Christianity is cool though. It's implicitly white American. Islam can fuck off.
He's right. Religious Nutjobs hijacked the Conservative movement. If we removed religion from our Conservatism, we would be superior to Liberals in every single way.
We would be the party of Spock
There is an eternal tension that is built into the Establishment Clause
It's incredibly ironic not to want your wife to have had 30 sexual partners.
>Anybody with a functional brain will agree to that.
What are you? A kike? Christian faith should always have a place in our public education. If you remove religion from the school house, the state becomes a religion. That's literal communism.
*tips fedora*
Did Republicans even talk about this at the RNC? Lmao that hasn't been on the agenda for years now.
He probably meant "paradox" instead of irony, but even then it'd still be the sort of literally senseless remark that sounds like smart person talk to some dumb fag.
>They have more of a right to this country than anyone else, they quite literally made it.
lol, you give them too much credit. What made this country is smallpox. It paved the way for them to take over the land.
The blacks did the brunt of the work in agriculture.
The chinese built the railroads
The jews turned America into an economic powerhouse
No... Christianity has been central to our country since its beginning. Christian moralism stops the excesses of laissez fair capitalism.
>Christian extremists
The forefathers were Deists. They thought there was a God but recognized that Christianity is retarded. Fuck yourself.
I would definitely be in the Party of Spock. He's Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor.
> people vote against conservatives because muh religion
> not because they want free stuff and free handouts
Only fags argue this, the religious conservatives far surpasses the number of LGBT and fedora conservatives.
Why do crypto-jews that omit the berg/blat/stein/thal part always have names stemming from pokemon versions? Green, gold, silver, diamond, etc.
Seriously, I don't fucking get it.
Is that cuck related to John "nigger cum in my cereal" Green?
separation of church and state
No. It's public education, keep religion OUT.
It's like wanting Islam in public education. No matter the religion it has no place in public education.
Want to teach religion at schools? Teach it in private religious institutes like catholic schools and shit.
Public education is already bad enough as it is to make room for fucking religion. The US is falling super behind in everything, math, science, arts, sport. We don't need fucking religion taking the space of a more important material.
Make School great again.
Make American Smart Again.
Now I see.
Sort of like how Jews do with Israel?
It's interesting how atheists want churches to lose their tax-exempt status. It's like giving a tithe to the State from the churches' offering plates to fund their endless programs. But atheists insist they don't worship the State
how much of their time at sdcc was spent virtue signalling??
Is he talking about how republicans claim that schools are currently leftist indoctrination centres and teaching of religion in public schools would be the same but opposite?
>tfw giving the glory to the tools and not the empire
But teaching kids about white privilege and becoming a tranny is okay?
Then it's a good thing that the Republican Party isn't promoting that.
Our entire country is made of train tracks and cotton.
And the Chinese only helped build railroads in the west. The jew thing is a straight out lie. American industry made it rich.
Christianity and Islam make very different countries. The US is behind other countries because we have brown people. Our white people do very well.
>1 post by this id
>lol whites didnt do shit
>blacks are agri wizards
>jews are a good influence
Too obvious, shekelweitz
Did they ever state that they wanted to teach Christian values in public schools? They always get accused of doing so, but I've never seen anyone but literally whos advocate for that.
>The blacks did the brunt of the work in agriculture.
This was true until the late 1700s, when slavery was largely pushed out of the north and remained into the south, then we destroyed the south and it's entire economy in a civil war, turning all the black "contribution" into dust. Hence why the south is also less developed today than the North.
>The chinese built the railroads
They worked on them, they didn't build them all arone.
>The jews turned America into an economic powerhouse
Every other economy on the planet being a pile of rubble after WW2 made us into an economic powerhouse.
>moderately popular
>Be Christian
>Have certain morals you obtained through being religious
>Be elected into office
>Govern based on your morals
>Be Muslim
>Have no morals
>Conquer somewhere
>Rule based on the text in the koran, your holy book written by a pedophile warlord and human rights violation hobbyist
See the difference?
Not really. They just wanted to be able to say "Under God" in the pledge and let kids pray in school "If" they want to. Also something about stripping the Johnson amendment preventing church money in politics or something. This faggot in the OP is just overreacting to get the low information crowd the dems dont think they have.
(((Green))) is a Jewish name
>The US is behind other countries because we have brown people. Our white people do very well.
Wrong. Whites are still way behind whites, and Jews are so fucking far ahead it's not even funny.
Even you isolate the results by race, white america is still super behind.
To be honest, as someone who has worked with the education system, religion being introduced in the education system (where it has no fucking place into) is the least of its problems.
Grade inflation, horrible treatment of teachers, the government education institutes stealing shit, schools getting fucking nothing, bad areas not getting help at all to improve their quality of education, etc.
Our education system is a fucking joke. The "everybody is a winner" mentality is killing this country.
>he makes thirty fucking thousand dollars a month telling the world that white men are evil
This world needs to be destroyed.
My point is this country was not single highhandedly built by Christians or whites for that matter. Immigrants of all kinds helped contribute to make America great.
>People who base government on their religion are terrifying
>Being so dumb as to think its an issue with religion and not Islam itself.
I'm going to have to read up on how much blacks played a role in American agriculture. Because I'm confident people are exaggerating. Black slaves definitely did cotton and tobacco, but they didn't farm everything. "Life and Labor in the Old South" will give me some answers on this.
Yes. Brothers.
>implying washington was a founding father
Except that point is wrong.
The American people were mostly Christian though until the modern day. It had a major impact on our society.
They were all a tiny portion of the population up until recently.
The only sizeable minority population was blacks, and they didn't do shit.
>A fucking white beta nu male
Yes, they helped contribute, but don't try to insinuate that this country wasn't founded by, built up, and created on the principles of white christians.
He's a homosexual propagandist.
>actually quoting that VERY WIDELY discredited faggot who puts words in the mouth of the forefathers that they never, ever would have said because they weren't Christians.
End yourself, Christfag.
The problem is the Founding Fathers were several people, and not all of them agreed on things. Some of the Founders were Deists, and some were actually devout or practicing Christians. When we talk of the Founders, we're talking of compromises.
Libspeak translation:
"The last thing I need is ideological competition. And I'm a condescending cunt."
Wooooow.... if I was their father, I'd go FULL Chris Benoit on them.
Where does he say that white men are evil? Also that's only his patreon which doesn't count the money he gets from YouTube views; and he has 2 other channels, SciShow and VlogBrothers.
Sometimes you just can't help but admire merchants' ingenuity.
> this retard makes 30k per month
Fuck this earth.
nothing wrong if it is objective
>Hank Green
>mfw looks like an old lady
But it wasn't.
Thomas Jefferson was widely accused of being an atheist by his opponents who wanted to slander him to the religious nutjobs that we did have.
He's a Green. That's what those worthless rats believe.
>uses 'mfw' without posting a reaction picture
>also post yfw you realise you will never have a qt wife like Hank Green
>the country was just founded by a hand-full of 1770s fedora tippers
All the soldiers, Mayors, Govenors, Senators entrepenuers, explorers, and inhabitants weren't white christian too? Do you actually belive that even every signature on the DOI was some secular leftist? Christian white men made America.
Do you believe that negros were kangz by chance?
I have absolutely no idea who this cuck is but he's 100% correct. The state and all of its properties, including public education, are supposed to be secular. To think otherwise is wrong in every sense of the word.
This is Hank's perspective of Islam and terrorism, the naive little shit who has huge influence over youth
> muh ebil christians
> but shills for islam
This. Just because you're some faggot with a verified Twitter account doesn't mean that whatever you tweet should be considered thought provoking, let alone be taken seriously. It's the only thing worse than considering people like john oliver to be taken seriously. These e-celebs are nothing when it comes to politics or federal law yet idiots take their cherry picked opinion or belief as a verified fact.
This same guy would never be against having Islamic prayer rooms or Islamic history classes being forced in every classroom if it were up to him. He would say it's to combat racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia and never second guess that decision.
He's not worthless, his networth is 2.35 million dollars.
> created on the principles of white christians.
Are they even real Christians? The people who first arrived here were being persecuted by the Church of England.
I find it somewhat ironic that some people want to enforce Christianity in public schools when the first settlers that came here in the first place did so to escape religious persecution and practice religious freedom.
You don't really have to do anything just be an OK person and you are fine, even if you actually did something bad you will be forgiven if you really regret doing it.
You must kill at least one infidel to go to heaven
You must devote you life to islam and destroy anyone who insults it or its prophet
Oh I don't know which one would be worse to have a government based on?
Hank Green is the walking stereotype of a nu-male
>Terrorists would have you believe we're at war with Islam
>They are islamic
>Somehow being at war with them, would make them stronger
What kind of idiotic world view is this?
The only way it would make them stronger, is if they weren't Islamic.
>Public education is already bad enough as it is to make room for fucking religion. The US is falling super behind in everything, math, science, arts, sport. We don't need fucking religion taking the space of a more important material.
Perhaps the reason why our children fall behind is school is because they no longer have good work ethics and discipline and now indulge in all sorts of media based hedonism ignoring their studies. Perhaps if we were to inculcate in them values such has hard work, temperance, and obedience, values which are perfectly espoused by religion, they would be doing far better.
> rights violation hobbyist
So this guy would rather they teach Islam?
The thing with humanity though is that they take a good lifestyle like Christianity and pervert it into fascism. Plus religion always gets perverted into bullshit rules like not being able to buy booze on Christmas and bullshit like that.
Would be ideal to have Christianity as a cultural thing but the application of it in reality is garbage and just takes away our freedome because of some dumb book.
Why would you need a picture? "mfw" stands for "my feel when."
why do you faggots NEVER link us to the damn tweet so we can shitpost?
t hank green
You know she's cucking him
Yes, keep saying that to yourself, faggot.
>being this new and faggot
mfw = my face when
tfw = that feel when
ywn = you will never
Yes, yes, gibs me dat.
>this is what Mexicans actually believe
Newsflash that makes no fucking sense.
mfw=my feel when
tfw=that feel when
yfw=your feel when
ywn=you will never
Get a load of these faggots. Atheists are cancer to society
there are like 2 people in the republican party that want this
mfw=my face when
tfw=that feel when
yfw=your face when
ywn=you will never
you retarded American